pafp Do you see what I see || Staring


I'll catch your tears, quench your fears with joy
Sep 18, 2022

Redpath often sat and stared into space, accumulating her thoughts on what to do next. She tried to keep a mental checklist of sorts, but she was still prone to forgetting tasks and remembering them later.

This was one such time. She stared nearly unblinking, trying to pinpoint what she was forgetting. Still as stone she sat as she put her brain into overdrive.

What was it..... What was it......

Another gaze met hers, snapping her out of her thoughts. It was Sneezefur it belonged to....... How long had she been staring? Had he been there or was he just passing by???

Now it was awkward. She was trapped in her stare, unsure of what to do. Did he need her, and that's why he was staring?

What does she DO HERE.

sneezefur | 25 months | demi-boy | he/him | physically medium | mentally medium | attack in bold #50c878
It takes a moment before the warrior notices the gaze upon his own. He's not the most sociable of creatures - a silent shadow in a clan so full of boisterous beings. Stick figure frame sits idly within the camp, attentions focused on grooming his pale fur when the prickling sense of unease finally catches up to him. Seafoam green meets mismatched sunshine and sky - and remain there. It's a battle of wills - unblinking, unwavering. 'Does she need something? Did I do something wrong? Why is she looking at me like that-?' his mind is a jumbled mess of thoughts, his blood pumping and heart racing as he fights the urge to shift from side to side in unease. What was he supposed to do in a situation such as this? It is not as though he can be the first to speak - already, he can feel his chest and throat tighten up as though he is drowning, a painful pressure-like feeling he has come to hate.

Clay has no idea what he’s just happened upon. Redpath and Sneezefur are… doing something? Having a staring contest? They’re both silent. Which is, like, weird—because Clay can’t imagine sitting there staring at someone and not even looking away. Or not saying anything. Aren’t they bored? The blue tabby seems to be uncomfortable, but he’s still locking eyes with Redpath?

He’s so confused. With a sigh, the chocolate-striped tom sits down beside the two. His head tilts, unsure of whether he should even interrupt their… whatever is going on. "What are you guys doing?" He looks back and forth between the two, brows furrowed with confusion.
the earthen molly finds herself coming to a stop beside clayfur, a curious expression upon her features. it looked as if redpath and sneezefur were simply caught in a trance, both caused by each other. redpath is utterly silent, which is surprising to the deputy, while sneezefur is beginning to look more and more worried as the heartbeats pass. no word is uttered between them, and there isn't even non-verbal communication at this point. it simply looked to be mindless staring.

there's a breath as clayfur breaks the tension and asks the two what they are doing, but buck isn't sure it'd be enough to break their concentrations. for a bit, she thinks of tossing dirt in their eyes. it'd break this weird staring, at the very least. the tom beside her seems just as confused as she is, so it means that she didn't miss some vital information. as her paw plays with the fertile earth below, debating on her previous plan...she finds herself hesitant to go through with it. "i want to see how long they can do this." she mutters to the chestnut-kissed tom, trying to halt him from further interruptions.

It wasn't leaf-bare anymore- so how come two warriors had frozen solid? Face to face, not a blink obscuring their eyes- for a moment Fernpaw worried that they were hurt. Toddling up to Buckgait's side, the ginger scrap of a tom let his vision flicker between the deputy's reaction and the state of Sneezefur and Redpath. She didn't seem to be too worried- and neither did Uncle Clayfur, who just appeared a little confused by the antics. Fernpaw's expression mirrored his, in that respect...

A little whisper crept out of the corner of his tiny maw. "Do you think it's a competition...?" Volume as low as possible, he was sure someone would have an idea. What was the point of doing it otherwise, if it was not a game? Like- whoever dared look away first had to hunt for the other for the next few days... or, they would win some sort of prize.
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