pafp DO YOU THINK YOU CAN FIND IT ★ starclan lesson


who wants to live forever
Dec 12, 2023
★ ★ ★ There was a lot of learning that came with their new life as members of Shadowclan. Part of the condition for their being allowed to join was that they would work hard to learn the ways of the clan, so that they could be effective warriors and contribute the same as those who were born here. It seemed a reasonable request at the time, but Hawk was beginning to realize that this was a much bigger undertaking that he'd initially thought. The concept of Starclan, in particular, was really throwing him for a loop. It seemed like the best course of action at this point was just to ask for some help, and who better to ask than the clan's medicine cat, who also happened to be their aunt?

Hawk lay comfortably on the chilled earth next to his brothers, situated off to one side of the clan's camp, focus fully locked on the ebony-and-white molly that sat opposite them. Goodness, he couldn't believe just how similar he looked to the older she-cat; their relation truly couldn't be denied. His ears twitched slightly as a cool breeze blew past them, and he once more trained his moss-colored gaze on hers of fiery orange. "So... when a cat becomes the leader of a clan, they actually receive nine lives?" He couldn't help the disbelief that crept into his tone. Nothing about this made sense to his overly-logical mind. "As in, they can die eight times and still be fine?"

[ retro to her attack, please wait for @STARLINGHEART (: also tagging @SNIPE & @pipit !! ]

It was a surprise when Skunktail had announced that he his adult sons would be joining ShadowClan. Starlingheart had not known that he even had had children, much less that they were adults. By the look on her brothers face though it was clear to her that he must not have known either though. How strange is it to be an aunt to a cat that she had not seen grow up? To a cat who was only just a paw full of moons younger than her. They were here though, and they were family. She would always be kind to her family, regardless of how well she knew them.

So far, Pipit, Hawk, and Snipe had been decent enough cats. She did not know much about them but they seemed decent enough. They hunted for the clan, and any extra set of paws in the upcoming leaf-bare moons would be more than welcome. If they wanted to stay though they would have to learn about Clan life, would have to become so integrated into ShadowClan it would be like they had been here since their kithood.

She is glad when they take the initiative themselves, happy that they come to her for help. It is still hard, to get out of bed every single day and continue on with life as if nothing had happened, as if her whole life had not been turned utterly upside down once again. But Hawk had reminded her of her purpose, of the one thing that she still could cling to. Her role in the clan as Medicine Cat.

"Ye-yes that's correct" she says, happy that they seemed to understand the basic concept of it. "StarClan grants each-each leader nine lives and bu-but when a leader dies to something, they will only heal the wound that-that killed them" horrible images flash in her head then. The infection she couldn't stop from taking hold of her brother, a wound that she tried desperately to treat over and over again but wouldn't heal, Chilledstar flying through the air, claw marks gouging their side, her mother... She does not wish to finish that thought. "A leaders lives may-may all be taken from them at-at once if the injuries are many" she adds, her voice quiet, hushed. "Your grandmother, my-my mother, was killed when I was just a kit. Flattened on-on the Thunderpath by a large- by a large monster. StarClan could not heal all of her wounds and she died nine times" they deserved to know, to understand something that had happened within their own family and to understand that having nine lives did not make Chilledstar immortal, did not make them a cat who could throw all nine of their lives away. "With-with StarClan though, death is- its not the end" she says in what she hopes is a more reassuring tone "She- my mother- she is the one who gave me my-my medicine cat name when I- when I became one" she thinks then of Bonejaw, of their great aunt and the reason she had needed her medicine cats name to begin with. A story for another time, she quickly decides. There would be nothing but time for her and the rest of their family to get these three up to speed on everything.


It sounds… made up, bonkers even. Like a dream ma would’ve whispered to the brothers as kits sleeping at her belly. His disbelief shows in his wide amber eyes, the way he reels away in hesitation to believe every word that leaves the medicine cats lips. Yet… this was kin and this is the reality his father lives his life by.

They all seemed strong-minded, not easily swayed or tricked. Was it really true what Starlingheart spoke? Did their grandmother really once hold nine lives? Did Chilledstar hold them now? Would Snipe see the black and white leader die and rise again from ash? It was difficult to believe- but so many of these cats insisted it truth, some among them like the medicine cat even insisting they’ve bore witness to the spirit cats with their very own eyes.

”It’s… challenging to believe.” He confesses with a heavy breath, though he is far from challenging. Amber eyes glance up above into the sky as if to search for some sort of sign from the starry cats that they did indeed exist. ”Would ma- Porcupine be a StarClan cat? Is she with them?” Hope flutters in his chest, perhaps when the brothers bid her farewell on her deathbed it had not been a permanent goodbye.
  • » Snipe
    » Loner
    » He/him
    » A heavily-scarred chocolate tom-cat with amber eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A foe who uses brute strength and hits heavy.
    » Excels in taking opponents head-on.
    » Uses slow but powerful hits to bring them to the ground.
    » Fights to overpower and defeat .
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Sparrowpaw still had a lot to learn here, but something little known and understood was starclan. He would hear about it all over, but he just went with it. The comments of 'oh starclan,' would replace the lines of 'oh shit' that his father would say. A volatile language was replaced by slogans the clan cats would say- only sometimes gone back in sticky situations.

The tabby would sit with messy fur, blue eyes watching and filled with intense Curiousity. Leaders were granted nine lives by starclan, he had heard this before- chilledstar had those nine lives. he didn't know how many they had left, but the idea that one injury could take them all scared him. to die nine times- he couldn't even imagine how dying once felt. "why do they give the leader nine lives? if they can lose them all at once?" agonizingly.