camp do you like how i dance? ive got zirconium pants | intro



Another day, another fun moment to exist within Skyclan. Stirring in the outer edge of the warrior's den as sunlight slowly began to beam its way between the branches and leaves of the brambles, Grousecry curled up tighter into a ball, putting his scarred arms over his eyes as he grumbled in distaste. He really didn't want to wake up, not today. It was just going to be another likely depressing day, another quiet, emotionally-charged hunting patrol, and more paranoid looking over his shoulder, worrying that something else will go wrong today. But as Ruffledclaw would tell him... you just gotta do it, no matter how much you hate it.

Lifting his head groggily, nest bits sticking into the thicker fur of his neck, he blinked and sat there, gathering the mental strength to get up, eyes narrowed against a particularly stubborn thin ray of light that hit just right into them. “Gotta patch that up,” He said, voice gravelly from sleep, pausing a heartbeat before yawning, paws clawing the air as his muscles contracted, “Later... I'll do it later.” With one final stretch and a cursory shake of his pelt, he finally picked his way out of the den, long legs stepping over the few sleeping bodies that had returned from morning patrol along with the empty nests of the more morning-inclined warriors until finally he pushed his way into the open air of camp. With a wince, Grousecry looked around, seeing who all was still around camp and, hopefully, avoiding an ear full for sleeping in so late. The heavily scarred young warrior then sat down and began to pick and pull the stubborn pieces of moss and such from his pelt, atleast trying to look presentable before he went to fetch himself some breakfast.
//the boy, the him, the man himself
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"You gotta tear into it. Like this!" Fireflykit chirped aloud as he tore into a mouse that they were snacking on for breakfast, ripping into the rodent until it exposed the insides to his siblings. Drawing back with a swallow, blood caked the growing kit's lips as he turned to spot a younger warrior in the distance. "Do you think he'll play with us?" Fireflykit whispered to his siblings softly, sensitive little eyes squinting against the light of the sun.

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Every meaning of the word nightowl without the feathers of course, made up the piebald warrior. Grey eyes sensitive to the unforgiving light, but easily roused as it stung his eyes behind the white furred lids. His nose wrinkles into a sleepy snarl, curled around the nest he and Deersong share like a dragon with a pelt rising and falling in peace. His eyes blink open blearily as a long-legged silhouette, filters from the den. Thistleback unravels from the nest like a snake, and slithers out into the sunlit camp next to Grousecry as he picks out moss from his fur.

The spiky tendrils of his coat dancing violently with a sudden shake like a wet dog. Thistleback didn’t groom himself, his fur was untamable bristles, coarse like the thorns of a rose. Moss stood no chance.

" dawn disagrees with me too " his accented tongue, bladed and dragging across his upper lip riddle the sky with a yawn. " ugh " Thistleback grunts as he hears laughter from a corner of camp like it were nails on chalkboard.

" let’s go kill something, shall we " he arches his back and rolls his shoulders, offering a quick swipe at some stray moss in the brown warrior’s shoulder fur for good measure.


  • — Thistleback | thirty-two moons | cis-male
    — daylight warrior of Skyclan | leaves rarely
    — bisexual | fallen for Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring Coyotepaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes. Wears a purple collar with brass clasp.
  • bVBPWus.png

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Howlkit pulled a face as she watched her elder brother rip into a mouse. For once, she would probably find herself agreeing with Crescentkit if her sister made a fuss about the mess he was making. She lowers her head for a quick bite herself but quickly snaps it back up when Fireflykit asks whether someone would play with them. Howlkit chews the mouthful of the mouse and swallows it quickly before looking around for this mysterious cat, amber eyes eventually spotting Grousecry in the distance. "Maybe," She mews in response. "We should ask! If he says no we can tell dad!" She laughs conspiratorially.
  • Haha
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The sound of giggling made his left ear twitch but he continued focusing on his pelt, allowing the sun to caress him and get his tired muscles warmed up for the day. Or atleast he was trying to when someone joined him quite quickly. Just as his teeth gripped a particularly stubborn tendril, he was pelted by more moss, a familiar gruff and accented voice following thusly after. “Dawn isn't the only thing that disagrees with you apparently,” He remarked, sighing in defeat at the state of his pelt before he stood up and just shook it aswell, giving another spine tingling stretch onto the tips of his toes with a soft groan under his breath.

Upon the prompt of hunting, or, well, killing, Grousecry made a small face. What was with everyone just getting up and instantly doing stuff? Ruffledclaw had been the exact same, didn't anyone just give themselves time to wake up, recharge and prepare? Watching the moss that Thistleback swatted off, he mused, “Why don't we go pick a few pieces off the freshkill pile before they go bad and then maybe think about getting fresher pieces? I do better on a fuller stomach anyway.” A subtle jerk of his chin toward the freshkill pile to emphasize his point and hopefully distract the older cat from messing with his fur any more than it already was.
( ) Unlike her beloved night owl, Deersong was a Morning Dove, usually the first to rise in the morning and be part of the dawn patrol. She enjoyed the walks in the morning, the softness of the bird song as they rose from their own nests, and the stillness of the world as it began to awake.

The patrol had already been back for a while now, Deersong sitting near the fresh-kill pile speaking to a few other warriors when she caught movement out of the corner of her eye. Turning her sleek head towards the cats who had caught her attention she would smile warmly when she spotted her mate along with Grousecry and Blazestars kittens not far off.

She would excuse herself from the others and make her way over on silent feathered paws, her expression one of her usual dreamy content as if she had just awoken from sleep herself; a rest filled with only the most pleasant of dreams. "Mornin' Youngblood. Gem." She would then greet the toms, blinking slowly at them both and tilting her head in that whimsical way of hers, "Going hunting? Mind if I join? Though I think those kittens over there want you to play for a bit."

A coo of laughter would flow from her throat as she motioned towards the eating kits with her half-tail.