Discovering The Patterns Of My Soul | Ash

Mosspaw was trying not to let her certainty waver.

That was why she had dissipated right after Cicadastar's announcement had concluded, she needed to clear her mind. She knew her family would want to talk to her, but she had needed a moment away from them.

She had volunteered for this journey, and even if it had been on a whim she meant to commit to it. That was the stars' will after all. Each passing moment tested her resolve though. The fact that she would be leaving the territory for the first time, and the danger she might face outside of it, was setting in. Mosspaw wanted to do this, but it would be a lie to say she wasn't scared.

That was why she had decided upon Ash as the first of her family to say goodbye to. Her sister, who had bravely faced down Thunderclan and twolegs and had returned triumphant from both. If any of her family would understand why she had to do this, it would be her. That was why she wanted to talk to her before she had to face her siblings or her mothers. It would be an easier goodbye, she thought.

Ash would not try to stop her. At least, she hoped not.

Catching sight of her sister's orange fur, Mosspaw approached hesitantly. She didn't quite know what to say. "Hello." She greeted simply. What else was there to say?​