don’t look back, them days are gone [ ☾ ] Bristlepaw

LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
Being given the news of a new apprentice was bittersweet. Weary paws had hardly rested when she was told, the memory of Flutterpaw still sparking grief in the back of the silver tabby’s mind.
Still, it was as much an honor as ever, and Lakemoon was eager to fully assess her new pupils potential.
Their morning would begin early, the days dawn patrol only just preparing to leave when Lakemoon would approach the apprentices den.
After giving the young tom some time to wake up and eat, the pair was off on their adventure, Lakemoons steely gaze glancing towards the apprentice as she spoke only occasionally.
"The river is what makes us thrive, we depend on it for the food we eat. Riverclan is the only clan in the forest who possesses the ability to utilize it." Her voice is steady as she’d guide Bristlepaw along a well-trodden river trail, eyes watching his gait subtly, in the unlikely scenario he’d slip on damp soil.
"With leaf-bare so near, you’ll be learning both fishing and land-hunting, both are vital to know in the cold months. " Finally, she’d let the pair rest near a secure perch over looking the body of bubbling water, this particular area was shallower than most, but would still work for the purpose of todays lesson.
"Are we ready to begin?"


Sleepy eyes blink slowly as he is awaken early. The dawn patrol just beginning to leave out. His old mentor had not waken him up so early before. But now he has Lakemoon and he does think that he is more appreciative of being made to rise so early. Maybe his old one didn't want to put too much effort into him given he was just temporary. A soft yawn parts his muzzle then as he takes a very small breakfast, holding fast that be shouldn't eat too much and needs to try and feed the clan first. Even if he goes without meals he needs to focus. Focus and train. So that he can protect his brother and Riverxlan from anyone that thinks to do them harm. Especially rogues. As they walk he listens, picking his way along the trail and he tilts his head up. Of course Riverclan is special. Better than the others simply because they can swim. He bets Thunderclanners sink like logs in the water. "Right...right we...we always have the river." He sounds pleased in this as he keeps his ears perked.

Learning both land hunting and fishing. Excitement buzzes in his body, eyes brightening and his stare isn't so judgemental looking. He steps beside Lakemoon and he nods vigorously. "Yeah, I'm....I'm ready. I've tried...I've tried...I caught a fish once." It wasn't really so much as catching as the fish ran itself aground. But he did end up claiming it.


  • ooc : — ​

  • bristlepaw - tom / 3 moons old / riverclan kit / aspiring warrior / mentored by lakemoon


LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
Her apprentices stuttering reply aside, Lakemoon could easily recognize the glint of excitement in his eye, she could empathize with his cocktail of both nervousness and excitement, once upon a time.
"Alright, lean back a bit. You want to be able to see incoming fish without casting a shadow," the looming silver warrior instructs, her tail flickering to herself as an example of how his posture should be.
After he’d fix himself to the point his stance was at least similar to his, Lakemoon would gesture her chin back to the river, "The key to fishing is patience, more often than not, it is a waiting game. The fish are fast, and tricky, you have to give yourself the time to become faster. " She hums, hoping the youth next to her is at least catching some of her advice under his eagerness.
Lakemoon would let her words hang in the air for a moment before speaking again. ”To catch a fish, you shouldn’t show hesitance, they’re slippery." The last part is said with a small upwards quirk of her maw, "Keep your eye on it until the time is just right," she pauses, making sure her apprentice is watching her as the tabby ever so slightly leans forward before a forepaw would shoot from her poised figure, breaking the water’s surface with claws unsheathed, and though her claws swipe through empty waters, she still instinctively hooks it, bringing it out from the water in a move that could be missed in the bat of an eye.
"Care to try?" She hums, shaking her paw free from water droplets. In her opinion, fishing from land was much harder than being able to catch them from the river, but when the river would be properly frozen over in the moons to come, Lakemoon only imagined few would be so brave to venture into the depths.
