don’t trust your eyes — game

It’s a rare warm day, sunny and peaceful, and Clayfur’s morning hunting went so well that he’s found himself with some free time. He’d considered dragging Boneripple somewhere to ask her about how the gathering went, but as usual he’d gotten distracted instead. Because, like, it’s a nice day and he found something to do to pass the time. He’s convinced a couple clanmates to take up a friendly game that he’d learned from one of the older barn cats: I Spy. And he’s so good at it, he’s kind of amazing, actually.

When his own turn comes up, Clay grins broadly, all bright and toothy. A white paw taps at his chin for a moment, then his ears perk up and he gives a flick of his tail. "I spy… something brown." He turns his head to look directly at Snakeblink when he says it. Hopefully he isn’t making it too obvious—but there are tons of brown things around, like the dirt and the trees. Maybe he needs to make it just a little bit more obvious? He clears his throat, smiling sheepishly. "It’s something that’s brown and darker brown, and white."

// @Snakeblink feel free to post first tho
The silver bengal was always up for a game, and Clayfur was a lovely cat to play them with. As his fellow warrior paused to think of his target, Condor gazed about, crystal-blue eyes bounding from forest, to earth, to his fellows, anything that twitched or shuffled. When Clayfur spoke up, Condor turned his bright eyes on him. Something brown, hmm? The tom's thinking was right; there were tons of brown things around, and at first Condor surveyed the ground. There was still a load of snow around, but plenty of dark things were scattered about. Hmmm. Then Clayfur spoke again, and Condor tracked his line of sight to somewhere more particular. Someone, in fact.
"Why, it couldn't possibly be Snakeblink, could it," he asking, grinning playfully. If it wasn't Snakeblink, and Clay had simply been staring off to confuse Condorcackle, he'd accept that as fair play. It was something he would do himself, after all.
Gloompaw is taking every second of the warmer morning as an opportunity to escape, even if just for a little while. The sound of snowmelt crackling in the background. The light from the sun, as opposed to the sickening overcast that'd fogged the heavens recently. It's nearly pleasant, a luxury in these moons.

When Clayfur says he spies something brown, she turns in circles, looking at the packed earth of the cats' daily trail, at the ledges where dirt peeked through. She whirls to face Condorcackle when he mentions Snakeblink, eyes widening as she follows Clayfur's gaze. "Yeah! Or it could be Clayfur himself," she guesses. "They match."

Idle paws are the hunting grounds of vices, in Snakeblink's opinion, but Clayfur is so convincing (and his easygoing attitude so contagious) that he finds himself surprisingly relaxed now, doing nothing more than playing a nursery game with some of his clanmates. He can't say he understands the point of the game: surely they can all see something white, or brown, or grey? Does it matter which rock it is the other is thinking about, specifically? How could they guess? It's a little puzzling, to be honest. But he enjoys the company, and it seems like a decent way to hone one's observation skills – for a kit's game.

Clayfur gives his next riddle, which still leaves Snakeblink a little stumped. Something brown and more brown and white... Alright, but which one? In a muddy, snowy camp, this could be pretty much anything. And Clayfur looks at him, as if waiting for Snakeblink to reply... Shall he go out on a limb then and offer the ground as an answer, this tree over there, or the muddy rock with its snowy hat by the leader's den?

Condorcackle hazards a guess, and his ears perk up slightly in understanding. Yes, it's true that he is brown and darker brown and white. Feels a bit like cheating, though. ”Indeed, we do match," he muses at Gloompaw's comment. ”But spying himself might be cheating. Or is it? I wasn't aware we could spy other cats: clearly I have much to learn yet.” He says this gravely, with a wry edge: game rules are very serious business indeed.

”Let me make another attempt. I spy... With my little eye....." He looks around for inspiration. His whiskers quirk in a private smile as he drawls, ”Something brown, and darker brown, and white."

Saying this, his eyes dart towards Clayfur before taking up their roaming once again. Two can play this game – also, he's not sure if it is allowed, and he'd rather not derail the game before it had the chance to run its course.

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 37 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

Condorcackle is the first to take a shot at the subject of his spying, and hazel eyes widen in surprise at the other tom’s guess. He blinks slowly, tilting his head in confusion. "How did you know?" Surely he didn’t give too much information away in his description. Or maybe he was too obvious when he looked at Snakeblink? Or maybe Condor is just that good at this game.

Gloompaw suggests that he may be talking about himself, and the earthen tabby’s face splits in a broad grin. He hadn’t even considered that he and the other warrior look kind of the same! "That’s—I didn’t think of that! We really do match! Snake, come here," as he says it, he moves instead to stand closer to the other tom, comparing their pelts. Though he steps away again when Snakeblink agrees that they match, he stays closer to him than anyone else.

It occurs to Clay, when Snakeblink admits he didn’t know they could spy one another in the game, that maybe not everyone in the clan knows the rules. And maybe the rules aren’t the same for everyone. "That’s the best part—you can spy anything and anyone," he says, glancing around as he listens to Snakeblink’s spying. Brown, and darker brown, and white. He cocks his head. "Is it you again?"
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If there’s one thing Snakeblink enjoys, it’s feeling like he’s one step ahead of someone else. Considering this is a kit’s game and the person he got one over is Clayfur, the feeling feels a little silly, but it does make him smile a little. He dares say he’s getting the hang of this!

”No, it’s not me again.” He narrows his eyes and looks pointedly at the tabby, ears flicking in amusement. He is quietly glad for the closeness: compared to him Clayfur seems to put out heat like full sunlight, and it makes the cold easier to bear. ”What do you actually think it is? Give it another go.”

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 37 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo