DOC TOLD ME TO TRAVEL [✦] skyclan patrol

It's early.

Normally, Greeneyes would struggle with being awake at this time. The young warrior doesn't think dawn patrols will ever be his favorite because of his need for sleep, but today he woke up long before the patrol was due to leave. His patrol. Despite his restlessness, he still can't believe he was chosen to lead a patrol. He can't believe Johnnyflame chose him to lead a patrol.

Orange and white paws near the pine forest's edge, the unknown of the Loner Lands mere paw steps away. His stride slows to a stop, and he turns to look at Chalk and Soma. Was he doing okay, leading them? Stars, he hopes so!

"Well, here we are!" he chirps, crooked tail swaying behind him. "Remember not to stray too far! You never know who could show up!" Kittypets, loners, rogues. Some faces on this side of things were more dangerous than others, and Greeneyes knows they shouldn't mess around with them.

He takes a few steps forward, before turning back to look at his patrol members. "Oh! And if you smell anyone familiar, be sure to tell me!" Thistleback and Honeysplash are at the forefront of his mind as he says this. Even if he's heard word on the latter not wanting to return to the pine forest, he still holds hope of catching a glimpse of his friend out here. To at least know she's okay, that Thistleback is too.

// patrol members: @CHALK and @Soma !
feel free to post before them!​



He was trying to do more, to not just be another face in the background who didn't pull their weight, and so he was secretly glad that he'd been called for patrols even if that one part of him that was always worried about screwing things up was still panicking in the back of his head. At least him and Greeneyes had that unknowingly in common; that they were both worried about messing up in front of their clanmates.

Ears would twitch toward the other tom as they reached the border and they spoke up, telling them to stick near and to stay alert for any familiar scents in the area. That's right. They had missing clanmates or something, didn't they? To be honest, Soma didn't know a whole lot of the clan cats personally, and so a lot of the recent losses hadn't really affected him much. He'd been too busy trying to figure out clanlife, all with his unhappy younger brother breathing down his neck about how much worse their life had gotten ever since they left the shelter.

To be honest, Soma found the forest far more preferable to the twoleg nests.

"You got it, boss!" he called back to the ginger tom with a grin, a playful note in the words as he split off to remark things and inspect the area.

He could sense Greeneyes enthusiasm, and if Soma was right then he was pretty sure this was the others first time leading a patrol. It must have been nice, having cats that trusted you that much. He wondered if one day, he might fight himself doing the same thing.

skyclan- male - a tall, muscular tomcat with asymmetrical tuxedo markings and electric green eyes.

⭒✧ A pale shadow to his other clanmates, Chalk quietly perused their surroundings. Patrolling was new to him. At the Learningplace the twolegs kept any other loners away so he had to do very little to keep a hold of his 'territory'. With other clans and a length of twolegplace at Skyclan's back it was good they did. It made that pine forest core all the safer. Curiously interrogating the sensation that rose at the thought of contributing to that safety, it took a beat for the tom to tune into Greeneye's words.

His whiskers quivered slightly at Soma's enthusiastic response. "As Soma said." Chalk tipped his snout sincerely. The mention of the missing cats had plucked his attention and the daylight warrior was more careful to investigate the borderline as they continued on.
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