New-leaf is finally here! It’s evident by the sweet smell in the air, the birds chattering in the trees as they fly in the canopy ahead, preparing their nests no doubt. The prey was returning, slowly but surely and Little Wolf was glad to see her prediction about the forest growing back from the fire stronger than it was before was coming to fruition. It was too bad she was stuck in the nursery and couldn’t go out and see for herself. She loves her kits more than anything but she misses the forest, the wind tugging at her ebony fur and the way she felt so alive when traversing the territory.

She touches her nose to Skykits and Duskkits foreheads respectively before she slips out. A queen has agreed to watch over them while they sleep so she can get some much needed exercise, stretch her muscles a little bit. She makes a mental note to show her gratitude later with a choice piece of prey from the pile. Who knew? Maybe she would even catch something while she was out. The thought sends a shiver of excitement through her pelt.

Of course though, she wouldn’t be able to go alone. So many deaths across all the clans lately… she wouldn’t take her chances. Her kits needed their mother, after all. She finds the closest warrior in proximity "Will you come with me to somewhere in the forest?" she is not specific in her request but she hopes it is enough for them to say yes. Her dream has her shaken, the one where her daughter was still alive and she lived in Sky Clan with Blaze and the rest of her kits. She wanted to go to their place, to see how it changed with the new spring. She had not seen it in a long time, after all. Would there be new life? New growth? She nearly rushes out the camp without Silverlightning, which was the poor warrior she was now looking at pleadingly. "I know you’re still recovering and all but we won’t go fast and getting out of the camp could be nice!" she add, hoping he would say yes. There weren’t many other cats around right now so her choices were slim.

War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
His conversation with another warrior is cut short as the ebony molly comes to stand within the mist of their group. At first he believes she is here to converse as well, to add her thoughts about the topic at hand. But what comes tumbling from her mouth next surprises the silver ticked tom inwardly. Grey eyes turn to focus on Littlewolf, listing to to her half plea, half demand. "Certainly." Silverlightning voices after a second or two. The other warrior simply shrugs their shoulders before Silver moves to stand to his paws. By the time he turns on long spindly limbs Littlewolf has nearly left him. He musters a quicker walking pace to cover the ground lost between them before slowing to match her stride. An ear twitches, listening as she goes on to say how nice leaving camp would be an he hums softly in agreement. Now that e was released from Berryheart's care it would be nice to explore a bit. "You do not have to slow down for me Littlewolf." Although he appreciated the thought. "Where exactly were you wishing to go?" He murmurs questioningly.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road