oneshot do you miss home? // oneshot, dream

He was a kit again, curled up beside his mother in the wooden crate he'd slept in since the day he was born. His mother was asleep, but Tybalt had woken the moment the sun had begun to stream into the alleyway. The space his father normally slept was empty, but still warm. Wriggling out from beneath the blanket that lined the crate, Tybalt peeked over the edge into the alley. It was empty. A mischievous grin spreading across his small muzzle, he clambered over the edge of the crate and tumbled to the ground, peeking over his shoulder to be sure he hadn't woken his mother. He skittered across the alleyway to hide in the dark space beneath the dumpster, amber eyes wide and gleaming as he waited for his prey to appear.

He snickered quietly to himself as his father appeared, padding back into the alley with a few mice dangling from his jaws. Scooting forward slightly, Tybalt waited until his father had set the prey down and gone to wake his mother before charging out from his hiding spot and leaping up onto his father's back. The brown tom gave a dramatic yowl and collapsed to the ground, laughing and swatting playfully at Tybalt with his forepaws as the wavy-furred kit leapt towards him.

The scene surrounding them began to change, the dingy alleyway morphing slowly into the Thunderclan camp, and the pair of cats shifting into an older Tybalt and a small, curly-furred kit chasing after him. Laughing, Tybalt whirled around and leapt towards the kit, who laughed gleefully and ran back towards the nursery only to be scooped up by his mother, who leaned forward to affectionately nuzzle Tybalt as she padded out into the sun. A loud purr rumbled from Tybalt's throat.

And then the scene was gone, and Tybalt awoke alone in the warriors den. Lifting his head, he gazed out into the darkened camp for a few moments, before letting out a quiet sigh and curling up in his nest as he let his eyes close again.