camp DOIN’ TIME 🕷coming outside

.·:*¨༺🕷༻¨*:·. The first few days after the skirmish with the owl had been somewhat of a blur, her mind deciding to cope with the pain by blocking what it could out from her memory.
That was fine, Briarpaw didn’t want to remember such a dark time anyhow, instead the injured apprentice counted the days until she was no longer-nest bound and was free to amble to at least the entrance of the medicine den- if not to soak up a little sun.
When the warm rays do hit her features, it is hard to suppress the urge to revel in it and crane her head up to the sky, thirsty for more.
She doesn’t, Briarpaw keeps her gaze level as she adjusts her stance, careful not to disturb the bandages Starlingheart and Magpiepaw used to keep her injury protected. Briarpaw didn’t have to ask if it would leave a scar, she had caught a glimpse once while her dressing was being changed, she couldn’t see much spare for the sharp points that stretched from her stomach and now washed up a portion of her flank.
Briarpaw had never been one to entertain vanity, but a small part of her couldn’t help but ache at the realization that she was now marred for life. For the most part, though, she could appreciate the bad-ass aspect of it.
A yawn prys at the apprentices jaws, and when hazel optics blink open once more, they pick out the nearest cat.
"Hey, grab me something from the fresh-kill pile?"
She despised being feeble, but who was going to refuse the gravely injured, heroic apprentice?
That thought sure put a rosey tint on this sorry picture.

  • BRIARPAW she/her, apprentice of shadowclan, 9 moons.
    slender, lean-muscled black she-cat with sharp hazel eyes & large ears.
    daughter of Forestshade && Vulturemask ࿏ sister to Screechpaw && Sweetpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


On Smogmaw's mental inventory of potential hazards within the territory, owls are, admittedly, fairly low on the list. Seldom - if ever - seen, and more intimidated by him than vice versa. It took an owl's talons in Briarpaw's back to ascribe aggression onto them, but once ascribed it was set into his mind and categorized quickly. After all, he bore witness to Little Wolf's fatal injury, and though the talons responsible belonged to an eagle rather than to an owl, it remained just a small leap from one species to the next.

Had the deputy stood where Briarpaw did, however, he would like to believe himself capable of not only warding off the owl's attack, but also turning it into the most exquisite topper that the fresh-kill pile has ever seen. A smidgeon unrealistic, perhaps, though delusions of grandeur have always been as much a part as the blood running through his veins.

He is bound across the camp, entertaining these lofty daydreams, when a question breaches the surface. Black-capped ears quiver and he casts a backward glance, meeting the asker's hazel eyes with his own, dark and dilated. "Of course," Smogmaw meows in turn, before dipping his head and setting off for the prey pile as requested. Always a gratifying sight, seeing a clanmate bounce back from grievous injury, and it shows in his gait; a long and strident pace, yet half as curt and staccato as it was just moments prior. Briarpaw, fit as a flea on Ferndance, will be free to sit in the morning sun soon enough.

Plucked from the pile is the ripest, juiciest-looking frog he's set his eyes on in a half-moon (which is saying a lot, these days). Fleet-footed footfalls have the tom back at Starlingheart's cave before the moment has a chance to escape, and the apprentice's meal is promptly deposited before her. "Here's to a swift recovery," he says in a tone as blithe as he could manage. "Hope you're in fightin' form soon enough, Briarpaw. I've oodles of patrols lined up for you, you'll love 'em."


[ ༻❄༺ ] Remembering the patrol of apprentices that Thunderclan had sent out, and how they took pride that they all faught off an owl together and then Briarpaw practically taking an owl on her own (with help of course), made her silently laugh. Perhaps it was a bit of an ego that struck the strums of her heart or something else, but the fact that Briarpaw came out with only some major injuries compared to the one apprentice partially older than her spoke how soft Thunderclan's apprentice were and how, they wouldn't last long in the harsh life of the marsh.

Oh how she would have smugly rubbed it in theit faces that Shadowclan's apprentice could handle more than they could on their own, but the warriors had to come in and tell her it was enough, oh well. "I wish I had been there to witness it Briarpaw, but at least you got a cool scar out of it" she stated calmly as she trotted over, giving a slight greetings to Smogmaw who seemed eager to have Briarpaw going on more patrol, and well, Briarpaw would love that she supposed.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 8 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


" I think that scar is only making your pretty features stand out more ~" Basilpaw joined in with his charm, or well....that was his plan anyway to be!. He flashed the brown molly a smile as he come on over and even added a wink to Briarpaw. As he moved himself closer though his act ended. " So how did that made you feel Briarpaw?. Was i able to charm you?, flatter you?. Maybe give you a blush or two?. Please tell me how i did! i'm trying to master this molly-charming skill!. Any advice will be very helpful!" He leaned in closer, blinking his eyes at the molly as he expected a honest reply from them because this was very importand to him!. His heart counted on her!.

It was good to see Briarpaw safe and healthy after being attacked by an owl. Frostbite hated those birds. While their hunting prowess was to be admired, he loathed that the smallest among his clan- the other clans too, actually- were seen as prey. His own daughter was nearly taken by one, and any news of an owl in the area sends his stomach into knots. He swears that one day he'll kill the owl who hurt Poppypaw and feast on its flesh. Whether it was the same owl or not that attacked Briarpaw, it'd be great if he could just kill all of them.

"It's good to see you're recovering well, Briarpaw."
Frostbite says from his spot near the nursery, bathed in sunlight.

He feels... Hope, when he looks at his clanmates. They are fully fed for once, the prey pile is full, and nothing horrific has happened yet. They have to enjoy it while it lasts. He considers offering her a spot beside him, but is unsure of if Starlingheart wants her out of the medicine den. Wouldn't want to get Briarpaw in trouble. He raises a brow when Basilpaw starts flirting though. He hadn't expected it. He's practicing, it seems. You know? Good for him. Practice makes perfect and maybe one day he'll have a mate he can charm all day long. Unfortunately, Frostbite has no advice to give.... For he is not an expert in the art of flirting.​

✧ . Forever a near-mirror to his sister, swathed in bandages of his own and wishing for sunlight to hit the shadows of his fur, Screechpaw settles outside of his nest today, and at the medicine den’s mouth instead. The day he can go further, can reach the camp’s exit and beyond, shouldn’t be too far off now — though the days feel all too long when he’s made to stay in place. To let wounds heal the best they can, into jagged scars just as troublesome as he is.

As it is most days now, it’s Briarpaw’s voice that pulls his attention forward, a request for prey off the fresh-kill pile that gathers a crowd toward her, one wrapped in praise and compliments that leaves Screechpaw shifting, his gaze dropping.

For she is the savior, and he is the fool. Of course they bring their well-wishes to her, and not him.

A sharp look is shot Basilpaw’s way at his… attempts… at flirting with Briarpaw. Quite honestly, he doesn’t want to hear any of that. Perhaps he should go back inside, go lay in his nest, away from all of this — surely it won’t be long before sharp looks are turned back on him, a reminder of why his sister resides in the medicine den he doesn’t want further etched into his mind by the deputy’s glowering stare, or his former caretaker’s grimace.

But, he’s also hungry, and he doesn’t know when the next apprentice to drag food to their temporary home will be coming around. So he looks back up, uncertainty dulling his typical glinting gaze. “ Can someone grab me something too? “​
  • 74597074_cdZpRJwV0JQAuyC.png
    SCREECHPAW AMAB. He / Him. Apprentice of ShadowClan.
    ✧ . A black/red tabby chimera tom with mismatched green eyes.
    ✧ . Forestshade x Vulturemask
    ✧ . Mentored by Chilledstar
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack
Ever since she'd heard the news, Forestshade hadn't been quite the same. She has been a bit more irritable lately; it's the only avenue for her worry. Because she can't be vocal about her worry. Briarpaw doesn't want to see her, she knows...not after the last conversation they had. Every time she finds herself wandering towards the medicine den to see her two injured kits, she ends up stopping or veering off in a different direction, always unable to follow through.

Today, though, she can hear voices gathering outside of the medicine den, chatter and laughter and lighthearted jabs. Among them, Briarpaw and Screechpaw's voices. Her heart leaps, and though she's never been a maternal cat, something inside her draws her closer and she can't fight it. The lead warrior ends up stopping just before them, awkward in her stance. Her muzzle points towards Briarpaw at first, her maw parted as if she wants to say something...but nothing comes out. After what feels like forever, she finally turns to Screechpaw and mews, "Yeah, I'll get you something." With that, she escapes to the fresh-kill pile. Running away, as always.

.·:*¨༺🕷༻¨*:·. Hazel optics shift to Screechpaw who rests nearby, but Briarpaw doesn't get a chance to say much of anything when pawsteps rapidly returning prompt her to look away, and Smogmaw's promptness earns the striped deputy an appreciative nod, reaching out to hook a claw into the frogs' flesh and bring it closer. When Smogmaw isn't as quick to leave as he was to arrive, Briarpaw can only assume for the fleeting moment of silence that the tom is awaiting a 'thank you.' Normally, the apprentice minded her manners just fine, and she lifts her head back up to verbalize her thanks when instead he offers a cheers, hopes for a swift recovery. He promises her "oodles" of patrols once she is back into the swing of her routine, and a smirk chips away at a once detached expression- she never would have been so relieved to hear a statement before now. "I hope so, I wouldn't want to fall behind." Not so close to her warrior assessment, hopefully Skunktail had something planned to ensure her progress wouldn't be taking too much of a hit in her absence. Snowpaw's approach isn't minded until she begins to speak, the sentiment reminding her of Singepaw's words. Unease prickles along her spine, it was humiliating enough that so many others had seen her in such a vulnerable, bloodied state- but the she-cat shakes the thought off with a dismissive flick of her tail.
"Uhm, thanks-" any discomfort towards Snowpaw is quickly put to a halt when Basilpaw waltzes over, his words taking a moment to register behind a slightly bewildered gaze. Was that... did he just wink at her? Briarpaw had rarely been complimented on her appearance, Applejaw was probably the last to have extended something as such- but Basilpaw's felt nothing like that, it made her sharp features pinch with discomfort. Shortly, the act is dropped, and Basilpaw admits his true motives.
"Yeah, don't practice whatever that was on me." Briarpaw grumbles with an irritated flick of her ear. Frostbite at least offers something civil, normal- and Briarpaw replies with a small nod in his direction, ready to take her prey back inside the medicine den at this point. Screechpaw asks for something too, and Briarpaw is prepared to offer a bite of her own meal. She has made her feelings on their predicament clear by now, she was angry, her fear for her littermates logic and future has sky-rocketed, and if she hadn't been so injured she would have throttled Screechpaw for his idiocy. These things remained true, even as the two neared recovery- but every instinct Briarpaw possessed still told her to share her meal with him, ensure he wasn't going hungry.
A forepaw begins to silently push the frog towards him, but the sense of another approaching makes her pause, golden-circled pupils shifting to Forestshade. Her mothers blind gaze is burning, and Briarpaw doesn't dare let her guarded expression break, not even when the pang of disappointment feels almost overwhelming when Forestshade turns away from her with nothing said, quick to retreat under the guise of fetching something for Screechpaw.
She doesn't feel like a hero, not at all. Briarpaw hardly feels like anything, a mere shadow- but, isn't that what she always has been? "Thanks for the frog." Her tone is cool when she looks to Smogmaw once more, offering a curt dip of her head before gathering her meal and retreating back into the depths of the medicine den.

  • BRIARPAW she/her, apprentice of shadowclan, 9 moons.
    slender, lean-muscled black she-cat with sharp hazel eyes & large ears.
    daughter of Forestshade && Vulturemask ࿏ sister to Screechpaw && Sweetpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Hmh, okay. This hadn't worked out in his favor for sure!, not at all like he had thought for it to go. Briarpaw looked highly bemused and disinterested. Basilpaw failed to see why it was not like he was seriously trying to flirt with her or anything....he was just practising! so why couldn't she give a helping paw out to her denmate for?. Was it because she was stuck in the medicine cat den with Screechpaw after the owl attack?. Had she perhaps expected him to play the sympathy card with her?. Too bad for her then!. Basilpaw had recently been in there as well sorta for the same reason and he had barely got any attention for it especially not from Briarpaw. " Uh, fine then i guess." was all he said as he titled his head to the side with a smile. Looked like somebody had woken up from the wrong side of the bed this morning!.

" Bye Briarpaw!!, rest well and hope you will get on a better mood soon!." he called after them, still grinning as he watched their back before blinking his eyes at Screechpaw. Oh right, he was here too!. He just grinned at them not having much to say to them at the moment so instead he shifted his gaze to Snowpaw. " What about my scars?, do you think they look cool too?" [ he asked after all Snowpaw had never mentioned about his scars before...why only Briarpaw for?. /FONT]