private DO YOU BLAME YOURSELF? ;; bobbie

The gifting of his name was a blessing to him, approval from the Stars and Mother herself that he was ready to become a medicine cat in full. To others, it is a mere promotion- to Fireflyglow, it was reassurance. That his hard work was not forgotten, that he was worthy of the name he carried now. His tail lashes behind him as he walks, head held high as he listens to the voices around camp chatter amongst themselves. And then there was.. The faint smell of Bobbie, her normal, piney scent now etched with the smell of moss. From the direction of where the scent was.. He'd assume she was sitting in the shade away from everyone else. Fireflyglow frowns.

"Would you care for a walk? I must have left behind a few stalks of marigold on my walk home." He offers as he walks over, a kind and welcoming smile on his face as he speaks to the she-cat. She wasn't his mother, no- he had never had much of a motherly relationship with Bobbie, but his father loved her enough. And that was enough for him. "It'll help you occupy yourself." He adds on slowly, tilting his head to the side.

He promised his father he would look after Bobbie and the others.

Fireflyglow's care for her is inexplicable and puzzling, as confusing as Crowsight's barbed relationship with her . . . but an inverse, a tangled ball of sheep's - wool rather than blood - drawing briars. An inexplicable softness, a warmth, a concern that is ( with the exception of a few ) vastly unfamiliar to her. Doubly so when you consider the circumstances: he is not her blood, nor she his; she had not just taken his father from his grief for the lost relationship with Little Wolf, but from the face of this very earth ( for if she had never joined the Clan, never taken him as her mate, never let herself weaken so—wouldn't he still be alive? ); he owes her nothing, she owes him . . . everything.

" Fireflyglow, " she rasps in greeting, placing a congratulatory emphasis on the latter syllable. Pine and moss feather over the lingering scent of lavender, unfaded as her grief is; the tabby literally stinks of grief, of the grave, one she'd wept over and nearly followed him into, if not for the efforts of her Clanmates . . . and for the existence of her children. She'd settled herself into the shade, a sizeable distance from the rest of the Clan . . . an appropriate self - exile for one undeserving, she supposes . . . but if it's an exile, Fireflyglow seems determined to follow her into it.

" Of course, " she murmurs after a moment's consideration, lifting herself to her paws with a soft oof at the complaint from muscles long stagnated, then suddenly put to work. She can walk with him; she labors under no delusion of being the pointed tom's mother, nor he her son, but there's a sense of . . . what? Mutual care, concern? Something? She hopes it's just an unlabeled something; she doesn't deserve his care, and she sickens of concern as she sickens of prey. Jolted from this reverie as she trails him out of camp into a fresh wave of greenleaf warmth, she remarks with a humor only half - faux, " Stars know I need that. There don't seem to be enough patrols in the forest to occupy me. "
