pafp do you want arbys || Fainting from hunger

((TW: starving ))

It was another near unsuccessful hunt for Frostbite, a scrawny bird was all he managed to catch today. It was better than his last hunt, where he found nothing at all. It left him feeling more stressed than usual. It was frustrating. Several times he has considered hunting elsewhere outside the territory to find food, but he doesn't want to be too far in case something happens. But still... The clan needs food. The kits and queens need food. He's skipped several meals so others could eat and it's been catching up to him lately. Whenever he does take a meal for himself, he takes the smallest prey. He's fine, he tells himself. Others need the better prey more. And so, that brings him to today. Walking back into camp he is overcome by dizziness and weakness. He's pushed himself too far, he registers.

That's his fault, he should have been more careful. With wobbly steps he tries to make it to the fresh kill pile, but he doesn't get far. Dropping the bird and falling over, he hits the ground with a thump. His eyes are unfocused as he looks in front of him and its only now that he notices the aches and pains from overworking himself trying to make sure the clan was safe and fed. Perhaps he just needs to rest a little. Then, he'll go get something to eat.

He'll be fine right here...

(( Frostbite keeps giving other cats his meals so they can eat and forgets that he is also an organism that requires food to function @Skunktail ))​

He's not technically out with Frostbite, but he's nearby on his own hunt. Briarpaw is practicing her hunting within the vicinity and he is keeping a careful eye on her but attempting not to hover too much to not distract the young molly. Out of the corner of his eye he watches the white tom wander by and initially thinks nothing of it, having almost not even seen him due to how easily he blended into the snow, but a soft thump has his ears twitch and his head whips around in alarm. Frostbite is on the ground now suddenly, the bird he had in his maw laying before him as limp and lifeless looking as he was and the dark warrior gives a startled jump upward with a yowl as he rushes over.
"Frostbite! Hey! What's wrong-what happened-why-" He stops, its hard to tell with how thick the other's fur was but the very distinct outline of ribs shows along his sides and is much more prominent than the rest of the clan who is equally struggling along and just getting by. "...have you been skipping meals? You idiot-! You-" Skunktail stops mid-shout, dark paws scuffing the ground and he lowers his head to nudge into the scarred side of the lead warrior's, when he feels no resistance his tail lashes in panic and he turns to his apprentice with a jerk of his head, "Get help!" He couldn't carry the big guy alone and Briarpaw could also inform Starlingheart of them coming to camp as well, she was surely quicker than he was.

Skunktail lowered his head again, nudging the bird closer as if the smell of it might entice a reaction and wake the pale tom from his unconciousness. He feels a brief and near explosive burst of rage swill in his chest, remembering the kits in the nursery being happily fed and leaving the rest of the clan to scrounge and scrape by and he grits his teeth to swallow it back down because its not their fault and Frostbite wouldn't want him to blame them for it; the kits were innocent. The clan provided because they cared. He shouldn't let it twist inside him so violently.
"Come on, Frosty, get can't ditch me. Not like this. Not before I can tell you what a great guy you are.."

  • Apprentice Tag - @Briarpaw.

  • 62602478_UrpK9NsUJpgnTSw.png
    —⊰⋅ Warrior of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ SH Black & white tom w/spearmint green eyes

*+:。.。 Frostbite was one of those people Sin didn't know very well yet unconsciously saw as one of Shadowclan's pillars, alongside Chilledstar and Smogmaw. He was someone who just seemed to always be around, his word one that everyone silenced themselves to listen to. You didn't need to know Frostbite to know the guy was one of Shadowclan's hardest-working warriors, someone the clan probably couldn't do without. Singekit, in his ignorance, would tell you he couldn't care less about the guy - oh, Frostbite? Yeah I mean, he brings me food and whatever, so what - yet, seeing him now, collapsed, was a sight that shook the boy to his core.
It was just...
So weird.
Frostbite wasn't someone Sin could see being felled. I mean, just recently the man had brought him and his siblings and the other kits something to eat and now he was just...poof! Dead on the ground! No, not dead, just collapsed. Starclan - he was just collapsed, right? But what did it mean if a guy like Frostbite could collapse like that?

Skunktail's appearance does nothing to reassure the confused kit. The weight of the situation hangs even heavier on his shoulders as he listens to yet another pillar fall in a whole new way, his keening making Sin's ears flatten against his head with a reluctance to hear he couldn't quite explain. It felt like the time he heard the crying coming from the warrior's den... This, now, was a proper taste of what was in store for Singekit. A world where people he thought could live forever just...wouldn't. He thinks back to the numbness he felt when Comfreypaw and Sprucepaw's bodies were dragged in - one moment lively in camp, the next permanently asleep, their deaths mercifully left to an untouched imagination.
Or had they collapsed, just like Frostbite?

A jolt of panic finally raced through the boy, enough to wake him from this odd shuffling of memories. Fuck this - he wasn't just going to stand and watch like some wilting daisy! "Ah- I - I'll go get Starlingheart!" he chokes out to no one in particular, cursing himself for the tremble in his voice. Pivoting on his feet, the boy races for the medicine den, yowling @STARLINGHEART 's name as he runs.

It is one thing to watch cats already dead be dragged back home, Sin's chance to help is unachievable in every way. But when he becomes a 'paw, it'll be his hands on deck to save lives. This is a taste of it. A taste of mortality. A taste of what it means to help.

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    3 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x NPC (brother to Swallowkit, Sneezekit)
    Shadowclan — Kit

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #b8312f
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: None currently


this was looking a bit too familiar. they remember when they were deputy, and they had passed our from pure exhaustion, and a mix of thst and not eating had certainly been a near deadly combo. they don't expect their lead warriors to do the same. his kindness was going to get home killed. they were hungry, sure, but they were all hungry together. they did not need to starve. everyone needed a bit of food and they were struggling, but not enough thst frostbite needed to skip meals. idiot.

"idiot is right. damn it, frostbite. one of you go get some wet moss or something. and make sure it's not frozen."

they rolled their eyes, gesturing to their apprentices, as they moved to gently touch their nose to the passed out form.

"frostbite, get up. you are so worried about the clan that you would leave them like this, hm? what of them? what of your kits if you cannot help us feed them?"

he's probably fine... right?

Leaf-bare isn’t kind to ShadowClan. Screechpaw had to learn this rather quickly, as prey dwindled from the moment snow first fell, as hunger began to bite at his own form more often than not. He’s managed to scrape by, still, managed to have meals — albeit smaller and less filling than he remembers them being when he was moons younger — by the end of the day.

He supposes he didn’t realize an empty stomach could lead to something worse until his heart drops with Frostbite’s form, dark paws moving to stand beside Chilledstar as shouts arise. He wants to shout too — his former caretaker doesn’t look so good, looks almost like the blurring images of Halfshade’s final days. Is he going to lose him too?

What — What do we do? “ he stammers out to his mentor, mischief-laced voice replaced with fear and distraught. Moss, the leader asks for, seeking out both of their apprentices. Normally, he’d leave such a task up to anyone else, but… but this is Frostbite. A swift nod of the head is given, and the wide-eyed tom bolts away, searching for the requested supplies.

And when he finds it, when he makes sure the clump of moss is wet enough and not frozen solid, he races back toward the gathering group. “ Is this — Is this good? “ ​
  • 74597074_cdZpRJwV0JQAuyC.png
    ── Apprentice of ShadowClan

    ── Forestshade x Vulturemask
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A black/red tabby chimera with mismatched green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Chilledstar
    ── "Speech"; Attack
His eyes were slowly beginning to close when he felt Skunktail prod him. He sounds worried.... Does he really look that bad? He hears him pleading and he can't help but feel something in his heart. What does he mean, tell him what a great guy he is? Perhaps if he weren't so delirious, he would understand.

Singepaw's voice reaches his ears, he's running to get Starlingheart... Frostbite feels guilty that Singepaw has to witness his weakness. His self neglect born of stress and anxiety has made him look like a fool. Yet he can't find it in himself to be frustrated. Rogues cross their borders like it doesn't exist, the prey is running poorly as it does every leafbare and the kits in the nursery can't go without food like he can. There were so many vulnerable members of their clan who weren't as durable as him.... But he supposes he forgot that he wasn't invincible.

Chilledstar's tone makes him want to fling snow at their face. Unfortunately he is unable to do so right now. Chilledstar is also above him in rank, so there's that too. Frostbite has to remind himself that their words come from a place of care. They mention his kits, and he feels a pit in his stomach. He won't leave them. It will take more than this to make him give in to death's grasp. All around him he can hear voices of concern, and they all remind him that Shadowclan still cares for each other. Because if they didn't, he wouldn't be hearing any voices at all. There's still hope for this clan to be better.

He twitches an ear and forces his eyes to open more. "I'm still here." He mutters. "...Not ditching anybody. Just pushed myself past my limits, is all."

Lilacfur wouldn't be too far behind the Lead if she were even a step more self-sacrificing than him. The rosette often shared her meals rather than giving them up entirely. Passing around everything and anything with another mouth or two, making the most of every bite and for a while she wondered if that would even get her through Leafbare. Seeing Frostbite's condition as he collapsed, she's horribly reassured that she might be a hairs length on the side of just getting by not to faint like that.

She rushed forward like the rest of her Clanmates, trying not to crowd too much to overwhelm the snowy tom but it was hard not to shove her muzzle forward and see he was still breathing herself. Her eyes flicker to Skunktail in slight puzzlement as he spoke to his friend. She really hoped those wouldn't be his final words if Frostbite were to actually ever join StarClan.

"Then eat, Frostbite. You're the best lead we got right now." There's a twinge of humor in her voice, considering he's their only lead on the council.
[ i need the clouds to cover me ]