pafp DON’T LOOK DOWN // Lone Rogue Scuffle


May 22, 2023
Having RiverClan being in their camp was a weird experience for Glimmerpaw. Other than the overcrowding due to SkyClan not being that large, they still aren’t the most social cat. And besides their aunt, they don’t see a reason to converse with any of the swimmers. They might be forced to in the future, but for right now they continue to mostly stick to themself. If only their mother and sister were here…

There’s also the fact that rogues are now more of a problem than they were before. Seeing as they got so cocky as to take an entire clan’s camp, there’s no telling when they’ll come for SkyClan too. Would they even be prepared? Probably not. And that scares Glimmerpaw more than they’d like to admit. Who knows how many are in their ranks, sulking in the shadows waiting to strike?

An unfamiliar cat that Glimmerpaw immediately picks up as a rogue appears almost out of thin air, as if lining up perfectly with their thoughts. It’s a big cinnamon tabby tom, and he gives a sinister smile to them as he creeps over. “Got any food on you?” The rogue asks. “If not, fetch some for me. Unless you wanna get hurt,” he threatens, claws launching out.

Glimmerpaw isn’t sure what to do. They haven’t been taught how to fight, as most of their patrols have consisted of scent marking while checking out borders. They try and get some space, but they don’t make much headway as a paw reaches towards their face. “Answer me before you move!” The rogue hisses. They get out of the way before their face is slashed, but they’re still shaken.

“JOHNNYFLAME!” Glimmerpaw manages to ring out, before they have to dodge another attempted swipe from the cinnamon beast. Please StarClan, let him hear their call, they pray…

// OOC : Please wait for @Johnnyflame ! RiverClanners can also join in after him ❤️


There's no answering call to Glimmerpaws frantic shout, no barked warning for the rogue to back off- just an explosion from the boughs of the pine tree above as Johnnyflame came crashing into the cinnamon tabby with an enraged yowl.

The sound of bodies impacting, dirt flying as a violent scuffle ensued.

Raw fury surged through the lead warriors veins as he tore and battered and bit at his enemy, an exchange of snagging claws and savage bites as the toms rolled in a violent tangle of limbs and snapping muzzles. The rogue had size on him, but Johnny was a livewire, his stocky frame lean from famine but still carved through with the muscle he'd earned while working in the pines, and the bobtail felt satisfaction with every pained hiss or grunt that came from the other.

These rogues were nothing but cowards, trying to steal from children and running families out of their homes. Johnny wouldn't feel an ounce of sympathy for them, and he'd make this one regret ever thinking Skyclan was foolish enough to let their apprentices travel alone.

⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆

That yowl... it was reminiscent of the alarmed shrieks of their night guards slain in the night. It set every hair on her hackles on end and though she was hungry (so hungry... she could just... catch a fish first and maybe...), her paws begrudgingly pulled themselves from the river shore to go help. SkyClan had been kind... it'd be dishonorable to leave them to suffer at the paws of the same rogues that had driven them here. Her bones felt like they protested every movement without a bite to eat- how many meals had she skipped trying to uphold the law of their missing king?- and in that bodily hesitance, Johnnyflame had already dug claws into a scent-muddied figure. He'd practically flown from the canopy above like a hawk that had been scouring the forest floor for its prey.

If it wasn't a horrifying thing to combat should SkyClan ever cross claws with RiverClan, she might be overjoyed to see such a unique fighting tactic employed so expertly. And this was their kitty pet lead warrior? Impressive...

Hurrying to Glimmerpaw's side, the blue glanced around them to be sure there weren't other bodies lingering in the shadows to ambush them, "Are you hurt...? Is it just the one?" The questions are asked quickly, almost too quickly to be understood if you were only half-listening, a symbol of the anxiety that roared in her ears.

It felt like they were the prey instead...

What help she could offer seemed... unwanted... Johnnyflame stood with fur flying where his strikes landed and snapping teeth found flesh almost gleefully. Unsheathing her claws, the RiverClanner slunk towards the river bed to wait for that coward to try to run... it would be unexpected to find paws wrapping around your legs in the water (that dirty bastard didn't deserve to flee back into her territory anyways... she wouldn't let him).​
Luckily, their answer is called in an instant. Johnnyflame is quick to strike from the trees, and Glimmerpaw almost doesn’t see him with how fast he’s on the rogue. They take the opportunity to step back, feeling bad that they’re letting their mentor handle the encounter all by himself but they’re shaken to the core.

As they continue to back away, one of the RiverClanners staying with them approaches them and asks questions. It takes a moment to gather their words together, but they manage. “Not hurt…he couldn’t hit me. And just the one, yes.” They turn their attention back to the scuffle, frozen in place.​