do you know the definition of insanity? [junco]


that's why they call me bad company
Apr 26, 2023


Things had to change.

It was a decision he'd come to only recently, but it hung heavy with finality in his head, settling in deeper with each passing day. Soma had been content to the let the time pass in boring but comfortable repetition- find a home, stay there for a bit, come back to the shelter. Rinse and repeat. It was a simple process, one that kept them off the streets and out of trouble, but it didn't seem as if it was sustainable anymore.

Not when there was the chance one of them could disappear like that clancat had.

It didn't happen often at all. The few times Soma had seen a cat be taken away under suspicious circumstances like Daisyflight had been, they were very ill, wrought with sickness. But that clan cat hadn't looked sick at all. She'd been talking to her friends and acting just like the rest of them, which had left the tom reeling with the question of why.

Their simple routine of home-hopping was no longer a guaranteed thing.

If Soma was honest, it hadn't really been working out anyway. Juncos behavior wasn't the greatest in a home environment, and it didn't help that they were always kept isolated from other cats. He worried that the younger cat wouldn't have a proper or fulfilling upbringing, that they'd forever lack the social skills that Soma was constantly trying to teach them. Junco needed a real life- they both did.

[/b]"Hey, Junco."[/b] he called from where he was lounging by the cage door, looking over his shoulder to try and catch sight of his sibling. "These forest cats seem pretty confident that their friends are gonna bust them out of here. If they do, we should try and convince them to take us, too."

To be honest he wasn't really sure how the younger cat would take it, but he supposed he was about to find out.

LONER - male - 10 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a large black and white tomcat with asymmetrical tuxedo markings and deep green eyes.


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The understanding of what happens beyond the great white door lies within questions that Junco didn't have the answers to. They didn't really grasp what had happened to this tortie she-cat nor who she was in regards to the other forest cats. They all seemed to want to stick together and it didn't make much sense. Wasn't the reason for their gathering the reason behind them being kidnapped anyway? Though that was a topic for another time they supposed and the small charcoal cat twitched an ear slightly. Whatever had happened to this cat was bound to happen to them and there was a sneaking suspicion that Junco or even their brother, Soma, could be next.

This place had become more of a home than any of the twoleg estbalishments they had been to previously. Those fickle creatures never seemed to understand the concept of Junco nor their behavior. Either it was 'too rough' or 'dont say that out loud' or what have you, and it was rather tiresome. They didn't understand what was wrong with the way they talked, the way the behaved, wasn't this how other cats behaved? Soma didn't act like this and they were surprised he hadn't been taken away from Junco after their last household- he seemed to have gotten on well with it.

Speaking of Soma, the white-masked tom turned to look to Junco and spoke about convicing these forest cats to let them live with them. There was a curious tilt of a head as Junco considered this option and questioned with, "Why would we? If they get out of here some how, who knows what sorta trouble that'll bring and what bigger problems there'd be at hand," They stated back to their brother with a slight huff. Why was he so insistant on them getting a home? Wasn't the two of them home enough?

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