Do You Walk In The Meadow Of Spring | Prompt, Snake

𓆝 . ° ✦ The beauty of her clan's territory overwhelmed Mosspool as she padded through the territory. It made her glad to be out on patrol today. She was fond of all patrols, but especially those in newleaf. Prey was bountiful, the air was warm, and the territory was vibrant and beautiful. More than all of that though, there was not the stress of leafbare, so she could actually enjoy her patrol. Riverclan was no longer under constant threat of Starvation.

Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted movement, and she turned instantly toward it. The reeds had rustled just slightly, she was certain of it. She licked her lips, an easy catch would make this patrol all the better. Lowering into a crouch, she crept closer. Her pawsteps were light and quiet, as not to disturb whatever prey might be hiding in there. Leaning forward, she peered into the reeds.

Two beady black eyes stared back at her.

Mosspool froze as her heart leapt into her throat. If the adder had caught her unawares, that might have been the end of her. It was coiled and ready to strike, and would have had the chance to had she taken a moment longer. She tensed, preparing for its attack. A tense moment passed as she and the snake both waited for each other to make the first move.

Then, behind her, she heard growing sounds of pawsteps and voices. The rest of her patrol. She could not let them be caught off guard by the adder. "Stay back-" Mosspool warned without taking her eyes off the adder, attempting to keep her voice calm, level, and above all else quiet. She was not quiet enough though, apparently. It swiftly lunged forward at the noise, but just as swiftly she jumped back with a hiss and batted it away with her paw.

It settled back onto the ground, coiling to prepare another strike.
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  • ooc: —
  • challenge-3-moss-png.1191
    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.
He'd been chatting with a fellow warrior about what they wished to catch for the day. "W-w-well I guess catching uhh a mouse is a-alright. Iffff I had uh, to pick... Other t-than fish, then uh, vole?" Before he could get further into this line of discussion with a fellow clanmate, Mosspool's words cut through the air. Immediately the air tenses and he jumps back out of instinct, claws unsheathing. In the future he would apologize for this conversation being cut short. For now, everyone had more important matters to attend to.

Even though Mosspool is a lead warrior and was in charge of them, she was still young. Now, that is not to say he doesn't trust in her. More so that she has a whole life ahead of her and he would rather sacrifice himself so she could continue to guide riverclan. Silver bristles as he watches her hiss and strike the adder. Mosspool I know you said to stay back, but... The silver tom would jump and land beside Mosspool, hissing at the adder, hoping it would see reason and slither away from them. And if it didn't? Then he wasn't afraid to fight alongside Mosspool and with the others on this patrol. His gaze never leaves the enemy as he mutters, "I've got your back Mosspool." You're not alone.
  • — pikesplash / riverclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 52 moons
    — bisexual / polygamist / open to flirting and crushes
    — short haired silver mackerel tabby with green eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    — biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou

tags! ₊˚✧ ゚. duckpaw is following her mentor closely through the green foliage. they had been training hard these past two months. she systematically woke up before the first light of dawn and was worked throughout the day until the strength was thoroughly wrung from muscles, then she collapsed into her nest at night. it was like clockwork. the schedule had become a staple in her life that she wouldn't know how to function without. they rarely ever broke for recuperation, but duckpaw could feel this patrol was less intensive than usual. if she didn't know any better she would say that mosspool was ... enjoying herself. she seemed to be indulging in the scents and sights of flourishing undergrowth, no doubt riddled with life, with food. "what's wrong mosspool? you appear to be smiling," duckpaw lightly teases. she feels that their relationship has transcended simple formalities, or at least she thought. she was no longer the shivering, nervous lamb that had been delivered to mosspools care. she is no longer scaring duckpaw. even harsh or strict reprimands seemed to roll off her back like water on a duck, only receptive to the lesson hidden behind why such comments were expressed in the first place.

duckpaw suddenly halts as her mentor breaks off from the main group to investigate the slight movement of a bush, only detected by keen eyes. she is curiously peaking around mosspools broad shoulders, as she has not spoken, and that's when mosspool sounds a warning. muscles are activated in an instant and she leaps back at her mentors bidding. a sudden rush of adrenaline is coursing through her. muscles are taut, coiled like a spring and ready to release at the first indication of trouble. she could see the problem ... but she didn't know what she was looking at. it looked like a lizard without legs, or an elongated frog. duckpaw withdraws laughter that nearly comes to fruition, because now pikesplash has responded with similar concern and worry. he was ever her canary, showing her the threshold at which situations became dangerous. duckpaw stands back, but her eyes are hardened because she would not let her mentor within ten-foot of that thing .. not without her help. " i'm here, what do you need?" she is quiet, but audible enough so that the two warriors could hear her.