
Bluepool doesn't want any trouble on this patrol today. She had made it exceedingly clear to the cats she had chosen to come with her today. Foxglare, her nephew, her apprentice and... him. Her golden hued eyes linger on the form of the black and white tom for a bit longer than the others as she speaks, for Snakehiss is the one she is most concerned about in this moment. The others she does not see causing many problems but him? She is not certain anymore. He is a stranger to her now, right there along with her niece and her nephew. It would have been easier if they had left with the rest of the traitors, if she could lump them all together as no better than scum found between her toes, picked out and discarded. But here they were, living amongst them and her feelings towards all of them were.. complicated. Especially Snakehiss who she held no familial ties to. With a slight huff she turns, signaling with her scrappt tail to Featherpaw and the rest of her patrol to follow her.

"It'll be a good day if we see no ThunderClanners" she says quietly to her patrol as they near the border. Though she doubts that would happen unless they just forgot to patrol their side today. Wishful thinking is all that was, their paths would be set to collide at some point in time. "Right, let's get marking" she felt no need to question Featherpaw about ThunderClan, nor did she particularly care to instruct him how to mark a border. He was not a kit fresh from the nursery, after all. "How's your back feeling?" she asks him instead "You feel alright to run with me tomorrow morning?" it would be difficult, she knows, to go back to where they were before her apprentices injury but by the stars she would attempt to get her there as quickly as she could.


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  • d8xs4yJ.jpeg
    A small framed moor runner with a blue toned pelt and black stripes. Her tail is cropped and her eyes are golden in color. On her chest, she sports a large 'X' shaped scar.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + isn’t above using dirty tricks in order to win
She creeps carefully closer to the border, gaze constantly sweeping across her surroundings. The wolf hasn't been seen since the patrol returned of its news, but she won't take any chances. She glances over her shoulder at her patrol and flicks her tail, signalling it seems safe to venture forward. On the other side of the border, a group of WindClanners can be spotted, so she wants to be sure they take this opportunity to mark and make their presence known. After all, their moorland neighbors still have plenty to earn in terms of trust.

"Hello, Bluepool," Howlingstar greets politely, striding forward with her chin held high. She sweeps her gaze over the others that are present, recognizing a few faces. The patrol leader's, however, is the one she is most familiar with. Sootstar's sister. "Good hunting, I hope?"

// @antlerpaw!
Sunlitpaw is wildly uncomfortable with the company they had been squared away with. Unfortunately, wherever Foxglare went, Sunlitpaw also had to tail along - so the fell in line behind the patrol, fern green eyes sweeping over the backs of the other members of the patrol. Addervenom was a scary figure to have tail behind him, certainly the scariest of Sootstar's kits. Snakehiss was another unwelcomed addition, but Sunlitpaw had a fragile trust that the tom would keep his peace - they felt as though Snakehiss knew the stakes he was at with Sunstar. Their attention skirts to Featherpaw, being talked to by Bluepool. It moves again to Foxglare, lips tilting up in a timid smile at him before flicking away.

The border with ThunderClan was a path Sunlitpaw was not familiar with. Thick with trees and foliage - stars, Sunlitpaw felt as though they wouldn't be able to breathe if they had to live beneath the trees all the time. They had a distant experience with ThunderClan's territory, almost as vague as a memory of a memory. When they were still a kit, fleeing from WindClan's camp for the first time, fleeing from the first cluster of cats that wanted to wet their mouths with blood. Sunlitpaw wonders bleakly if their whole life will be a series of running for their life, each time more treacherous. They turn their eyes up toward the canopy dappling ThunderClan, stepping closer to Foxglare as Howlingstar breaks through the quiet forest line. They recognize her faintly, as well - the Leader that wouldn't let their father visit them when they were staying in ThunderClan's nursery. Sunlitpaw is curious about how Featherpaw feels about ThunderClan, about Howlingstar, but they feel as though he might have decided such a grudge was too childish to hold on to. Their thick tail sweeps up in a silent greeting, carefully avoiding directly meeting the gaze of a cat with so much power and influence, bumping into Foxglare and muttering a quick apology before righting her vision ahead of her. Just... follow Bluepool.
  • *

    they / she, moor-runner apprentice of windclan. mentored by foxglare
    a large yet timid chocolate tabby-tortoiseshell with spring green eyes
    sunstar x wolfsong, sibling to rivepaw, bearpaw, singedpaw, & featherpaw
    full length tags
    penned by izanami, contact on discord @nullmoons for plots or threads :)
out of any patrol leader leafhusk could get right now, howlingstar was at the top of her list. she felt safe walking behind the senior leader, a necessity in these trying times for thunderclan. every patrol made her more alert than necessary, her ears constantly pricking to pickup any noise, lips parted to catch unnatural scents nearby. right now, they were safe, so she advanced with the group.

she gives the windclanners a polite dip of her head, "evening." she says softly, to not disturb howlingstar’s exchange with bluepool. leafhusk rubs a tawny shoulder against some bark.​
Windclan was an interesting topic to hear about. One that was coated in blood, ones that had run from rogues- Antlerpaw couldn't blame them there- ones that were akin to snakes- their words like venom. Howlingstar had brought them to the border that day, and across it, Antlerpaw could spot the opposing patrol. Her ears twitched, pushing forward to look across at the souls that were in her peer range. Two younger looking.. toms? With pelts made of near-sunlight.

Antlerpaw inhaled deeply, scarred eyes turning away to flick up towards Howlingstar. Take her lead. A voice in her head whispered to her, so the Thunderclanner looked back towards the other clan, and she dipped her head in quiet greeting.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    a small, lh cinnamon lynx sepia still small, with a brown patterned pelt and bright orange-gold eyes. looks naive.
Phloxpaw thinks WindClan should count themselves lucky to see ThunderClan on a patrol. It's a good look at healthy civilization, lead with justice and blessed by StarClan because of their good deeds and righteously guided footfalls. Bluepool is recognizable amongst them, but she doesn't care much to know more than that or even to learn the names of the others. Howlingstar is polite in her greeting. Phloxpaw offers a smile to the WindClan patrol, though there is nothing genuine behind her eyes when she looks at them.

She looks to the small apprentice which trails behind Howlingstar, and leans close. "You know about WindClan, right?" Phloxpaw whispers quietly to Antlerpaw, recognizing that the apprentice is younger than herself and might have missed out on knowing about the reign of the tyrannical queen of the moors. Still, the queens love to gossip just as much as Phloxpaw does, so surely Antlerpaw has gotten bits and pieces of WindClan's infamy in her clan education thus far. "I'm, like, shocked that they still act like that after everything," there is a mockingly amused lilt to her voice when she continues to whisper, though her eyes still do not leave the WindClanners ahead.

⁀➷ Foxglare kept his eyes on the border, and the line of trees that sprung up from it, a wall halting their wind-spun plain. His mood was shortened too, though he could hardly bring himself to care a drop about the judgment of their neighbors. Instead, he was focused on perhaps pointedly ignoring the stiffening presence of Sootstar's former deputy. In many ways, he was suspended, waiting for the final leaf to drop, for Snakehiss to prove himself as someone no longer worth carrying along, his weak moral integrity showing its ugly face once more.

Fortunately, he was able to keep his thoughts occupied by minding Sunlitpaw. They glance at him regularly enough that he keeps his face trained to something akin to a pleasant neutral, and he keeps a flicking ear trained on any errant questions or comments from her. She apologizes for bumping into him, to which he offers an unconcerned blink and nothing more. It seems everyone so far has been keeping their patrol conversations quiet for the most part, and he turns to address Sunlitpaw in his own low drawl, "Remember what Thunderclan smells like?" 'Now's a chance to memorize it,' is implied. It'd been a minute since the young apprentice had a chance to reacquaint themself with their neighbors.

A simple "Good evenin'," and a tail wave is returned to the polite light brown colored molly across the way.

  • OOC:
  • sun . fox . foxpaw . foxglare
    — he/him. 15mo moor-runner of windclan. currently mentoring sunlitpaw.
    — a large, scarred white and golden tabby tom with grey eyes
    — smells like dewy oak and sedge
    — sounds like leon kennedy, with a vague texan drawl.
    — the straight-faced and taciturn adopted son of houndthistle, lived as a twolegplace loner until 7 moons old, now a moor-runner of windclan. steadfast and reserved, in an era of attempting to forge bonds with others and create a future to look toward.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — fullbody by antiigone, hs by mercurial
    — penned by eezy

Featherpaw's attention was split- between the task at paw, of course, and keeping an eye on Sunlitpaw. He did not let himself slip from patrolling, but concern for Sunlitpaw- and ever-present uncertainty surrounding their mentor, knowing his siblings vulnerabilities- was not a sensation the chocolate molly was able to easily shake off. The ThunderClan border was committed to memory, anyway... most of this patrol, Featherpaw trusted she could rely on her memory. Bluepool inquired after her wellbeing- and Featherpaw shot his mentor a frosty look of readiness, as ever. "It's fine." Her voice was stiff and short, lacking patience and assertive. The Thunderclanner's prying ears could not learn of any weakness. The scar was a scar- a mark of bravery, of ferocity, of duty. No one needed to know about any remaining sting. "I'll run as well as I ever have."

Better, hopefully.

In the presence of Howlingstar, Featherpaw's spiky fur grew more quill-like. There was a sense of distant respect in the way he held himself- even though Howlingstar had kept them away from their father, she had still offered WindClan refuge, despite all that Sootstar had wrought during her reign. And besides... Sunlitpaw's silent ponderings were right, unbeknownst to Featherpaw. A gruge from kithood was childish, and better stomped into the ground. The ThunderClan leader had never seriously wronged them.

Howlingstar's question was offered to her mentor, but Featherpaw gave a steely greeting regardless. "It's g-g-good to see you again." Like a little warrior, the spiky-maned tom dipped his head.
✦ penned by pin
Howlingstar's tail is brushed against Antlerpaw as she feels her apprentice's eyes on her, but she does not pay too much attention. Instead of Bluepool answering, it is her young apprentice. It's good to see you again, She says, and the leader blinks, wracking her brain to remember. Somewhere in the back of her illness-addled mind, she remembers a small, spiky-furred crimson kit who'd slept at the belly of Wolfsong, WindClan's medicine cat. This is Sunstar's daughter.

"Featherpaw, right?" She asks him, automatically replacing the -kit in his name that she'd known the last time they'd met. She smiles, always having a soft spot for the youth. "You've grown. How is your training coming along?" Sometimes, she's been known to be a little too conversational at the borders, but she has never been one to offer a cold shoulder unless it is given to her. Diplomacy is everything in leadership.

howlingstar is speaking when she approached from behind her patrol, squared ginger snout poking through the foliage drying with early newleaf gale when she becomes suddenly aware of a voice, phantom - familiar. a windclan patrol — bluepool, howlingstar says. she couldn’t pretend not to know it now, not only because it had already been spoken, but she was also attending patrol with her leader. so she stands taller, perks her ears forward with a gleam hardly restrained in meadow green eyes. it had been a long time since she’d seen her, now that she thought about it. when word has woven through the trees, whispers of an uprising and something about a she-cat gone madder than she’d already been, freckleflame had.. assumed the worst.

she trekked their borders so often the tortoiseshell could believe it was her sole purpose, the pinecone - spiked apprentice at her side still ever present. the tortoiseshell isn’t sure what to think of them still ; it’s difficult, caging her tongue when it was so quick to fire their way only moons ago. she’d grown, in that time — just as her apprentice had. howlingstar was right, the cinnamon pelted youth had sprouted up in their time away from thunderclan’s border. while the tabby addresses him, freckleflame turns her fiery emerald gaze towards bluepool, the edges of her maw quirking, ” hiii, bluepool. “ she’d never used her name before, ” how much did ya miss this face, huh? tell me th’ truth, was it a bunch? “ her grin grows, exposing the tips of short canines with a dramatic bat of her eyelashes. at least she could get points for non - aggression.

  • i.

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    she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. big, fluffy cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. larger than life! each and every part of her is broad ; wide in everything from her face to shoulders to her feathered tail, something reminiscent of her father’s kittypet heritage in the square of her chin and hulk of her figure. she appears illusionarily fluff - ridden at first, thickly pelted in shades of fire and soot, long & tangled, knotted with undergrowth — seeming soft and pudgy, and she is.. that figure curving into hard, hidden bulk along heavyset flanks and well - muscled limbs. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers.
    prone to bouts of explosive emotion. all opinions are solely in - character and during these times, often untrue or said only in anger.


Howlingstar is a familiar face, one that Bluepool will never be mad to encounter upon their borders. The Marsh Group had not been kind to either of them, and both had chosen to ultimately find home in different territories. Bluepool had yearned for the freedom of the moors, of the wide open skies ad rolling fileds while Howlingstar, it had seemed had chosen the forest. For what reasons, she is unable to fathom. Perhaps she had felt safer in the lush undergroowth, had felt as if her family would be better fed. They all had their own reasoning for making the decisions that they had when the split first occurred but despite their estrangement, it was hard to forget they had once lived together. "Howlingstar" she says politely, dipping her head in polite greeting at the same time as man of her patrol-mates do. Everyone else's tones are clipped, polite but short. Bluepool holds no such reservations. "The prey is good, rabbits are fattening back up for new-leaf and just in time too! We are being overrun by kits" future warriors that would make WindClan strong. She wants ThunderClan to know it, too. Their ranks would be swelling in no time if all of them made it to adulthood.

She casts her apprentice a proud glance when she offers a polite greeting as well. It is a surprise to not hear barbed words come from his tongue but a pleasant one nonetheless. "Featherpaw is my apprentice, her training is coming along great. She's shaping up to be among the finest moor-runners WindClan's got, 'specially if I have any say in it!" A purr rumbles in her chest and her scrappy tail flicks playfully behind her as she talks. Never would she miss an opportunity to boast about the fine young warrior she was molding with her own two paws.

Her eyes find Freckleflame as the molly talks, her words drawing an amused huff from out the lead-warriors maw. "I'm sorry who are you again?" she asks, her voice polite and a sly smile slipping onto her features. She knows her name, of course, Freckleflame was quickly becoming a thorn in her side at borders, but Bluepool wouldn't dare ever let her see that.

  • xiikDkk.jpeg

  • d8xs4yJ.jpeg
    A small framed moor runner with a blue toned pelt and black stripes. Her tail is cropped and her eyes are golden in color. On her chest, she sports a large 'X' shaped scar.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + isn’t above using dirty tricks in order to win

You've grown. Featherpaw had to bite back a response of I should hope so, but thankfully Howlingstar was already asking how his training was coming along. Part of him was surprised by her interest... but, it was probably just small talk. Diplomacy... a wise tactic for a leader, really. Still, it was difficult to doubt the sincere look in her forest-green eyes. Featherpaw staunchly kept his guard, steely and spiked but not actively unkind.

Bluepool said it- yes, she was growing into a fine warrior. A warrior worthy of the blood that ran through her body- the son of a leader, and nothing less. Ever-narrowed eyes slipped to her mentor, lingering for a few moments, as if what she was about to say was difficult to admit. Resigning, he dipped his head. "Yes, I'm g-grateful for my mentor's expertise." it was worth bragging about, having a lead warrior as a mentor. Something akin to humour sparked in sharp eyes of sun. "She's done a g-g-g-good job keeping up with me."
✦ penned by pin