border DOMO ARIGATO, MR ROBOTO [ sky dawn patrol ]

Jun 11, 2023

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Perhaps it was almost funny how fast he went from scorned, forgotten from patrols and relinquished to simple hunting duty time after time of Cherryblossom calling for the lists, to Orangestar herself handing him the duty of leading a patrol. That, over Figfeather, who he was sure was better suited to the task. Nerves played at him for but a moment when he was asked, but he accepted the duty with a gleam in his eye.

Was he thinking of this as getting back at Cherryblossom? Certainly not- no, what was more important here was ensuring this patrol went smoothly, without a hitch. Riverclan was akin to an ally, especially after their little gathering. His vision turned towards the patrol he lead towards the border, the scent of water already clinging to the air- Figfeather, a lead warrior. He questioned himself why she hadn't been chosen for lead, but that was swept away by the inherent sense of duty that claimed him. Drowsynose, his 'friend', who he was overjoyed to have close.

Radiopaw, his apprentice, sure to have been yapping the entire walk. Which was fine- Falcongaze was a hint brighter at being able to answer questions, or to will his apprentice to keep up with them. Another sense of duty that kept him moving forward. Apprentices of the clan were with them as well, ear twitched and looking out for them as well. Nothing could go wrong, beyond the sense of dread that curled in his stomach as to why Orangestar asked him to take the task. She had almost looked... far away, when she asked.

Nevertheless, he persisted. Pushing out from the line of trees, he inhaled deeply as he made it to the border, a low rumble leaving him in appreciation of how much cooler it was near the water's edge. "We're on good terms with Riverclan. Be kind, courteous." He reminded, voice light. He wasn't lecturing them- just a small reminder, and it was mostly directed at the apprentices, not the two warriors with them. He had no doubt that Drowsynose and Figfeather could and would handle themselves respectively.

Falcongaze's vision shifted towards Radiopaw. "You remember the Riverclan border, yes? You can tell their scent from ours- slightly fishy. Can you tell me what you know of Riverclan?" He asks his apprentice, ear turned to look out for a Riverclan patrol. Despite their status with one another, one could never be too careful.
  • "speech"
    // @FIGFEATHER @DROWSYNOSE @Radiopaw @Ashpaw @Daisypaw @Blazingpaw but no need to wait!!
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  • FALCONGAZE 🌧 he/him, warrior of skyclan, sixteen moons.
    LH chocolate lynx point with deep blue eyes, and a long scar on his left cheek down under his jawline. pushes his 'hair' back. very long legged, half oriental moggie.
    mentored by greeneyes / / mentoring radiopaw
    padding after drowsynose / / brother to spottedpaw and sagepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Bounding down the riverbank, his eyes follow slithery shadows under the glistening ripples of the river. Where it groans against the rocks and the reeds quiver, a small blonde cat bursts from the stalks and slows to slink into the shallows, dragging his ribs low to not shake the sands or disturb the waters too much. Swallowed by the depths, webbed feet churn the water slow like a snail but with powerful stokes that bring him against the current and closer to the wriggly shadows. He sinks to the bottom, twisted tendrils for a coat haloing his form that moves like a ghost under the dancing glass.

He resurfaces, breaking this eternally shifting glass with a gurgled splash. Clamped in his tight jaws, a spiny green perch slick and flapping violently. His head jerks with the movements but he paddles to the bank without losing his grip. Crawling up the pebbly sand, he drops the fish and bites down for the kill. Only then does he hear voices and see the large patrol of Sky-cats. Unprejudiced and kind, his thick sodden tail lashes in greeting sending a spray of water around himself. The tree-dwellers were quite fascinating, even if a bit strange.

" good morning Skyclan! " the scar-faced swimmer greets them with a toothy smile, pearly white spears for fishing. Aiming his voice respectfully toward the tall patrol leader, though he knew not a single face. He hadn’t seen Grapejuice in moons, he wondered if his Skyclan friend was alright.

" any of you catch a bird today? …I happen to have a fair trade, fresh from the water " he deals out cheerily, wet whiskers quivering with his mrrow. He doesn’t expect such a trade to happen of course, most cats outside of the wetlands detested the taste of fish.

  • — Dogteeth PINTEREST
    — twenty-eight moons
    — warrior of Riverclan
    — gay | crushing on n/a
    — small curly-furred blonde and tan tom with blue eyes.
    — very gentle voice and laugh
    — deals a nasty bite | large teeth
    BIOGRAPHY——— ✧
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"Watch the way Dogteeth sinks," Iciclefang murmurs to Pinepaw; the two of them are sheltered on the riverbank by reeds, careful not to cast their shadows onto the water as their Clanmate hunts. Blonde fur is submerged entirely, swallowed up in a gray-green mass of river. She waits, her tail tip twitching; soon enough, the warrior emerges, a fish flapping wildly from his jaws. His killing bite is swift and sure. "Did you see that? That fish would have slipped back into the water if he hadn't killed it quickly." She blinks at Dogteeth, her mew quiet. "Nice catch."

She turns to Pinepaw and flicks the tip of her tail against her daughter's flank. "We'll wait awhile before we go into diving, but it's good to memorize the techniques," she explains. Her instruction is interrupted as the sharp scent of sap and enemy Clan's scent rubs roughly against the roof of her mouth; she flicks her gaze toward the opposite bank, where a young warrior leads a procession of SkyClan warriors along their border.

Dogteeth is friendly enough, though his offer to trade a perfectly good fish for a bird is enough to cause the tortoiseshell to snort. "Only you and Lichenstar would prefer a mouthful of feathers to a perch, Dogteeth," she mews scornfully.

  • ooc: apprentice tag @Pinepaw ⭒
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  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 26 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Pinepaw ; previously mentored Cicadaflight
    — riverclan lead warrior. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.



Figfeather reads into anything that could be an insult to her character. She always had, always will, no matter how tall she climbs in SkyClan’s ranks. She did not dare question Orangestar’s authority, but it is clear in the stone look in her eyes that she is insulted in Falcongaze taking lead over her. Had she done something wrong? Has she displeased Orangestar with her performance?

She tries to carry herself with dignity through this humiliation, but Figfeather had never been good at masking her emotions. If she did not outright voice them her clan-mates could find her thoughts behind her eyes or the way her whiskers tightened. She casts the warrior a side-eye at his reminder, taking it as one to be heard by everyone and not just the apprentices. What did he take her for? Her heart clenches. Between her leader ordering a warrior to overstep her and the recent shock of her sister’s death, Figfeather was in a horrible mood. An adder that began to rattle its tail, one more misstep and she might lunge.

RiverClan is much more chipper, Dogteeth, Iciclefang and her apprentice appear from behind the reeds. Dogteeth proposes a trade, fish for birds and Figfeather wrinkles her nose in distaste. ”An unseemly offer.” She meows, the negative response practically answering for the entire patrol. ”I think we’d rather stick to our own catches.”

>> @Daisypaw

it's surprising to say the least to see cats being even somewhat nice to skyclan. the clan of kittypets and half-bloods as they're referred to. he doesn't think kittypets are bad in the first place. what makes a cat bad is what they do. kittypets can be just as good as any cat can. but maybe that's his bias speaking. he did come from kittypets himself, and being half maine coon certainly shows for it, as the larger than normal black smoke stands at the border, tilting hisbhead curiously. he smiles all the same.

"i-i don't think I've ever tried a f-fish. is it w-worth all the trouble of getting wet?"

he asks. he's not so sure. sitting in the rain was one thing but deliberately getting into the water to swim? fish? seemed a lot like something drowsynose did not want to do at all. not that he's judging! it's just not for him, is all!

() a yawn stretches the jaws of the blue tabby tom as he pads about the shallows of the river. dogteeth sinks in the deeper waves, expert claws grasping at an impressive catch, and pebblepaw will purr his approval, sunlit eyes twinkling. it's early, but it's a gorgeous day out, the sun not quite blisteringly high in the sky yet. in the reeds, iciclefang instructs her daughter on the correct hunting technique. pebblepaw hums contentedly, sweeping his paw across the rocky riverbed. from the other side of the river, a group of skyclanners emerge, looking less bright eyed and bushy tailed than pebblepaw feels. the apprentice raises his tail in greeting, whiskers twitching when dogteeth makes his offer. skyclan reject it, one particular golden tabby wrinkling her nose and shutting down the idea with a grouchy voice, something pebblepaw finds reasonable, although a little rude.

a large black smoke tom calls out a question, and the blue tabby is quick to answer. "i think so, but you might not feel the same," he quips, dunking his shoulders beneath the water to punctuate his point. "how fair skyclan? well, i hope!" his words are formal, practiced from moons of attending border patrols with foxtail. he spots a young apprentice beside the patrol leader and vaguely wonders if he's seen the other at gatherings before. he doesn't think so, but then again he's much more of an introvert at gatherings than his sister.

  • // mentor tag @FOXTAIL " #848DAE"
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    a large blue tabby with low white and vitiligo. pale blue fur covers the length of pebblepaw's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Falcongaze would have had to been blind to not realize how him taking the helm of the patrol affected Figfeather. His tongue was gently bit, deciding not to speak upon it- he thinks, to himself, that if he tried to soothe her feelings that he'd end up bit or cuffed. He didn't enjoy the thought, so looking as apologetic as possible, he turned his vision towards the opposing Riverclan patrol.

One warrior offers them prey in exchange for one of their own catches- and the very cat he was trying to avoid upsetting spoke for them. A soft breath left him, and he offered a slightly-apologetic smile towards Dogteeth. "Perhaps another time." He said, though it was clear it wasn't something that was likely to happen. A bit of amusement plays at his lips then, as Drowsynose asks a question and Pebblepaw responds. An ear twitched as he watched for a brief moment, remembering how Beepaw- Beefang- crossed the water just as so.

"Prey's still flying and the sun still rises." He called towards Pebblepaw- if he was impressed by the other's apprentice's formality, he didn't mention it, but the lack of raw and wrong reaction spoke volumes, likely. "How's Riverclan?" He returned, vision searching the three warriors and apprentices.
  • "speech"
  • FALCONGAZE 🌧 he/him, warrior of skyclan, sixteen moons.
    LH chocolate lynx point with deep blue eyes, and a long scar on his left cheek down under his jawline. pushes his 'hair' back. very long legged, half oriental moggie.
    mentored by greeneyes / / mentoring radiopaw
    padding after drowsynose / / brother to spottedpaw and sagepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

જ➶ "I think it best if we keep our prey to ourselves." Honestly she personally doesn't think a bird is a fair trade for a fish that will probably feed more but she will not say anything else on the matter. If Dogteeth wanted to trade another bird then she wouldn't care all that much. Her muzzle scrunches up a little as she looks at the Skyclanners with slight disdain. But never animosity. The kittypet clan has done nothing to earn her ire and so she will give them what meager respect she can offer. But it isn't more than a pebble's worth. They are still primarily kittypets to her and she still believes they have no place within their forest. Her tail snaps back and forth as she settles down upon the ground turning her fierce orbs on Falcongaze, taking him in before a pleasant smile breaks forth across her maw.

"Riverclan is doing well. The fish continue to swim and we thrive." Her voice is pleasant as the breeze that swims through her fur. She is at ease at least in her new situation but her eyss are watchful for anything. She will never forget the lessons she learned.
"wild hearts run"
Radiopaw trodded along with the rest. "What if the when I go to catch a mouse and it decides to run toward me instead?" He mewed, just another in his long list of hypotheticals. He was certainly good at making them up. "And what if the mouse-" but Falcongaze cut him off with a question of his own. His hackles bristled in almost embarrassment. Almost. "RiverClan is la- er-" he cut himself off this time, as Dogteeth made his appearance, "Like fish, uh, when they swim," his correction was sloppy and obviously not what he'd been meaning to say. Better than blurting out an insult to their faces, right?

He saw Pebblepaw looking at him, to which he flicked his white ear. "Hey, I'm Radiopaw," He decided he may as well introduce himself. He'd only been to one gathering, and it didn't seem like Pebblepaw was all that much older than himself.
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