private DOES IT RUN IN YOUR BLOOD? — siltcloud

Shadows drape the mire, mimicking the charcoal striping on the lone tabby she-cat’s pelt. Twilight burns at the bottom of the sky—as the sun sinks, flame gives way to violet, and the last of the light leaves the treeline. Comfreypaw’s amber eyes catch the last of the dying sunset, and they glow, rapturous, as she sets her sights on the tail-end of a lizard. It’s quick, but she’s quicker. She falls into a crouch, and, cloaked in darkness, her tail still and stiff like Rosemire had showed her, she darts toward the creature and kills it with a crack of her teeth into its back.

Yes,” she says, dropping the lizard at her paws triumphantly. She’s getting better, though she still fears her warrior ceremony will be delayed. There are times still where her body stutters, her lungs give out on her, where her energy depletes faster than it used to. She knows Rosemire must see it, too, and her flesh sears with shame when she imagines Applepaw and her littermates getting their names before her.

There’s something crunching through the foliage. She pauses, her ears swiveling. “Hello? Who’s there?” She tastes the air and stops, frowning. There’s the familiar, faint scent of ShadowClan here, rich with pine sap and dark water, but there’s something else, too. Something—something different. Alarming. Her fur begins to spike when there’s not an immediate response.

H-hello?...” Her teeth chatter once, nervously. Why had she come hunting alone? Oh, she should have waited for Rosemire, but she’s nearly warrior-aged, and she wants to bring her catch back to him and show him what she’s done…

She wonders if she’ll get the chance, now.

[ @Siltcloud. ]

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  • Crying
Reactions: Floppie and Rai
siltcloud & 19 moons & female & she/her & shadowclan exile
Siltcloud had only come to steal prey - there was only so much of the twolegplace filth she could stand to stomach after all, though that certainly didn't stop her from taking whatever sharpeye was willing to share, the freeloader she was. Pawsteps move in near-silence upon the frosty marshland floor, ears perked and eyes watchful as she moves - slinking about the darkness. The nighttime has always made her feel at home - she wears it's shadows like a second pelt, using her light-footed figure to her advantage, her eyes easily adjusted.

The 'prey' she finds doesn't seem so lucky - because siltcloud is there, watching, as comfreypaw darts about. As jaws wrap around the wriggling pale form of a lizard, as she triumphantly anouncess her success. She almost laughs at the absurdity f it - that even now, shadowclan has not learnt to be more aware of their surroundings. Or maybe, comfreypaw is just particularly dense.

For a moment, siltcloud contemplates simply moving on - is a sickly she-cat worth her time? But.. that hadn't stopped her from closing her jaws around basilwhiskers throat and tearing it, and it doesn't stay her paws now either. A blur of dust and snow, she darts forwards with claws outstretched - aiming her blows against the girls face in the hopes of disorienting her at the least, if not outright maiming her." You shouldn't be out alone, " she mocks, voice quiet and low even as she aims blow after blow.

She will teach shadowclan a lesson tonight, and get a free meal out of it.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
In a way, Siltcloud is right—Comfreypaw’s naivete, her fervent belief that StarClan and the wild shadows of the territory she’d been born in would keep her safe, has brought her under attack. A skinny, scabby whirlwind of dull auburn fur whips toward her. Startled, Comfreypaw emits a squeak of fear and surprise. “S-Siltcloud!” The rogue had been her Clanmate less than a moon ago, but there is no familiarity in those dense sage-green eyes. There is only hatred, glittering and cold.

“You shouldn’t be out alone,” the former ShadowClan warrior mocks, even as claws find Comfreypaw’s face, her cheek, her ear, pulling and tearing at the flesh there. Her fear turns to wild, animal terror as she shrieks in pain, falling backward and exposing the softness of her belly. In a desperate attempt to keep herself alive, she kicks out with her back legs, attempting to bury her hind claws into Siltcloud’s own belly, but the maneuver is made in complete panic, and her battle training has lacked between her bouts of yellowcough fatigue.

Blood pours down one side of her face, into her eye, blinding her. “Leave me alone, please,” she weeps. “I won’t tell anyone, I promise, I won’t tell anyone it was you if you just leave me alone…” Her plea dissolves into a whimper, flatlining with the knowledge that she would not find mercy in Siltcloud.

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