don't be upset | rabbit



જ➶ Being out much of the day doesn't bother her too much. Afterall she does enjoy hunting whenever she can and right now she has been stalking a certain creature that she doesn't often see in the forest trees. They tend to like the open moorlands instead of the cluttered growth of the forest. And here she has been watching its every move. Her paws slip along the growth with ease, placing each limb almost tentatively as she follows after it. Seeking to get as close as she possibly can before she attempts the kill. Honestly someone might be happy for the taste of rabbit. Her gaze is focused and she can feel her jaw trembling as she nears and gets closer and closer. Her tail keeps low and she takes in a short breath before bursting forth from the thick bushes. Her paws hit the ground running and so does the startled and scrambling rabbit. Yet she is not about to give up so easily as she gains on it as it tries to head somewhere to get to safety. It takes her all of a second to realize it is heading towards the Windclan border and she pushes herself faster. She feels like her lungs are going to burst. Yet she keeps pace, zipping past thin branches and sticks.

With a sudden leap forward claws extend and grapple on a leg. She pulls the beast back to her and a fight ensues. So close to the border but she is not about to let this Thunderclan prey get away. She grabs it back and with a snap of jaws she kills it quickly. Her muzzle is stained with the blood of her kill given how rough it was but damn she had done it. ""

There were certain herbs that grew closer to the moors, Berryheart had discovered. Often his excursions were taken alone, the simplest option... it was not that he disliked company, but there was certainly calculated risk in bringing along someone who might brazenly tread upon the herbs he was trying to look for, being unable to tell them apart from simple weeds. Still- his mind had not blunted from his moons as a healer, now. The keenness of his warrior talents lay dormant, but did not erode; knowledge did not wilt beneath his watchful eye. Thus, the sprint-step of paws blazing past him did not go unnoticed.

Curiosity well and truly tugged at, he set his dull green eyes toward the sound of the noise- and he certainly picked up the tinge of fresh prey-blood upon the air. His expression neutral and unmoving, he padded toward the source, a thoughtful gleam set aglow behind his eyes.

Oak-eyes, crouched over a rabbit and dangerously close to WindClan's scent line, was his answer to the mystery of the prior racket. His expression melted into one of contentment as he admired her catch; rabbit was a rare taste in the oak forest. And it was worthy of the title of delicacy, given its divine taste that rivalled that of squirrel, even.

Once he caught Oak-eyes' eye, he would give a nod of pleasant approval. A good catch. Whoever managed to snag it for their lunch was in for a treat.

"That was a close one," Flycatcher commented as he padded up alongside Berryheart to look at Rumbletooth. It was not meant harshly but was meant as a mere statement of what he saw. It had been close and Flycatcher had been watching closely for if he needed to intervene. The last thing they wanted was WindClan deciding to pick a grudge against them and claim them of stealing prey. When a moment had passed, Flycatcher finally looked down at the rabbit and nodded approvingly. "It was a fine catch though, Rumbletooth," Flycatcher commended. "I'm sure someone will enjoy that tonight."
Joining in on the light praise, Barkjaw shouts his own addition in a short, "Well done!" He's not caught anything so magnificent on his own today, a few voles buried a while back for retrieval on the way home, but there's no jealousy to pale mint eyes. A bit of hunger does stain his expression, a long day's worth of work leaving him with a bit of a growl in the pit of his stomach. (Reminds him that he'll need to call it done sooner than later; if he's hungry, his apprentice must be just as worse off.) "I'm sure they'll call it their prey if it wanders back to the forest; don't see why we should offer them the courtesy if they're not likely to return it." Though it comes without question that Barkjaw will follow orders on such things, there's no hiding his bitterness over it. Hopefully Stormypaw doesn't end up internalizing his opinions on it all– do as I say, not as I do and all of that.

  • ooc:
  • ──── barkjaw, with bark referring to his dark coloration, and jaw to his acidic words as well as his debilitating bite.
    ──── warrior of thunderclan, and previous member of the marsh group. strong dislike for other clans, though he is not cruel.
    ──── uses he - him only, and will not respond to anything else. single, despite a lightly flirtatious nature.

    a surprisingly short chocolate tabby, though with a powerful stance and solid build that projects a greater size in competency. his eyes are pale and harsh, an intense light mint.
  • "speech"
WindClan is a border no cat wants to cross. Skypaw watches with half-lidded eyes, wondering if Rumbletooth is going to skid into hostile enemy territory all for a rabbit. She just manages to snag it by its throat before it steps paw into the moorland, and the warriors applaud.

Skypaw’s eyes lift to Barkjaw, finding himself nodding. “Agreed. It’d belong to them no matter what, wouldn’t it?” He yawns, showing glinting white teeth. “Ain’t no use in stopping yourself if you won’t get caught.” Sure, warrior code… Skypaw would shrug at that. Arbitrary rules, just like most of them. If a cat doesn’t get caught, they haven’t broken any laws, have they?

// mentor tag @Dewfang

જ➶ Her purring sounds more like a growl in her throat now but she is very much pleased with having been able to catch it at all. It almost got back to the moorlands and she knows someone will appreciate such a large feast. Big enough for two to share. As she notices Berryheart and the way that the medicine cat nods approvingly to her the woman smiles warmly and dips her head in turn. It is a good catch for sure and she turns to pick it up when she hears Flycatcher. Turning around she tries to laugh, but it comes out rather broken before she shrugs her shoulders. "I think...for the queens.." Clipped sentences get her point across better than trying to talk for too long and she allows a smile to tug at the corners of her muzzle, especially at Barkjaw before she shakes her head. "Can try...but.." Clearing her throat she swallows before continuing. "Our land, our prey." It was rightfully theirs.

Turning her gaze then to look at Skypaw the woman frowns, just slightly before she nudges the rabbit a bit. "Don't...cross border. No Windclan issues." Is all she warns to the young apprentice, plus she doubts that Howlingstar would be pleased. With a grunt she hauls the rabbit up and starts to make the way back, they can come if they want. She'd like the company.