Twitchbolt had never felt more unready for something, he was sure. Authority, now- apparently. It still hardly felt real, or- or worse, felt like some sort of mistake. Like- like Blazestar had accidentally drank some poison in the morning that had half-rotted his brain, and he'd made a stupid decision- because how, how was he a good choice?

It was a vicious cycle- for he knew as much as it made no sense, as much as anyone having a good perception of him was often unfathomable... Twitchbolt wanted this. He wanted to do well as a confidant, as a lead warrior- wanted to show everyone that his mentor's skills had not died with her. Oddly, he felt like he was carrying Daisyflight's legacy with him- like she was watching, waiting for him to do something to impress her.

Today would not be a day for that. Twitchbolt's fur had always had some... ridiculous and irritating ability to form a malicious temper and tangle itself into knots over what felt like mere minutes. Quillstrike cared for it well, but- through all of his friend's efforts, one stray mat always seemed to spring up moments later. It just so happened that today's knot was right behind his ear- so when Twitchbolt raised a back leg to absent-mindedly rid himself of an itch, one of his claws got caught.

As soon as he made the move to pull his leg away, he realised it was stuck- because he ended up violently tugging at his own head, too. The yank toppled him off balance immediately, eyes flying wide as he fell flat to the ground with a short yelp. He skittered to three feet in a panic, pulling and pulling, back leg remaining well-and-truly lodged.

Immediately, his mind fell into the spiral of hoping the floor might eat him. Or, better yet- Daisyflight's grave-rolling spirit would strike him with lightning and turn him into a pile of ash.
penned by pin ✧

Matted fur had, fortunately, never been a struggle for the short-haired Sparrowpaw. Upkeep of their pelt was easy, and it was something they did regularly. They simply didn't enjoy feeling dirty- not that they were afraid of it.

The chocolate tabby had heard plenty of horror stories about the struggle of having long fur in their life time. Matting especially. A nightmare to groom, sometimes even with help. It depended on the coat. Twitchbolt seemed to have exceptionally tangly fur.

Sparrowpaw had only just finished grooming themself when they spotted the tangled flurry of limbs that was Twitchbolt, head lifting in time for him to topple onto the earth in a position that struck them as odd, even for his typical quirks. The tom was upright in an instant, scrambling a few paces, and they stood up, now concerned.

"Twitchbolt?" they began uncertainly, trotting closer a few paces. "Are you- okay? What's wrong?" It was clear that he wasn't, but without him sitting still, they weren't sure what was wrong, much less how to help.


So far in the kitten's life he hadn't had to deal with his own fur being messy and matted, didn't really care about it. For now, his mother would clean his fur, and despite not liking that too much at the moment, he didn't really care to keep it from being messy. He'd likely care later in life, but for now it was games and making sure to bother the other kittens so they wouldn't forget him when they became big strong apprentices.

The small tom was kicking a small stick he had found when Twitchbolt had gotten his claw stuck, so by the time Aspenkit actually noticed the whole ordeal, he didn't know what exactly had happened. Leaving the stick behind, the small blue tabby ran forward, bouncing on his toes as he looked up towards Twitchbolt and Sparrowpaw. "Are you doing training things Twitchbolt?" The kitten asked, head cocking to the side for just a moment as he did so. "I bet I could do training things too, and then I'll be big and strong, see watch!" And with that he put a paw up behind his ear, promptly falling over and staying down. He was dead now, it was the rules, he didn't do training.​
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
The scene was humorous, watching Twitchbolt with molten copper, deciding to pull his paws from out underneath him to pad towards the two. “He’s stuck kid.” He remarked, deadpan. He gave Twitchbolt a once over, humming as the lead warrior fumbled on three legs, molten copper lingering on his back leg, stuck. “Sit down, will you?” He commented. “Otherwise you’ll make a bigger fool of yourself toppling over like that.” He huffed.

Molten copper narrowed. “Calm down, kid.” He rumbled, halfheartedly turned into an exasperated sigh. “If ya stop wiggling like a damn worm, we can see about getting you unstuck.” His voice was gruff, staring pointedly at the other, helm pivoting to peer at Sparrowpaw before veering his attention to the jittery tom.

Duskpool winced. He understood how troublesome mats were, sadly privy to them when he was still healing from wounds, unable to see his side. He had cared less then. A grave mistake, indeed, but Duskpool had never gone that long without grooming, the idea of doing so then had been exhausting until Johnnyflame helped tame the worst of it.

At Aspenkit’s appearance, Duskpool couldn’t help but snort. “He’s not—” Shortly afterward, he watched the kit flop over drawing out an inaudible snort. “Real shame.” He remarked. “Can’t become a warrior if you’re dead, kiddo.” He hummed, reaching to poke the kit’s hind, eyebrow raised.
thought speech

Well, if the floor could swallow him, it took its sweet time- and would be a pointless gesture, now. Sparrowpaw showed a concern that the bicolour tom would appreciate in any other circumstance, but he could only meet the apprentice's gaze with a look of complete mortification, skin a lava-lake beneath his spiked-up fur. When he swallowed, it felt like a paw was pushing a pinecone down his gullet. "No," he admitted, face twisted in a grimace- one that only grew deeper as Aspenkit approached, chirpy and... Stars forbid, taking him as an example.

The antics made him chuckle, though it was a hollow sound soon forgotten, replaced again by distress and embarrassment. "This- this won't make you strong," he laughed weakly, face soon contorting in a wave of panicked spasms. Duskpool, flat-toned as ever, made a few offhand comments that sent the tom's mind spiralling into the depths of complete, irrational panic. You'll make a bigger fool of yourself, he said, which meant, which meant- Twitchbolt had already made quite a big fool of himself. What would everyone think of him? Some- bumbling buffoon who couldn't even brush through his own pelt correctly?

He settled a little upon instruction, but could do nothing about the typical jittering. "Can you help me?" And it was no doubt ridiculous to feel weak for it, yet- yet, he did.
penned by pin ✧
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
Molten copper narrowed, merely offering a nod of his helm at the call for help. With steady paws, he moved forward to peer at the object of fixation, tail flickering. “Sure made a mess of things.” He grumbled, torn ear flickering. Damn things.

The task at hadn’t shouldn’t be too difficult, but given his stature, Duskpool had some trouble with paws one size too big. His claws tapped the ground with an annoyed puff of air. “Damnit.” He muttered. Duskpool grunted, attempting to pull the tom’s paw, freeing it from its confinements. “Better to have that looked at someone.” Before your dumbass gets stuck again. He offered, deadpan. “Things are nasty to get out by yourself.” With that, Duskpool peered at Aspenkit with a raised brow.

“Get off the ground, kid otherwise you get mats tangled in that fur of yours.” He responded gruffly.
thought speech

No, he promptly told them, and now that Sparrowpaw could get a better look, their expression twisted in a sympathetic grimace. It didn't look comfortable in the slightest.

It wasn't long before others began to gather, interested or worried in the spectacle, and a brief look of horror crossed their face as Aspenkit wandered over and promptly imitated the lead warrior. "No no, Aspenkit, that's not... Don't do that," they eventually settled for. Twitchbolt and Duskpool seemed to hold the same sentiment.

The two-color tom's sad voice reached their ears and drew their attention back, Sparrowpaw frowning hard at his plea for help. While they stepped forward, a paw half-raised, Duskpool beat them to it and promptly plucked Twitchbolt's claw from its hold in his fur. They sighed, the tension in their shoulders easing.

Unsure what else to do, they leaned forward to gently bump their head into the trembling tom's chest reassuringly. "Are you okay? That looked like it hurt," they asked once they stepped back, looking up at him.

