pafp DON’T MAKE ME SAY GOODBYE — grief / confrontation

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall. // TW for mentions of death, grief & implications of an anxiety attack. This is overall a fairly heavy thread!

The shift from the medicine den to being back to the warriors was a welcome one, she much preferred the scent of sap and oak compared to the stinging herbs, the strong scent of the leaves causing an anxiety-inducing tickle in her throat.
Yet, despite it all, she was still a shell. There were good moments, mostly surrounding her interactions with Burnstorm, but he was her only real friend at the moment, when he wasn’t by her side Roeflame was left to face the abyss of herself once more.
She couldn’t bring herself to tie her stick behind her ear this morning, after having to drag herself from her nest the thought of doing just a strenuous task was too much, so she simply left her sentimental possession tucked under her nest where it lay the night before, poking at her face and maw.
By the time sunhigh rolled around, Roeflame wanted nothing more than to crawl into her nest and stare at the den wall, mulling over the shoulda-coulda-woulda’s, the regrets she could never tell another soul.
She bumps into something-someone on her way in, barely registering the clash of ash and cloud of Stormywing- or what the warrior was carrying in her mouth.
No, it isn’t until she is about to tear her nest apart looking for her stick that her subconscious kicks the realization her way.
She darts out of the den, her vision tunneling around Stormywing from where the warrior is still walking away.
"Hey! Put that down! Put that down!" Roeflame’s voice is booming as she races to close the gap between the two, the thought of losing her last piece of Snowpath sending her spiraling down an even darker path- a hole.
She couldn’t lose anything else.
The sound is tiny, like a mouses footsteps in a rainstorm- but it’s there.
Whether it was from the fall or Stormywings surprise, by the time Roeflame could grab her gift back, the top of the highest stem had now cracked.
Where the resemblance of an antler once shone, there was now a jagged line across it, cut abruptly.
"What.. what did you do? What did you do?!" Roeflame is yelling now, seething as she’d attempt to shove Stormywing back, as though she could protect the inanimate object from anymore harm.
She takes it in her forepaw, head shaking to and fro in denial. She was going to break if she stayed where she was, in front of everyone- over a stick.
Over Snowpath’s stick.
Her grief is crashing down on her now, she is no longer hollow but overfilling, Ragwortpaw is laying dead on the blackened rock, Graystorm is screaming, the truth of her adoptive mother is whispering from somewhere in her mind- repeated in Roeflames own voice as she has to reveal it all to her younger siblings.
It’s all too much, and the loud-mouthed, stubborn, prideful warrior is left to quietly sniffle over a stick.

// please wait for @Stormywing.

Stormywing is in the middle of a luxurious nap when she is abruptly woken by a sharp jab. She mutters something incomprehensible, rolling about in her nest to get comfortable again, but still the jabbing continues. Finally fed up, tired hazel eyes snap open and she sits up in a sleepy daze. It’s coming from Roeflame’s nest. She paws at the moss, feeling around before she discovers the stick. Huh…how’d this get in here. Because to her, it just looks like any ordinary stick.

She takes the object in her jaws, deciding to do everyone a favor and deposit it outside. When she bumps into the other young warrior in her way out, she mutters a quick apology and slips out. She’s already halfway across camp when the silver and brown she-cat calls after her. Stormywing turns in her heel in surprise. She’s about to assure her that it’s no problem to help clean up the den, trilling, “It’s really no big-“


When she spoke, her teeth had accidentally snapped the stick in half. It falls from her jaws, and she looks down at it in mild surprise. “Oops.” Still utterly unaware of its significance, she blinks up as Roeflame is now screeching at her, shoving her. She stumbles back, surprise suddenly morphing into anger. “Hey! What gives?” She’s about to move to shove her back, confused why she was coming after her all the sudden, before pausing. Roeflame is now crouched over the broken stick, sniffling softly. Stormywing’s snarl falls. She hadn’t realized…! Ears pulling back awkwardly, she takes a cautious step forward, mewing, “Whoa, hey…I’m sorry, Roeflame, I didn’t mean to break it…” What else can she say? She stands there, unsure, head ducking. “I thought it was just a stick, I…” The bicolor trails off, face burning.
Batwing had been out earlier then the two warriors. Sunhigh was beating down, heat clouding his thoughts. A groan left him as he dragged himself back in through the gorse tunnel, a patrol having been completed just a moment ago. He blinked, witnessing everything that happened. Stormywing trying to do what she thought was right, and Roeflame almost losing a stick. A stick? His eyes squinted for a moment, not quite understanding.

Moments later, Batwing did, his eyes widening a bit. It didn't really matter where it came from, after all. Sentimental items were just that, and were often held higher then anything else. Batwing stepped over, his tail low and ears lowered. He came to stand at a neutral distance from both of them. "Roeflame, are you alright?" He questioned softly. Bodily harm was one thing, emotional was another. Distress was written in every feature of the cat on the ground.

Batwing's eyes lifted towards Stormywing, and he just dipped his head slighty. Trying to communicate that it wasn't her fault with just a movement. ​

Yelling jostled Berryheart from his dream, a flicker of eyelids, a barely-there flinch. It had been the hazy sort of dream, and the memory of it did not linger- for curiosity's tendrils wrapped around his attention and pulled it toward the noise.

If grief was a tangible force, the waves that surged from Fawny might have knocked him over. Twin blinks, one-two, were all the signifiers Berryheart expressed his startling within; it died quickly, soon smothered by pity and worry. Shadowed by a sky-stretching oak, he lay still and motionless, the only sign he was awake being the sliver of green beneath his eyelids. Watching, waiting- when Fawny had a moment, he would approach her. She would no doubt need some time, having released such a stirring scream.

Fidget's gaze was apologetic, and Wings too looked on with concern. He would add no more to the pile, would not be overwhelming- but he was there, nonetheless. His mind wracked for soothing herbs as he watched and listened.
Raccoonstripe’s task is disturbed by a heart-wrenching shriek from one of the younger warriors. He stops dead in his tracks, surprise clear on his face as he abandons what he’d been doing to stand beside Batwing and Berryheart. Roeflame, spirited and fierce, lurches brokenly over what looks like a branch with a twig snapped from its crown. “What’s going on?” His voice is louder, more inquisitive and confused than demanding but a command all the same. He looks pointedly at Stormywing, who he assumes has more information, judging from the apology smeared across her features.

The tabby cannot remember the stick’s significance, but he’s suspicious immediately. Had Cinderfrost given her the thing, some final parting gift before her long-overdue exile? His eyes are narrow, focused on the two young warriors who stand at odds in camp.

  • raccoon . raccoonstripe
    — he/him ; lead warrior of thunderclan
    — heteroflexible ; single
    — long-haired black tabby with white and dark brown eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
Stormywings words feel muffled at first, the cinnamon tabbies attention almost solely on the broken twig that still trembled in her paw.
Roeflame, are you alright?
Glazed ivy optics finally flicker back up to Stormywing, briefly to Batwing and Berryheart.
She had drawn a crowd, and she felt the traces of humiliation begin to spark at her cheekbones.
"I..I’m.." she begins, though her maw feels stuck closed, her words gummy.
Whats going on?
The night to Stormywing and Batwings day, the new voice is a sudden bark.
Roeflame is not visibly shaken when her eyes look to Raccoonstripe, but his gaze is on Stormywing, sharp and suspicious.
Clutching the broken gift to her chest Roeflame finds her tongue.
"It was an accident, Stormywing thought she was just helping.. I think." Roeflame clumsily tries to clarify, looking to the gray and white warrior closest to her.
"It.. it was a gift, I know you didn’t know that, I- I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.." Roeflame is speaking to only Stormywing now, ears flattened in genuine remorse.
She didn’t know… she didn’t know.
Green optics are forced back to the ground then, still reeling in her sudden feelings, and the pain that had sunk itself into her very core.
A couple of their clanmates gather while Stormywing still stammers out her apology. Batwing gives her a sad yet encouraging look, but she still feels downright awful Roeflame has always been one of the brightest sparks she'd ever known as they went through training, dauntless and fierce, and her singular action has turned her into a crumpled, sniffling mess. Hazel eyes stretched wide, she looks to Raccoonstripe who addresses her. "I-I-" She stutters, suddenly tongue-tied. Get it together, Stormy! She inwardly chides herself, but she can't help but feel anxious for the mess she's found herself in.

Roeflame speaks, addressing the lead warrior and explaining the accident. Stormywing nods furiously, mouth in a tight line. "It was!...An accident, I mean! I was trying to clean the den, I didn't..." She trails off helplessly, head ducking again. She glances back to the mahogany-furred warrior and feels even worse when she says the stick had been a gift. Who gives a stick as a gift? She wants to blurt out, but for once, she holds her tongue. It doesn't matter, because it clearly meant something to the she-cat. Instead, she is silent, head hanging and ears flat.
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The commotion had turned heads and gathered cats. Likely the last thing that the poor soul on the ground wanted. Batwing's ears twitched, and he gently pulled back. A young warrior who had made a mistake, was all that this was. And both cats were pitiful in their own right- Stormywing in an apologetic mess, and Roeflame in a remorseful and sad mess. Batwing could laugh looking back at it, namely because he didn't understand just how significant the stick was.

He shifted around the circle quietly. He was unsure if either wanted to be touched in reassurance right now, so he spoke up quietly. "I think it may be best if we all.. took a rest. I can gather some water if you two wish?" Not really sure of what to do, but water during the heat may just cool them off. He'd have to gather moss or a leaf to carry it back in, but still, he'd do that for them. ​
Raccoonstripe blinks at the clumsy explanation the young warrior offers. “A gift?” He echoes, dark gaze lighting on the snapped branch in question. “From who?” Again, the shadowy figure of Cinderfrost stalks through his brain, forepaws wet and red with their former leader’s blood. He snorts, his tail flicking behind him. If it had been a gift from that foxhearted creature Roeflame had called “mother,” then it was better off broken, in his opinion. Still, the tabby doesn’t voice this; sentimentality is a fickle thing. He’s wise enough, at least, to know this.

As long as it’s settled…” He gives Batwing a nod. The more tactful tom surely could diffuse any further tensions. Raccoonstripe has better things to do than disperse a fight over a broken stick. “Carry on, then.” He dismisses Stormywing with a twitch of his ear before padding away, leaving Roeflame to her secret grief.

// out

  • raccoon . raccoonstripe
    — he/him ; lead warrior of thunderclan
    — heteroflexible ; single
    — long-haired black tabby with white and dark brown eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai
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