camp Divinity | dual intro


All you need is time
Jan 5, 2023
He doesn't know how to feel. There's a stagnant sorrow that rests in his soul, so much changed in a blink of an eye just when he believed things were about to get better. The loss of their leader was a great one; Emberstar was a wonderful one at that he couldn't ask to follow a better cat. She didn't die in vain, she sacrificed herself to save them and lived just long enough to see her clan one more time. He's saddened by the fact she's no longer with them, without her guidance nothing would ever be the same but life had to move on. Howling Wind would make for a strong leader as well and she had many seasons alive to grant her wisdom to get through these tough times. He just has to be hopeful and have faith in her and the stars, he couldn't envy the precarious position she was thrown into so fast with the danger of dogs now to be dealt with before they took more lives. He wishes to help anyway he can but he's got other things on his mind then throwing himself into battle with beasts without reason. There were many more braver then he was with swifter paws who could do the imposing task better then him, he was more suited here protecting those not yet ready for the dangers that lurked past the brambles and weeds.

He has a new charge to tend to, a kit he'd brought in not much more then a quarter moon ago. He wasn't sure yet what they'd been through, he'd found them alone and scared not enough flesh on their bones. He had taken him in as soon as he found him, but rarely did he see them outside of their hiding spot in the shadows of the nursery. It must've been so much on them being presumably abandoned then taken and placed in a bustling camp full of strangers. Taken in my a feline many times his size, Rockjaw did his best to be as unintimidating as possible but there was only so much he could do about the way he shadowed even his own clanmates much less a scrap of a kit. He's patient though, he'd done his best to visit them bringing with him fresh kill and gifts for them to play with; just yesterday he'd brought them a sparrow feather from their last meal and as he pads over he's surprised to see them batting at it. With the chaos that seemed to be unfolding in camp he half expected them to be far more reclusive not out of the warm comfort of the den playing on their own.

A loud rumbly purr already roars from him as he approaches, quickly laying himself down casually just a few mouse lengths away as to not surprise them to much or hover. ❝Hey little guy❞ his voice is a deep one, like a hum of thunder. "Having fun?❞

// @cowkit but no need to wait
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Mousepaw has felt oddly shaken by Emberstar's death. ThunderClan has endured so much tragedy in her short life so far -- her sister's death, the death of Burnpaw and Moonpaw's sister, Trufflepelt becoming a traitor and hurting Howling Wind, Mossypaw getting taken by Twolegs, and now they've lost the one she-cat who had led them through it all. She has seen the grief in her fathers' eyes, felt it laying upon the camp like snow, and she's stifled. It feels wrong to be loud.

She notices Rockjaw padding close to the nursery and her curiosity gets the better of her. She's free from her chores for the moment, drawn like a bee to pollen to anything interesting. Rockjaw is trying to talk to that strange, half-starved kit who doesn't talk to anyone. Mousepaw bats at the sparrow feather, eyes trained on the kit. "They never talk to anyone. Do they talk to you when no one's looking?" It's not said unkindly, but her voice is too loud, and her tone is off. Mousepaw struggles with that sometimes.

War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Like a phantom materializing from the mist, Silver approaches on near silent paws to stand just behind his apprentice. Steely fall upon the girl with quiet consideration, wondering why she stood so close to the nursery of all places. However, her duties were complete for now and he would not start further training with her until a little later. His ears give a minor twitch, listening as his pupil makes a general statement about the lone kitten and then proceeds to question Rockjaw. There is a soft clearing of the man's throat to draw Mousepaw's attention to him briefly, the tip of his tail twitching. "Patients is a virtue, understanding and empathy are just as valuable." His gaze shifts from the girl to Cowkit and then eventually Rockjaw, lowering his head. "Your advances seem to be working. The care of the young one and their steady opening up coming into fruition." Silver voices softly for the tom's ears alone before adjusting his stance once more. He knew of the child's reclusive tendencies. With the recent death of Emberstar followed by the general tension of the looming dog threat he did not expect to see Cowkit out. "You must be pleased."
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road

It had been six moons ago that Hollow Tree was in Rockjaw’s position. She had found two kits alone in the territory. Bringing them back she spent a moon trying to find traces of their kin. In the end, she took them as her own. Now Littlepaw and Sandpaw were fine apprentices of Thunderclan. She was sure that Cowkit would be the same one day. It was just taking them some time to find their voice.

She wants to see Cowkit breakout of their shell. But she doesn’t want to swarm the small kit. So she sticks to her spot across the camp. Watching the small group interact with Cowkit. Maybe they would become more open with the arrival of Flamewhisker’s and Little Wolf’s kits. They could be an older sibling figure as they would be sharing a den with all of them. ""
[ you fall through the trees . tags ]
The thin kitten squints their eyes, narrowing them in the direction of the feather. Their body wiggles, and then they pounce, paws coming down at it. The whoosh of air caused by their jump sends it flying, and when they hit the ground they pout, but turn to bat at it as it floats gently downwards. They knock it back up, a little smile starting to light up their features, and continue batting it again each time it comes close to the ground. They’re distracted from their toy when they hear a familiar rumbling voice behind them. Their head turns and they offer a bashful grin towards him, head dipping slightly, but they nod. They’ve grown a bit more comfortable around him, less skittish, but the multiple other faces coming close cows them.

Mousepaw speaks, and they shrink down slightly. It’s them being spoken about, after all; they don’t mean to stay silent, but so far they’ve yet to find anything to say that unsticks the words from their throat. Maybe eventually, when they’re more comfortable, but for now, hearing the comment makes them a bit self-conscious. It shouldn’t be so hard for them to just say a few words. When Mousepaw bats at their feather, they don’t fight it, instead backing away and moving a bit closer to the nursery. They search the ground and start poking at a bug crawling through the dirt instead, focus being drawn away from the crowd and instead towards their new entertainment.

They tune out Silverlightning, having stopped paying attention to the other cats’ words altogether. Besides, the words don’t seem to be meant for them, so they don’t need to pay too much attention to it. Playing is more fun, anyways. They lean down a bit closer, pushing the bug with their nose, smiling faintly when it starts skittering away, and they trail after it.

The small bundle of cream and white fur comes bumbling out of the apprentice den after having been chased out for being all over the place. He chuckles lightly as he looks over his shoulder, sticking his tongue out playfully. May he has been bothering the apprentices a little too much these days but he just wants to learn as much as possible before his own apprentice ceremony becomes reality. Still he is so keen on getting away that he doesn't see the other kit and he accidentally bumbles over Cowkit potentially. Letting out a small squeak he turns head over tail and lands on his side. For a moment he just lays there and blinks before he starts laughing and finallu he shifts, pushing himself onto his paws and turning to face the other. "Hey hey, sorry, I didn't see you." He then looks at them before gently attempt to paw at the other kit. A smile is on his face as usual.

"I'm Falconkit. Who are you? Do you wanna play? I have a really nice mossball I can share." His words come as easy as breathing as he starts to bounce around the other child. Excited to be able to make a new friend potentially.