Aug 31, 2024
Blackk— Blackpaw has been buzzing over her apprenticeship the moment she entered it. Lichenstar's words still linger across her mind as she pads over to the apprentice den. The nursery is usually loud and crowded with fussy kits, so she's grateful that she's finally out of the general overstimulating environment. Even with herself being at an early apprentice's age, it felt awkward being the oldest and biggest in the nursery. Blackpaw's ears flick a few times, the anxiety consuming her excitement already over time. As eager as she is for her apprenticehood, she can't help but think she will have more expectations settled on her existence, especially from her mentor and senior clanmates... What if she fails them— What if she does turn out to be nothi—

"Oi, Curlypaw."

Her attention snaps over to find Sharppaw leaving the den, his brow furrowed with confusion. Blackpaw scoffs at her slight changed mock nickname and catches a few apprentices passing by them. Not wanting to make a huge scene with them witnessing it, coming from someone who will become their new denmate, she awkwardly dips her head to them in greeting. She faces back to Sharppaw and rolls her eyes. "Mosspaw." It's strange she'll be sleeping in the same space as him. She can't help but wonder what it's like to have Sharppaw as a denmate. For one who's a distant loner, he's probably boring. But as long as he isn't bothering her, she doesn't care about sharing the same resting space as him. She plans to have her nest be as far from his as possible.

Blackpaw puffs her chest, trying to make herself appear stronger under Sharppaw's sight. "Um, I'm looking to see which resting spot I can take," Still, she lamely attempts to explain her reason of being here. It's not really necessary when it seems like he's leaving to his own world, but part of her feels inclined to anyway. She notices his gaze hasn't been on hers and glances over to her collection that she nearly forgot about from her overthinking. Blackpaw hopes he won't judge too much about having to bring a few trinkets over to her resting spot. "Hopefully, I won't have to sleep right next to you." A jab that she does think is necessary on the other hand, but it's at least helpful enough to ease her anxiety.


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