border DON'T BE AFRAID TO GET LOUD \ thunderclan dusk patrol

"Leave nothing unmarked." Raccoonstripe addresses not only Scarletpaw, but the rest of the patrol that filters behind him. The tabby's tone is brisk, but there is an edge to it that even he is afraid of. His steps are stiff, his paws crunching leaves bathed in sunset-orange glow. "It wasn't even a moon ago they saw fit to try and seize some of our territory. Make sure they think twice about crossing our border again."

The white-mawed tabby makes it a point to rub his body against a clump of foliage. His burning dark gaze rakes the figures who appear over the border, easy-to-spot where there is no undergrowth to lurk in.

He does not greet them, today. There is no insolent smile for his SkyClan neighbors. He is itching to unsheathe his claws, in truth — to burn off frustrations that have been simmering beneath his pelt for days now — but he does not speak the first word. Let that be on their conscience, if they choose to provoke me.

  • ooc: he is very obviously looking for trouble sorry
    tagging @BURNSTORM @SILVERSUN @Scarletpaw but no need to wait :3
  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — "speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 46 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring Scarletpaw ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.

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Reactions: Scarletpaw

Radio Silence ♥

Wasn't long before that a patrol had attempted to gather more territory for Skyclan only for Thunderclan to quickly lash back, something Bumblebee did not blame them for and yet more than ever with so many kits at their border and leaf-bare not far behind, they needed some extra land to make it though until new-leaf. Even if the can was filled with kitty-pets, or daylight warriors. The clan still needs to worry over those who did not have another means to feed themselves.

Still, when the patrol of Thunderclan came into view Bumblebee dipped his head in greetings before noting the angry silence of an understandable reason to not wish to engage in a conversation with their neighbors before turning to look at his clanmates also on the patrol, a twitch of his tail before moving to mark their side of the border. There was no point in him even trying to converse with the Thunderclanners when none would understand what the mute was trying to say in the first place. So, he'll allow his patrol mates to do that.

If it was Howlingstar who'd told you to kill kittypets, would you have done it?

The question was at the forefront of his mind whenever his patrols made their way towards ThunderClan's borders, the nausea that crept within his stomach confirmation that ThunderClan himself could not give him, the bile in his throat naught but a reminder that he wouldn't have a solid answer if Orangetar had asked him to do the same. Many ThunderClanners crossed his mind at the thought, none moreso than Howlingstar's own kin, the one who had been hellbent on causing problems for his home and granted small mercies based on what Silversmoke could only presume to be his lineage. The coat of an umber weasel slinked into view as the tom was making his rounds and, as if momentarily surprised that a devil could appear when thought about, snapped his head towards the enemy.

His own maw was kept taut and tufted ears were kept remarkably sky-pointed despite a recent loss at these borders, eyeing the neighbours as if expecting them to trespass at any moment. There was no apprentice to give a difficult lesson to, no words he could share with his mute clanmate or others who found their claws couldn't make a dent in the tension. All Silversmoke could do was stare and silently mark the borders, sliding his side against a long fallen log.


While she didn't agree with the fact the ploy to claim territory for their own wasn't approved by Orangestar she can't say that she held fault in her clanmates for doing it. Maybe it's bias that motivates her, her own kits and her half siblings are born now. Without the rest of the nursery that alone is seven more mouths to feed. It was funny to her that SkyClan would face such a boost of life the season before the time where hunting is going to get difficult. ThunderClan hid behind their prey stealing in defense of kits, so why can't SkyClan indulge itself in that same leniency? In truth, that's a very selfish thought, one that is blinded by a simmering anger that's never quite quelled. They had been dealt with by Howlingstar right? That's what they're told but she finds it hard to believe.

She scoffs at the sight, glancing at Silversmoke and Bumblebee then across to Hollypaw. Neither clan should break the warrior code, she isn't going to go do that herself but the irony is palpable. Still, she brings herself forward, gesturing for her apprentice to follow Silversmoke's lead and brushed her cheek against a bush. Watching their patrolling neighbours continue to ever so dutifully mark their border brings a laugh of disbelief from her, it borders on mocking but she holds her tongue.

Despite her distaste for ThunderClan she would not be the potential reason why her apprentice gains scars similar to his littermate. "Can you make sure our scent is on that tree over there, Hollypaw?" She asks with a kind smile, gesturing to a pine that was a decent distance from the borders edge. A precaution she supposes, who knows what ThunderClan might try, they clearly have shown a lack of respect before at Raccoonstripe's command, who's to say they wouldn't do it again?

// IC opinions </3 (also apprentice tag @HOLLYPAW)

The recent attempt as territory theft has Silversun's pelt prickling with annoyance as she follows after Raccoonstripe. Such dishonor is only to be expected from a Clan full of cats who can't choose between their Clan or their Twolegs. They scorn the gift that StarClan has given them. Warily side-eyeing the SkyClan patrol, she rubs her cheek against the bark of a tree, wondering if they'll make the same mistake again.

The aptly named Silversmoke certainly seems hostile, his stare angled towards them as he marks the borders. But Silversun isn't here to cause trouble, she's here to perform her duties to her Clan. Hopefully the SkyClan patrol remembers theirs. No words are exchanged, for which the knightly tabby is grateful. Raccoonstripe issues orders, a molly on the other side of the border directs her apprentice's efforts, but other than that there is silence. The only interaction between the two patrols is a tom mutely dipping his head before seemingly thinking better of it.
He was not the bright-eyed kit, fresh out the nursery that, apparently, had shared too grand a tale with ThunderClan on his very first excursion to their border. No... he could hold his tongue when needed; hold himself with poise. Still, this silence at the border is unfounded. Not a hello, not an utterance of those same tired gathering phrases— how's the prey running? One could slice through the thickness of it all with a claw, and he: always courageous, for he'd vowed upon his father's name that he would always be, takes such a task upon himself.

Candorpaw maintains an amicable lift of his tail. His voice booms— he had a kingr's voice, he'd like to think. " Good day, ThunderClan! " He is intrinsically drawn to the shrewd face of Raccoonstripe, someone who's stood at the forefront of ThunerClan for seasons now... With all those moons past him, would he remember a face like his? To be known, the thought excites him. " Or shall I say good evening? The sky is just breathtaking, is it not? " A boyish smile takes keenly to his maw.

OOC: bro failed the awareness check im sorry. mentor tag @TWITCHBOLT !
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Scarletpaw's muscles tighten as she listens to Raccoonstripe's command, the sharp edge in his voice making her anxious. But it also brings about a flare of determination - she’s got to make him proud. Her heart thrums in her chest, and though she tries to appear calm, her fur prickles with the unspoken tension hanging in the air. As she moves to mark the border, her split-colored eyes flit nervously toward the SkyClan patrol. She's still new to this, still figuring out how to navigate these fragile moments along scent lines, like one wrong step could shatter the uneasy peace between the clans.

She watches silently as Raccoonstripe deliberately rubs his scent on the foliage, his stiff posture betraying his frustration. For a moment, she wonders what it must feel like to carry the weight of a lead warrior's responsibility, to be so close to battle at any given moment and needing to always protect his clan. The idea sends a chill down her spine. Little does she know that is not the reason for his behavior.

The SkyClan cats work quietly on their side, tension crackling in the air between the two patrols. One of them, a young apprentice with a bright smile, speaks up, trying to break the silence with a friendly greeting. Scarletpaw glances at him, briefly considering what it must be like to be so bold, but quickly averts her gaze. This isn't the time to chat. Still, something about his confidence stirs a strange feeling of envy within her.

Without speaking, she rubs her side against the underbrush, following Raccoonstripe's lead. Her tail flicks anxiously as she keeps a watchful eye on the SkyClan cats, half-expecting one of them to cross the border like they had when her sister was here. Once she's finished, she steps back and moves closer to her mentor, not daring to speak unless spoken to. Her eyes narrow as she observes the SkyClan cats curiously, warily. She knows this is a delicate moment, and the last thing she wants is to be the one who makes a mistake.
The first cat to approach says nothing, and Raccoonstripe finds himself almost disappointed. His muscles remain stiff, twitching under a rippling tabby pelt. A heavy dark gaze moves to the lumbering silver warrior with the scarred eye. They share a look that simmers between the two of them, gasoline-soaked asphalt begging to be caught aflame, but neither makes a move. Even though a tepid little she-cat scoffs at the sight of her neighbors and instructs her apprentice to mark a tree, there is nothing breaking the peace today...

And then there's that boy — Raccoonstripe remembers them well. The tabby swivels his profile toward the red-maned apprentice, well-grown now but seemingly none-the-wiser. His tone is cheery, as though somehow he is immune to the palpable electricity lacing the air.

"I wish I could say it was a good day," he rumbles, and finally, that smile he loves to flaunt makes its way onto his face. It is too-happy. It is too-tight. "But I have to say, I'm disappointed in our neighbors' lack of friendliness. I suppose you all prefer fish to mouse, though, don't you?" He finally singles Silversmoke out again. "Soon we won't be able to tell your stenches apart, will we?"

It's not wise, he knows, to provoke SkyClan. His mother is no doubt frowning from her position in StarClan; if she could cuff his ear like the unruly boy he'd been in the marshes, she'd reach through the clouds herself.

But he has not forgotten Orangestar's unexplained friendliness with RiverClan. He has not forgotten, either, the wide-eyed boy who'd shared this information with ThunderClan.

"The sky is breathtaking. I think we'll enjoy it where the company is a little better." He swallows against an urge so fierce it threatens to tumble him over — an urge to rake his claws over Silversmoke's seeing eye, in truth.

"Scarletpaw, let's go. We'll come make new friends on another day."

  • ooc:
  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — "speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 46 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring Thistlepaw ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.

  • Wow
Reactions: CANDORPAW

Each new word was pacifying, a barrier against the flood, but no amount of protection could temper the strength of bad blood. He stood on guard as Raccoonstripe addressed Candorpaw, swaying as if all his limbs had turned to feathers, fleetfooted in case the Lead Warrior took offence to the apprentice's optimism. He did, in many ways, yet odd eyes instead of jade ones met the tabby's ire. There was a smile that reminded him of a burning forest and tufted ears soon pinned to the back of his head at the first of the accusations.

"Can you blame us when our other neighbours are killers and code-breakers?" Venom bubbled in his words and unsheathed claws bullied the plucked grasses beneath them. SkyClan's honour felt as if it rested upon his shoulders, as if too many before him had let Raccoonstripe get away with his insults. Orangestar did not want this. Flamestar did not want this. But in his anger, the wishes of authority were intangible things.

His thoughts go to the former kittypets, dead beneath the claws of monsters, and disgust nearly caused him to coil over. Disgust that this could've been prevented, disgust that he could've helped create a similar monster in SkyClan if not for the Daylight Warriors that saved him. This outrage was repentance, but more than that, the tom realised it was the right thing. ThunderClan's problems did not end with death, and if they weren't reminded of that, then who knew when their ire would be turned to SkyClan's kittypets?

The Lead Warrior turned to leave and Silversmoke craned his neck upwards, unable to resist a bite (not onto flesh but onto thin air, with words that risked a fight. It was worth it, he thought. Worth telling Raccoonstripe off when he had gotten away with too much). "Skyclaw may be dead but I see one of his enablers before us now. Turn tail then, foxheart, and pray the Stars forgive you because I will not."

He'd been content with his little comments; he'd been content, in truth, to leave SkyClan where they stood, smoldering and silently seething, to take his little victory and walk away. But the big silver brute opens his mouth, and Raccoonstripe pauses. "Can you blame us when our other neighbors are killers and code-breakers?" The tabby's fur begins to spike along his shoulders; he half-turns, rage glinting in the onyx depths of his gaze. "We took our Clan back from killers and code-breakers. You'll find none in ThunderClan."

And perhaps he'd have left it there.

But Silversmoke is not done.

"Skyclaw may be dead, but I see one of his enablers before us now. Turn tail then, foxheart, and pray the stars forgive you, because I will not."

Raccoonstripe snaps. He spins until the pine needle-littered dust plumes around his paws. Behind him, he sees Silversmoke, mismatched eyes gleaming proudly at his insult — but beyond him, beyond him he sees Skyclaw, broken and hissing, "I idolized you!"

He moves before he can stop himself. Raccoonstripe leaps over the border and aims to crash into Silversmoke's chest and shoulders to unbalance him. If successful, he will aim to claw his foreclaws over the silver tabby's chest. "How dare you," he rages, spittle flying from his gnashing teeth: "I killed him myself!"

  • ooc: attacking @SILVERSMOKE
  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — "speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 46 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring Thistlepaw ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.