camp does whatever a spider can | intro, spider sighting

Sep 30, 2023

i am flesh and i am bone πŸ•ΈοΈβ€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”
Dew dripped off of the yellowing leaves of leaf-fall, there was a brisk chill in the air and heaviness drenched camp. There was death and sickness running circles around the cats, stalking and taunting them at all hours of the day. The skies filled with new stars every night it seemed.

While almost every warrior, young and old, felt the pressure of these times there were a few cats who had yet to understand the gravity of the situation.

Silkkit's large eyes flitted over the few small saplings that decorated the edge of camp, like him they looked fragile and awkwardly out of place. He was small, and despite being fed first by the clan he still never gained a pound. The bright red tom stuck out like a sore thumb among the dirty browns and blacks of his clanmates, is also didn't help that he was entirely focused on looking at these trees, for who knows why? He's frankly a strange kitten, he shows little interest in games like mossball and such and would rather spend his time looking at the leaves and mud, that or listening to stories about past. On occasion he's even tried bugging the medicine cats for just more information, though they turned him away very quick.

All those thoughts though, all those things, they didn't matter to him. Instead all he cared about right now was looking for something of interest. His giant eyes reflected each branch and pine needle as he scoured them, searching for something he hadn't yet studied. He was consumed with these tiny world's that existed under his nose, the veins in the leaves and the ripples in the bark. It's early morning still and while the morning patrols are getting ready to leave, the sunrise light catches something in it's glow. The intellectual kit stops dead in his tracks. It's a spider web, catching the golden light in not only it's silk but the drops of dew that had yet to evaporate. A small smile creeps to his face as he plops down in front of it, short tail swishing with pleasure.

He traced his eyes over every silken thread with the utmost precision, noting each connection and each time the web failed to be symmetrical. He was named after those threads, his mother had thought his stripes resembled that of a spiderweb, though she thought he looked far too soft to be called Webkit or Spiderkit. While he had already figured he found the most precious of treasures it just got better when a small arachnid tramped back onto it's home. The red tail began to swish even faster as Silkkit watched the spider with fascination. It so delicately made it's way to the middle of the web, only to seemingly look up at the cat, maybe it too was studying the world around it? A small huff of air escaped the little tom, he had been holding his breath without even realizing, it sent a ripple down the web and almost instantly the little guy squeaked a "Sorry!" hopefully the spider would forgive him.

rise up, ting ting, like glitter and gold πŸ•ΈοΈβ€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”πŸ•ΈοΈpenned by WriteAboutRadish
➼ Kittens were peculiar to them or rather hard to understand but they're well enough not to have any of their own and seem content with their sister's brood even if they're not quite close to their nephews and nieces. They're gradually getting there with Nettlepaw and that's plenty enough for them but they pad back from a hunt with a small frog hanging limply from their jaws of which they deposit onto the freshkill pile and notice movement from the corner of their eye, Nightswarm lifts their head to see a red tabby kitten looking at something as if it was important.

Curiosity is what pulls them away from the freshkill pile and blinks amber eyes when the kitten offers the spider an apology, a half amused snort leaving them as the warrior speaks with a slight tilt of their head "It cannot understand you." Their half lidded gaze focused on Silkkit for a heartbeat before focusing on the archanid once more.

  • beez2.png
    ➼ 34 moons old
    ➼ shadowclan warrior
    ➼ child of briarstar & amber
    ➼ asexual demiromantic; single
    ➼ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ➼ semi-difficult in combat; relies on stealth, their agility, and strategy
    ➼ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ➼ penned by bosstaurus
—————————————————【 she/her | menacing 】————————————————
γ€β—ˆγ€‘Scalejaw's ears twitched, observing Silkkit from afar- briefly, anyways, as Nightswarm approached as well. They both seem almost entranced on the spider, until the kit disturbs it and Nightswarm's amusement gets the best of their silence. She pushed to her paws from where she was laying, approaching. She sat next to Nightswarm, tilting her head in greeting to the other warrior before speaking aloud to Silkkit. "You should respect them, though. They eat those pesky bugs that like to bite our hides." Scalejaw stated.

Like mosquitos. Or flies. The horseflies that made it all the way from Horseplace were often the worst there was. But she didn't bring any of that up- better to keep the name list off of Silkkit's mind, for who knows what a kit's head would do with the words? "The web is pretty though, isn't it?" She asked next, tail swishing behind her.


[penned by dallas].

It was strange indeed, seeing something she enjoys and something she abhors interact like this. It was like if a plump, delicious mouse had somehow made friends with a twoleg. The apprentice was fond of kits, and admired Silkkit’s inquisitive nature, but spiders were something the Somali lookalike could certainly live without.

β€œDisgusting things” she practically spat as she approached, sitting down at least a fox-length further away than everyone else. β€œAnd their webs tangle in my tail awfully.” Wheatpaw looked on at Silkkit, silently urging him to come away from the web and take up any other pursuit, but it seemed the wanderer was not blessed with the gift of mind control.

A scoff sounded from the Somali lookalike at Scalejaw’s comments, thoroughly disagreeing and holding onto the bad habit of taking any difference of opinion as personal insult. β€œI would rather have a million flies in my fur than suffer the indignity of being forced to look at another one of those…creatures.” her words dripped with disgust, but softened as she turned to Skilkkit. β€œCome now, would you not rather look at some other bug? One with an appropriate number of legs, perhaps?”
sweet like honey
β€”β€”β€”β€” ( β˜€ ) β€”β€”β€”β€”
Honeypaw had little interest in insects outside of kithood. They had fascinated her when she was a small bundle of fur, able to chase after them and bat them around. But she was older now, and she had cooler things to be chasing after. Like... intruders! And prey! Okay, well, she hadn't been lucky enough to kick a rogue's tail out of the territory. And she wouldn't be admitting it out loud, but she was pretty glad the problem hadn't landed in her paws yet. She didn't want to get all bloody and hurt even if she would totally and definitely win. Spiders had lost their appeal once they were too small to feasibly eat anymore - thank the Stars Honeypaw had picked the hobby of collecting rocks instead of collecting bugs. It'd be hard to keep them contained!

The apprentice was lounging in camp after managing to scrounge up a bird in a hunt, cleaning herself near the entrance of camp listlessly in a bid to kill as much time as she could. Her tufted ears flick back at the voices of her Clanmates, a gathering of a few faces becoming an increasingly rarer sight between the cats that had departed for the grand journey and the cats continuing to fall ill around her. Honeypaw hops to her paws, spitting out the mud that had built up thick in her mouth from her grooming before padding over to join the commotion. Her sundrop eyes follow Wheatpaw's to the spider on their web, and a giggle escaped Honeypaw. She turns back to Wheatpaw and sticks her tongue out playfully. "Bet it'd say the same thing about you. You don't have enough legs!" Honeypaw turns her gaze down to Silkkit, offering the other red tabby a bright smile. "I think spiders are cool! You're named after their silk, right? Besides, Starlingheart uses their webs, right? It's a cool find! I'd feel kinda bad kicking it out of it's home... hey, maybe we could feed it? Think we could catch a bug for it, Silkkit?"

Applepaw had been in Silk-kit’s place not too long ago – and though she would not dare to linger to long, unwilling to give off the impression of being stuck within her kithood – it does make her feel sort of weird, as she watches him creep about, apparently mystified by what was just… the world. Applepaw wonders how he would ever manage a catch, if he feels the need to apologize for breathing on a spider.

Nightswarm informs the kit that spiders cannot speak, nor understand cat. Scalejaw says something about the webs being pretty. Applepaw guesses she would agree. It’s pretty when it’s not tangled in your pelt, at least – and Applepaw feels scandalized by nearly sharing an opinion with Wheatpaw. The webs were fine, but the bugs themselves…

I think spiders are cool! Honeypaw offers. " I'm sure you would, " Applepaw vaguely replies. She really has nothing against Honeypaw, but maybe she was just in a mood. Honeypaw then suggests the complete waste of time that is hunting bugs in order to repay a spider. Applepaw scrunches up her nose. " If spiders are so noble, we ought to let them catch their own prey. Maybe it would appreciate a pretty flower, instead. " She offers, and it would be sarcasm to anyone who’s paying attention. Applepaw has better things to do than this, frankly. But it's something she can give her attention to, until Granitepelt emerges from the Warriors' Den.

  • ( I'M OBSESSED WITH THE MESS THAT'S AMERICA. ) APPLEPAW. kit of shadowclan. eldest sister to swanpaw, ashenpaw, and garlicpaw. ( + birdkit, halfkit & tanglekit )
    β€”β€” she / her; confused by the use of others.
    β€”β€” currently 6 moons old as of 9.27.23. ages every 17th.

    longhaired blue torbie with a white chest, paws, and underbelly. A young cat you would describe as " bossy, " Applekit is quick to take charge of any situation she sees herself as the probable head of. A rule - follower to a T, and thinks herself better than the majority of her clan for this. Not ignorant enough to think herself above a warrior, but seeks to gain that status as quickly as possible. Intensely self - motivated to be the best in a mixture of blind, childish desire, and never wanting to be afraid of anything ever again.