Dizzys Stat Tracker & Dice Charts


Jul 20, 2022

Characters Stats for Dice Rolls

I love using the dice bot in discord and will find any excuse to roll for my characters, so these are just my personal guides(?) that I want to follow with my boys. If anyone wants to steal stuff from here feel free- I'm always happy to convert or encourage followers of the dice gods >:)

The Basics--
So the first thing to do is assign base stats to anything you want to icly build on for your characters during training. I typically just focus on the four (Fighting, Climbing, Tracking, and Hunting) but you can build as many skills as you want. Since I just use the four though, I only roll 4 dice to determine their base stats (4d15). Then I will assign those numbers to whatever areas I think they correspond best with. So if I rolled 12, 4, 9, and 3, it could look something like this;

Test-guys Stats
Fighting - 3/15
Climbing - 9/15
Tracking -12/15
Hunting - 4/15

(or however i choose to arrange those numbers based on what i think best suits my cat. If I wanted them to be a better fighter I could assign the 12 to the fighting stat instead of the tracking stat, etc)

What Do The Numbers Mean?
Now that I've assigned my base stats I know what kind of skillset my character has in that area, along with the modifiers my character will get on those roll!

1-5 Poor (-1 on rolls)
6-10 Average ( no modifier on rolls)
11-15 Excellent (+1 modifier on rolls)

Test-guys Stats
Fighting - 3/15
Climbing - 9/15
Tracking -12/15
Hunting - 4/15

As we can see, Test-Guy isn't a great fighter with his 3/15, which gives him a -1 on all fighting related rolls. We're going to want to fix that, which brings us to our next section.

Training Your Character
So, you've got a stat that's horrible and you want to make it better- simple! Just go out there and practice! Everytime you roll for something -regardless of whether you succeed or fail- your character gains experience in the form of a star (*). Collecting five of these stars allows you to add a skillpoint in that area! So for example, if we take Test-Guys 3/15 fighting stat and managed to earn a total of five stars (*****), we could then exchange those stars for a skill point, making his new stat 4/15.

Capping a stat out at 15/15 results in a total +5 bonus modifier for that skillset!

To determine whether or not a roll was a success or fail, use the chart below!

--Dizzys 1d20 Chart For Basic Stuff--
(add modifiers to rolls if the character has a bonus in that area)

1 crit fail (you probably hurt yourself)
2-4 major fail (not even close)
5-10 minor fail (almost had it)
11-12 flawed success (did it poorly)
13 -15 average success (did it competently)

16-19 great success (didn't break a sweat)
20 crit success (fucking show-off)

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Ghoststrikes Stats
Fighting - Excellent (13/15) +1 one rolls
Stealth - Excellent (11/15) +1 on rolls
Climbing - Excellent (9/15) no modifier on rolls
Tracking - Moderate (10/15) no modifier on rolls
Hunting - Excellent (11/15) +1 on rolls
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Somas Stats
Fighting - Moderate (7/15) no modifier on rolls
Climbing - Poor (1/15) -1 on all rolls
Tracking - Poor (4/15) -1 on all rolls
Hunting- Moderate (6/15) no modifier on rolls (*)
Crafting- Moderate (6/15) no modifier on rolls
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Quillstrikes Stats
Fighting - Excellent (11/15) +1 one rolls (**)
Climbing - Excellent (11/15) +1 on rolls (*)
Tracking - Moderate (8/15) no modifier on rolls (*)
Hunting - Excellent (11/15) +1 on rolls (****)
Crafting - Excellent (12/15) +1 on rolls
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Johnnys Stats
Fighting - Moderate (10/15) rolls are unmodified (****)
Climbing - Moderate (10/15) rolls are unmodified (****)
Tracking - Poor (4/15) rolls will take a -1 (**)
Hunting - Poor (4/15) rolls will take a -1 (***)
Twoleg/place Knowledge - Excellent (11/15) +1 modifier on rolls
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