Do you believe, {Blaze} In me?

Jun 14, 2022
( ) The night of the meeting, Deersong could be found sitting by the entrance of the camp, staring up at the stars and appearing deeper in thought than usual. She was the deputy now, she was the cat Blazestar trusted enough to help him run the clan. It was such a surreal feeling, to suddenly have so much authority and responsibility on her shoulders and yet the she-cat couldn't help but feel conflicted.

On one paw, she was proud of herself, excited to do whatever she had to do to make sure Skyclan was safe. But on the other paw, she had been aware that not all of her clanmates were pleased with Daisyflight stepping down and Deer taking her place. The reaction from Figpaw, especially, had not gone unnoticed. A sigh would slip past her lips causing a billow of breath to float up into the sky. Suppose there wasn't much she could do other than work hard to prove that Blazestar had not made a bad choice.

The sounds of pawsteps behind her would pull her attention to the present, and Deersong would turn her head to see her leader approaching her. She would dip her head in respect as she smiled in her usual ethereal fashion as she spoke, "Couldn't sleep, brotha?"


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No, the Ragdoll rarely sleeps well, dreams troubled and blood-splattered since Centipedepaw's death. Sometimes, he relives the moment he came upon the blood trail, only the tufts of fur are pale or tortoiseshell, the scent of his children littering the crime scene. Sometimes, in those dreams, he finds Little Wolf at the end of the trail, some amorphous shadow standing over her with a bloodstained grin. And when he gets close enough, the shadow becomes Sootstar.

Tonight, though, he's simply feeling restless. He's not surprised to see that Deersong is awake as well, at the edge of camp, face tilted towards the stars. He sits beside her and curls his massive plush tail around golden paws, giving her a nod. "Nothing new for me." He blinks at her, wondering if there's any resentment behind that aquamarine gaze. "How are you feeling? About..." He trails off. "I know it must have been a surprise. Believe me, it was for me too. Not to choose you, but for Daisyflight to come to me..." He trails off.

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