don your armor [glimmerpaw training]



The announcement that rogues had been scented on their border - again- had effectively ruined whatever was left of Johnnys good day.

The bobtail wasn't naive enough to think that the dastrdly felines would never return to cause Skyclan trouble again, but he hadn't epected it to be so soon. It felt like only last week that the clans had banned together to drive out the rogues and reclaim their individual homes- and now they were back.

"Come on- we have trainin' to do." the striped bobtail called as golden eyes fell upon his apprentice, nodding for them to follow as he led the way out of camp.

They wouldn't go all the way to their usual training grounds, sticking closer to camp instead just in case, but Johnnyflame couldn't sit still knowing that his apprentice might have to fight against cats with no sense of honor. They'd already killed Brightflame- he wouldn't let Glimmerpaw be next.

"The Rogues are back, so our fighting skills have to be sharp. Cats like that don't hesitate to kill, so we can't either." he explained sternly, needing them to understand. "You did well in the last battle, but there's always more to learn. I need you on the top of your game going forward, you understand, Glimmerpaw?" he asked, glancing toward his apprentice as he led them to a halt a small way from camp, in an area where the snow wasn't so deep.

"We're going to do some sparring- the serious kind. No claws, but I don't want you holding back either. Consider this a simulation. Hit me to slow me down, aim for what's most effective- do whatever you can to tip the fight in your favor."

Scrapes and bruises were nothing if it meant experience was gained. Learning your weak spots, realizing what failed and why and how to make it work the next go around- thats what was important.

OOC- @Glimmerpaw hope this is okay!!!!! Figured with the rogues being scented this thread would make sense <3

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Glimmerpaw instantly understood what Johnnyflame wanted from them without him even having to say it, and they were quick to comply, staying quiet for the time being. They’re not sure that saying anything would make their mentor feel more at ease, anyways. It was clear what was running through his mind, and they entirely understood. If the rogues become a problem once more, they need to be prepared. Even Glimmerpaw agrees, as their fighting skills are still lacking according to their standards. No time like the present, after all.

Once they both settle down, he makes it clear that they’ll have to fight with intent to kill. They don’t know if they’re exactly ready to progress to the next stage, but Glimmerpaw nods anyways. “Understood. I’ll try to do my best, as always.” Their best may not be enough in most cases, but they can at least promise they’ll try. Hopefully things won’t actually get bloody in the near future…

They’re not exactly sure what to do overall, but they know where to start, at the very least. Glimmerpaw give another curt nod, getting into position. While there’s the uncomfortable silence while waiting for your opponent to move, they wait and then make their first strike. They aim for Johnnyflame’s back legs first, hoping to catch him off balance. If they’re successful, they’ll then turn to pulling his tail with their mouth, though not so rough as to cause permanent damage.