pafp Do You Walk In The Shadow Of Men | Disciplining Apprentices

𓆝 . ° ✦ From across the camp, she spotted the source of the sound, two apprentices sparring in the center of camp. Well, calling it "sparring" was a touch generous. It would be more accurate to say they were play fighting, like kits would. They were throwing themselves at each other without any sense of coordination, letting out trills of delight when they would go sprawling with every missed leap. Her ear flicked. In part at the poor form, yes, but also because this was taking place in camp. That was not the proper place for a spar, especially one as uncoordinated as this.

Taking it upon herself to deal with this mess, she began to padded over. "You two!" Mosspool called to them, though neither seemed to hear. They were still throwing themselves about without a care. "Stop it, this is not-"

Bam, one of the pair went tumbling right into her legs, causing her to trip over them and nearly fall. Though she managed to stay upright, it was a very near thing. She almost fell flat on her face.

Flush with annoyance , Mosspool drew herself up to her full height and whirled around to face them. It was good, at least, that they had both scrambled to their paws as they realized what had happened. She glared down at the apprentices who had collided with her, who both wilted at the sight. A thrill of satisfaction filled her at the sight. Her opinion had the weight of a warrior now, no longer could they be dismissed as the nagging of a stickler apprentice. The new warrior was filled with a powerful sense of the authority her position granted her.

"As I was saying, you should know well enough that this is not the place for this. The pair of you should be glad your mentors did not see any of this, because I am certain they would be ashamed. Not only did you disregard the rules, but you disregarded what they taught you of technique as well. Neither of you had a proper stance and your coordination would imply you had yet to be let out of the nursery." Their gazes fell away from her own as she spoke. Good, she thought. At least they had the sense to be ashamed. She let out a huff.

"Leave the sparring for beech corpse, and if you insist upon causing a ruckus in the middle of camp like a pair of kits, at least do so with proper form." Mosspool concluded snidely. They were apprentices now, they were old enough to know better than this. She certainly had never done anything like this when she was an apprentice.
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  • ooc: — feel free to have your character be one of the apprentices! wait for willowroot to reply tho
  • challenge-3-moss-png.1191
    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.
( ) there's a sparkle of amusement in the smoke feline's gaze as they watch the "spar" occur from a safe distance away. perched beside the warriors' den, they enjoy the laughter of the two apprentices in the background of their midday groom. around them, warriors hustle off to their duties, patrols return and go back out. it is clear that these two younger cats have been given a break from training for a moment. willowroot finds satisfaction in the fact that they still find the joy to play in this harsh season.

it's only when the snappy voice of her daughter reaches her ears that willowroot actually begins to pay attention. verdant eyes narrow as mosspool strides over, self-righteousness in every pawstep she takes. the two apprentices seem to not hear her until they almost crash into her legs, and the smoke femme winces slightly. mosspool can get very strict when need be, molded by aspenhaze to respect authority and boundaries. willowroot can see the frustration in the twitching of the tabby's tail as she draws herself up. as she breaks out into her speech, pity for the young ones fills the warrior's heart, and she'll get to her paws, approaching the scene with caution.

"mosspool," she murmurs, placing her tail lightly across her daughter's shoulders for a brief moment. as the two apprentices wilt beneath the admonishment of the young warrior. willowroot gives them a soft look, as if to calm the situation slightly. "don't be so hard on them. why, i seem to recall a rather similar event occurring between a certain warrior and her sister in their younger moons." she flashes a pointed look at the tabby, whiskers twitching as she recalls days of play fights and attempted spars. to be fair to mosspool, many of these had started with hazewish's crackling energy, but her calmer daughter had joined in quite redily.

hoping she hasn't embarrassed her kin too badly, the older warrior turns back to the apprentices. "perhaps you two could move your spar to the edge of camp? we wouldn't want to be in anyone's way. there's no harm in a little bit of play wrestling, although you must keep your real skills sharp. perhaps mosspool would be willing to give you some tips."
𓆝 . ° ✦ Mosspool was not in the mood to have a tail laid on her shoulders. Her instinctive reaction was to shoot the owner of the offending appendage a sharp glare, but the expression wilted the moment she heard and saw her mother.

Though her brow furrowed at the suggestion she should go easier on the apprentices, her gaze could not meet Willowroot's pointed look. "That was not my fault." Was the only petulant protest she could manage to mutter. Mosspool wanted to add that the incident had been Hazepool's fault, but the words felt too embarrassingly childish for her to say, no matter how true she thought they were. All the fire seemed to have gone out of her in an instant, her authority easily undercut by her mother. It felt like she was an apprentice again.

"Perhaps." Mosspool responded noncommittally to her mother's suggestion. Sparring on the edge of camp with a warrior overseeing the event would be a more appropriate manner in which to do so, but she hardly wanted to reward two unruly apprentices with her time and effort.
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  • ooc:
  • challenge-3-moss-png.1191
    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.

Sparring like this was fun, not having to think between the giggles she would display as she bowled over the other apprentice- missing, and right into a warrior who the tortie had swore wasn't there moments ago.

She couldn't help but put a paw over her maw in a stifled final giggle until she realized the situation was actually quite... dire. Mosspool was throwing a fit, and her form sat up right, flicking an ear in- well annoyance that the warrior was reprimanding them.

"It's called having fun, miss," maplepaw explained, features pouting a bit at being scolded for her form. Her mentor was always proud of her- or at least that's what he portrayed. She was only out of the nursery for a few moons, but she was determined nonetheless to prove in real training she knew what she was doing. shed watched as willowroot would try to defend the two apprentices, explaining that mosspool had done the same thing. "yeah, I'd be fine with moving to the side of camp- if yer still up fer it." Her gaze turned to her friend, before a mischievous smile crossed her maw. "I bet in a real spar, I could actually beat ya!" She taunted, sticking her tongue out in a teasing manner to the other apprentice, before grinning. She wasn't going to let a warrior sour her mood.

Tumbling about with Maplepaw had become a new constant and she loved it. Having a cat just as high-energy was refreshing and getting to practice new moves was an added plus. Her ears having been muffled by laughter and the frequent squishing against earth. Their rough housing came to an abrupt end as her body rolled into a much firmer one. Springing back she looked on with an apologetic gaze tail lowering and ears falling back as she sat instinctively. At first Bumblepaw had been frozen by humility thinking she'd run into some grumpy elder or starclan forbid the leader himself. Instead when her mind cleared Bumblepaw realizes she was having her ears chewed off by none other than her own sibling. Shock kept her silent even after Maplepaw shot back at Mosspool. Her maw thinned into a dismayed grimace as she felt the other had really lost their mind.

Irritation crept up the she-cats spine like paws dipped into icy rapids and her nose crinkled with annoyance. Where do you get off talking to me like that? I'm your sister! The term 'kits' nearly sent her into a fit of fury had it not been for the cooling presence of someone familiar. Thankfully, Willowroot was just around the corner and her shoulder's eased as her mom took charge. Listening intently her maw fell open with disbelief as Willowroot began to play the role of mediator. Bumblepaw visibly wilted at Maplepaw's side her yellow gaze burning from annoyance while a strange sensation bubbled. "Mom! We were just playing wh-" Gritting her teeth she forcibly silences the desires to complain knowing it would get them nowhere. Why does she get special treatment for being a jerk? The black moggy knew Willowroot was just trying to ease the tension and the older molly made perfect sense but petulance had already begun to brew.

Standing back up to her paws the apprentice upturned her nose just as her friend came around to entertaining the idea. In the youth's own mind she believed wholeheartedly they would never react in such a snobby manner had the roles been reversed. A part of her wanted to shout a resolute 'no way!' but given the circumstances she just gave an affirming nod. Being the taller of the two paws' she looks back to glare up at Mosspool huffing audibly. "Seems more like someone let becoming a warrior get to their head. I don't want a cat like that teaching me anything." Lashing her wispy tail she turned from her mom and sister in a nonverbal display of 'you guys suck and this sucks'. Calling over to Maplepaw her tone seemed a touch softer. "C'mon let's go." Bumblepaw then stomped away toward the beech corpse with her mood officially soured.

In and out! Decided on some sibling rivalry ;)