don't bullshit me [rune]

Jul 20, 2022



Windclan had been thrown one curveball after another over the last few weeks. First Honeytwist almost cost them their alliance with the unhinged Shadowclan leader, then the hawks took over their daytime hunting grounds and killed his apprentice, they had clanmates leaving left and right, and most recently was Emberfangs attempted rebellion. Dusks patience was growing thin for the many intrusions in his life, and without Inkylotus there to help him keep a cool head he was slowly beginning to grow annoyed. Violence and aggression weren't things he liked to throw in the faces of his clanmates, but he also understood the need to maintain order. He'd seen chaos, and it wasn't pretty.

t wasn't often that the clan allowed outsiders to join. The border had been closed shortly after he'd joined, and nowadays the only cats that seemed to get a free pass were kittens. Recently though a stranger had been allowed into their midst, a mysterious tomcat who claimed to be the son of one of their warriors. Moonshadow herself was a cat shrouded in mystery, but he knew that something lay between her and Hyacinth and he tried to respect his friend and lead warriors instincts toward the other. This 'Rune' guy though? Duskfire didn't know shit about him and had even less of a reason to trust him. With all the recent fuss over Sootstar, the last thing he needed was another cat that was going to turn on them as soon as something they didn't like happened.

So, when the massive bengal made his way back into camp that day, green eyes immediately went in search of the bi-colored tom. The chimera was hard to miss with his odd pattern and mismatched eyes, and it only took a moment for the deputy to pick him out of the crowd. He made his way over with a confidence he didn't usually possess when dealing with strangers, but he'd been caring less and less these days about what other cats thought of him. He only wanted to get things done and over with.

"Rune, right?" he said as he came to a stop opposite the other tom, expression stern but note entirely unfriendly. "How are you settling in?"


windclan deputy - male - 21 months - single - tall, strong bengal tomcat

"Turn A Deeper Blue"
This place- Windclan- was such a culture shock of rules and positions that Rune didn't know what to do with. They lived such a different life than the one he had come from. It was a clan rather than a kingdom, Sootstar ruled instead of a king and they seemed to work together than against one another. It was such a shift in what he had been use too, but he suppose he could put all his solider training into that of this 'warrior' position. Still, sleeping outside was rather difficult and he never had rabbit before either, but there was at least one good thing; Moonshadow.

It was hard to believe at times. A tale as old as time, something distant and vague, but he had found the cat who birthed him. The cat he remembered crying before the darkness took over and then woke up to that old geezer of a guard. That memory had been so shoved down in Runes' mind that he couldn't think about anything else anymore, and wondered what else was surpressed.

Though there was no time to dwell on thoughts as pawsteps could be heard approaching, and eyes of sunset and pale lavender moved up from the sandy ground below. They narrowed onto that massive bengal cat that had greeted him upon his arrival. Though the name escaped him, and Rune flattened his ears back a bit as he was approached. What did he want? To avoid him and give him unsatisfactory stares? Rune got that enough since joining this Windclan, and he was wondering when would be a good time to leave. Though he doubted he could leave, the kingdomw as no place for him anymore. Not after what happened to his mother.

Rune lowered his head a bit in a respectful bow, he did recall that this tomcat was something of importance as he had a scar just like that of the pale tabby femme from before too. Hyacwheeze? Something like that. "Greetings, great bengal,," Rune responded cooly with a small flicked of his feather white tail. Then a look of surprise flicked across dual colored eyes and this look crossed over his face before it became rather solemn, "I- I am finding it difficult to settle in," It was a truthful statement, Rune never liked to lie, "It is very different here than what I am use to. I have never seen a female lead before," Rune gave a light chuckle and rolled his shoulders a bit in a shrug.

That face of shadow and snow lifted a bit at the large tomcat, "Thank you for asking, not many seem too kind aboutmy presence besides my mother," Rune commented and glanced behind him at the clearing for a moment before dual hues focused back on him.
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He'd never been particularly good at reading other cats, especially those he didn't know, and he didn't really expect that to change any time soon. Still, he did his best to try and gain some insight from this stranger as they turned to look at him, seemingly suspicious before answering in what appeared to be a genuine tone. At least to Dusk.

As he suspected, the other tom wasn't settling in well, and even more concerning he didn't seem able to relate to the place. The last part was something Duskfire at least understood, because when he'd first joined he'd had the same problem of not having experienced any of it before.

"Yeah, it can be a bit jarring to step into an entirely new world. I'd never seen anything like it when I first joined." the tom replied, taking a seat to silently let the other know that this was going to turn into a proper conversation. "Your old home, what was it like?" he asked, curious to know what sort of upbringing this cat had exactly. Did they know what loyalty was, or had he been more rogue than clan?

As he was thanked for showing interest, Dusk gave a casual shrug of his shoulders."Ah,don't worry about them. To be honest with you our clans been going through a lot. We've had some trouble with cats in our ranks trying to commit mutiny against our leader, so a lot of them are wary about newcomers. Nobody knows where your loyaltys lay yet, so they're wary of you." he explained, deciding to be straight forward. It most likely wasn't anything personal, but he'd be making sure the other Windclanners did their part to make Rune feel welcome- an ally was better than an enemy, after all.

windclan deputy - male - 21 months - single - tall, strong bengal tomcat

"Turn A Deeper Blue"
A gaze of amber and lavender stared at the bengal cat as he sat down with his tail curled over his paws, so he was to stay? Rune wasn't sure if he liked this or not, but his mother had said to at least give them a try. Trust this clan and see where it could go, as she claims it is better than the kingdom they hailed from. Then blinked a few times as this male went on to ask him about his home; they cared about where he came from? Rune twitched an ear and settled down with his front paws under his chest, "My home is- very different than here. We have a king who rules all, a hand to the king for the second in command, and of course soliders," He explained as simply as he could, "We do not have borders, there are no patrols and every cat fights for themselves for food unless of course you become a night hunter- then you'd hunt for the king and his family,"

While his home was starkly different from that of the clans, it had some things that where similiar. Like one ruler, a second in command, but what Rune found odd was there were only two cats for healing. Back home there was at least five, but then again the kingdom was much larger than Windclan was. A lot more bodies to heal and studies to have. Shifting slightly in his spot on the ground, Rune casted a glance at Duskfire then out into the clearing for a moment. So that was why cats were weary of him? Because of rebellion and munity? Suppose that makes sense, but it still did not feel well. How had his mother adjusted so easily? Was this not a shock to her either?

"My mother settled in rather well here," Rune spoke almost solemnly, "Had kits with another cat, had a whole life to herself here-," The tom paused for a moment as his honesty got the better of him, and he swallowed the rest of the words before they could be uttered. A small shake of his head, he lashed his feathery white tail before dual colored gaze settled back on the deputy, "Are you from the clan? You behave like this has been your home for your whole life," Duskfire blended in seamlessly into the clan, but something told Rune he wasn't from here either. That no one but young kits are truly 'Windclan'.
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It was strange for Dusk to hear about other cats, but his curiosity kept him listening as Rune spoke of a king and soldiers and night hunters. The bengal couldn't help but paint a picture of some gross hybris of his past and the clan he now lived in, a place where heirarchy existed but order did not. He couldn't imagine Windclan falling to such a state, where there cats tore at one another over meager scraps and trusted no-one.

"What made you leave?" he asked, finding that for some reason the answer held great importance to him.

At the mention of Moonshadow and her kits, Dusk couldn't help but feel a protective spark flash within him. He wasn't particularly close to Rune mother, but he considered Hyacinth tobe one of the few real friends he had in the clan- or at the very least, one of his closest allies. While the shecat never spoke of it, it was obvious that those kittens were hers, and the possability of a jealous older sibling causing problems for them didn't sit well with the large tomcat.

"Your not that old. It's not like you can't have the same thing- you just have to give it time." he offered, figuring it was better to try and win the tom over than accuse them of anything this early on. "Windclan mimics your old home in the sense that it's got a heirarchy to follow, but we aren't in competition with each other here. The cats here hunt and fight for each other rather than themselves, and if you do the same I don't see why you can't have all the same things that Moonshadow has."

Despite the clans recent hardships, Rune wasn't the first cat to show up here and make themselves a home, something Dusk would reveal in the answer to the others next question. "No. I used to live in twoleg place before this, but I'd argue my life didn't really start until I got here, so in a way your not wrong." he said, the words holding a bitter chuckle as he considered them. "t was pretty bad there. Cats didn't have friends- you couldn't afford to. There wasn't enough food to go around and everyone was always sick and starving. We all used to just fight each other as hard as we could for whatever we could get."

windclan deputy - male - 21 months - single - tall, strong bengal tomcat

"Turn A Deeper Blue"
What made you leave Was what caught his attention once more, and Rune looked down at the ground for a moment. "I suppose not one of leaving, but more so- escaping?" He questioned back with a small tilt of his dual colored head, "I left to find my mother after Magnus, my caregiver and guard, passed away a few days ago. He spoke of Lunari-Moonshadow and that she was out here looking for me. Things are not going well back home, as well so it gave me a goal to work towards," Rune gestured with a white front paw at that of the clearing, "This is a better place than home is. Working together has opened my eyes to helping others rather than fighting for myself,"

Duskfire then mentioned he was still young and could have what Moonshadow has, and he shook his head, "I didn't mean it that way. I mean that- I feel like I have infiltrated on her life. That I am a burden to her now and-," Those free flowing thoughts soon had a cork thrown into them as Rune stopped himself. Something about Duskfire made it easy to talk about things, to open up and be honest, but yet Rune didn't like this safety feeling. He hardly knew the guy but the air around him just gave a more- welcoming atribute.

"Please do excuse me and my rambling, I have had a lot on my mind for the moon of my travel," Rune apologized to the deputy with a black paw crossing over white, shoulders sagging a bit, "Though I see, a place of hardship and fear. That is what home is like as well," Dual hues looked up at the sky then back to Duskfire. Home wasn't really home anymore, and Rune felt out of place. Was Windclan home? Moonshadow has made it her home, his siblings where here, and this could be a new start. Though what of Magnus' funeral? Signe and Nanna? Would they miss him? Though that didn't really relate to Duskfires' home, he didn't have friends back at his home, so why would Rune bring up his little group?

Rune glanced down at his paws for a moment, pausing in the conversation, before he looked to the spotted tomcat, "So, Windclan is ran the same. Are you a solider then? Or the second hand?" Duskfire seemed to hold very high regards here, seemed many with a scar on their chest was that of importance.
✦ ★ ✦



"I don't mind if you ramble." Dusk replied, offering the other tom a tired but reassuring smile. The more he spoke the moreDusk could learn about him, and quite frankly the quicker he could gauge this strangers intentions the more at ease he'd be. So far Rune didn't seem to have any ulterior motives for being here, but that didn't mean he would be a loyal follower of Windclan- of Sootstar.

"And to be honest with you? From what I saw of Moonshadows reaction at the border when you first joined, I'd say it's pretty safe to say your welcomed here. And maybe its none of my business, but I've always got the impression that family meant a lot to her. Maybe you didn't get the chance to grow up with her, but I don't think she values you any less than her other kits. If anything, she'd probably be greatful to have some family to lean on. I can't imagine its easy raising a litter of kits on your own."

Granted, Moonshadow had always had the support of the clan, but the sire of her litter hadn't exactly been the most present figure in their lives. Moon had been left to do a lot of it alone, and Dusk was sure that having an older, capable set of paws on deck to help support her as true family would mean a lot to her.

"Oh, I'm the second here. We call it a Deputy." the bengal replied. "Weaselclaw and Hyacinthbreath are the Lead Warriors. Dandelionwish is our medicine cat. And Sootstar is Leader." he explained, giving the other a brief rundown of the ranked cats in the clan.

"Weaselclaw is actually Sootstars mate, and Hyacinthbreath her most loyal follower. It'd probably be best to remember not to disrespect her when your around them." he added, knowing that neither would hesitate to add more wounds tot he tomcats body for disrespecting the shecat. Windclan was an odd place like that. If you were respectful and worked hard life was as normal as anywhere else, but if you made waves or tried to cause trouble it was quickly stomped out.

"If you need friends though, I can always reccomend Yewberry and Brightshine. Those two are some of the friendliest cats we've got." he said, a fond smile settling on his muzzle a the mention of the two.

windclan deputy - male - 21 months - single - tall, strong bengal tomcat

"Turn A Deeper Blue"
The albism and smokey cat looked up at the deputy, as he later explained what he was in their ranking system, and felt a little- relieved at his words. Moonshadow had cried when they where reunited, and Rune had not known she had been doing it alone with his half-siblings. Of course not, they were apprentices and didn't need his mother anymore but he was happy to help out where he could. Though the list of ranks was rather- interesting. Lead warriors, deputies, medicine cat and obviously who the leader was. Sootstar was one he knew of, and heard the most about from other cats. Though he wasn't surprised the leader would want to be with one of her lead warriors- that happened often at home with knights and the royal children.

"Wouldn't you be the most loyal follower? As you are the second hand to Sootstar, almost at her level," Rune questioned with a flick of his feathery white tail for a moment, "The second most powerful cat in Windclan?" Those dual colored hues looked up at Duskfire for a moment before turning his head back out towards the clearing. Then the solider stood up onto his paws and stretched leisurely, "Perhaps we continue this conversation out on the territory? I like to walk through it to learn my way around,"

Rune had had enough of just sitting there and chatting with the tomcat, and yet part of him wanted to continue to get to know this spotted cat. Duskfire was interesting, he was a mystery that Rune wanted to solve and if he could befriend this man then maybe Windclan would feel less alone? That was the hope. The stares and dark whispers weren't ignored by Rune, and he knew he'd be an outsider still proven otherwise. Why not push the acceptance along by befriend their second in command?

The cat of shadow and snow was taller than the deputy when standing on his feet, longer legs and very long tail, and his spikey fur stuck up with dust from laying down. A playful grin crossed his split maw for a moment, "I'll race you?" Rune crouched down playfully with a light bat at Duskfires' chest before taking a few leaps towards the camp entrance. Trying to entice the rather- stoic cat to have a little bit of fun.
✦ ★ ✦



Runes question was one that Dusk didn't have a great answer to. While, yes, the second in command theorhetically should have been the most loyal to their leader, things in Windclan were a little more complicated than that. "I mean, I am loyal to Sootstar- I didn't have a life before I came here, and everything I have and everything I've learned is a direct result of her letting me stay here- but I guess you could say my relationship with her isn't as personal as Weasel or Hyacinths. Weaselclaws her mate, and I'm pretty sure her and Hyacinthbreath have known each other since before Windclan was even a thing." he explained.

He couldn't say just what had caused Sootstar to choose him over them. Maybe it was because she could sense that Windclan was all he had, which would make him that much more likely to defend it to the end, or maybe she just didn't want someone personally attatched to her in a position of that much power. Weaselclaw and Hyacinthbreath were both ambitious cats with no problem flaunting their power. In comparison, Dusk was far less likely to thirst for power, making him less of a threat to Soots crown.

At the mention of going out to explore the territory, Dusk found he didn't really have an excuse to say no. He was free right now -obviously, since he was sitting there talking to the guy about random stuff- and it wasn't as if Runes company was offputing or dislikable. Besides, hadn't his goal been to learn more about this cat?

"Sure, we can do that."he agreed, getting to his feet to follow after the other only to be met with a new look from the other, something that bordered on the playful demeanor Inky had once used with him. It was just as painful as it was alarming to see coming from another cat, since even now he hadn't met another cat that was ever so casual with him. Even he and Hyacinth, for as close as they may have gotten, lacked the personal touch that had been there with Inkylotus.

Which of course meant that Dusk still hadn't had a chance to iron out all his shortcoming when it came to these social situations.

He didn't find himself against it though when the other challenged him to a friendly ace, dropping down to swipe at him before darting away, and Dusk honestly fond himself surprised. He didn't know a lot about Rune -obviously- but this sudden burst of playful behavior was unexpected. The other tom seemed so much more dignified and reserved from his other clanmates, even their way of talking being more refined than what he was used to, but Dusk was sure these social cues meant 'play', which was not something he was often invited to do by other cats.

A part of him was quick to protest, insisting that he'd come to Rune to learn more about him and to judge weather he could be trusted to support their leader. He didn't have time to play when there was so much going on he had to take care of.

"Where to?" he asked, flashing a mischevious grin as he pounced pounced toward the other to return a playful swipe to their haunches.

What did it matter if he indulged this a little? Either way he'd be earning their trust and spending time with them, so who cared what they were doing?

windclan deputy - male - 21 months - single - tall, strong bengal tomcat

"Turn A Deeper Blue"
The surprise caused hesitance in the lanky tomcats posture, and he glanced down a bit at his paws with a swish of his feathery tail. Had that been a bad move? Did Duskfire just have too serious of a personality to enjoy some fun? Sure it was out of character for Rune to be playful like this. He was a lot like Moonshadow in the regard of being regal and poised, but that mainly came from their kingdom home. The dual colored cat was about to suggest they do something else, or excuse his behavior right away, when Duskfire too crouched low. Pouncing at him with a swipe to his haunches which caused him to jump slightly in his spot, but this grin crossed his face.

"How about to the gorge? Furthest from camp, first one there has to hunt for the other for a moon," He suggested with a playful flick of his tail at the deputys' shoulder. Then Rune raced for the camp entrance at full sprinting speed, which would end up being his mistake. Taking them across the moorlands as the chilled air whipped through his spikey coat. Paws pounded hard against the otherwise frozen ground, and Rune glanced back to see if he could spot the spotted pelt of Duskfire.

Though as that dual colored face moved, Rune didn't spot the hole in time. The ground suddenly dipped and a white paw caught the hole just on the edge of it, sending the spikey-furred warrior tumbling to the ground. He rolled for a little bit before stopping with a dust cloud behind them from the fall. Rune sat up abruptly from the ground, fur sticking up in every which way, and shook the head for a moment. Suppose he was going too fast for his own good, or the warrior truly didn't give his surrounding much attention.

Rune flushed brightly with ears flattened to his head, getting up onto his paws with a shake of his coat, "Well that wasn't on purpose," he muttered lowley with a lash of his white tail. Way to look stupid in front of the deputy of all cats!
✦ ★ ✦



The gorge? Well, nobody could say that Dusk hadn't gotten his excersize that day, that was for sure. "Hey! No head starts!" Dusk yelled as the other tom suddenly shot off toward the camps exit, the words accompanied by a chuckle as he went racing after them.

The Deputy may not have had the legs that Rune did, but he could definitely move. His tall, muscular frame and lean build made him perfect for streamline running and climbing, and he was able to hold his own as the pair went tearing across the fields. He noted that at the very least Rune didn't seem as if he'd been slacking in whatever kingdom he'd come from.The other tom was in shape enough to run across the entire territory, so if they could funnel that into Windclan maybe there wouldn't be an issue after all.

He flashed the bi-color tom a toothy grin when they glanced back to see how far behind he was, only to have it tore from his lips when Rune went sprawling a moment later. Concern had him skidding to an immediate halt, claws ripping through mud and grass as he turned back and ran backover to the other. "Fuck, are you okay?" he called, looking the other over as they got to their paws and shook out their coat.

Well, that was a good sign, right?

"Well that wasn't on purpose."they grumbled, ears flicking back in embaressment, and Dusk would offer them an encourage bump of his shoulder. "Hey, you should see me try to catch rabbits. I face-plant almost every time." he snorted, hoping to lighten to mood a bit.

windclan deputy - male - 21 months - single - tall, strong bengal tomcat

"Turn A Deeper Blue"
His ears burned with embaressement and he gave the hole a glare as well as Duskfire came over to check on him. Dual colored gaze looked up at the deputy from where he had sat down to catch his breath, and his barings, "Yeah I'm okay, humiliated but I'll live to see tomorrow," He assured the tomcat and gave a light smile at the shoulder nudge, "Thank you for checking in on me, most cats would've kept running," Rune gave a shrug of his shoulders and moved to get up onto his paws, then gave a small hiss. His shoulder hurt like crazy!

"Ah my shoulder, damnit," Rune looked down to his white shoulder, it hurt to move but he could wiggle his toes a bit. Maybe he was wrenched it pretty good on his fall? Or maybe even dislocated it? Rune couldn't rightly tell by that point and shook his head in annoyace at himself, "Lets keep going, I think it just needs to be walked off," There was also no way in hell that he was going to go to Dandelionwish. That poor kid had enough to deal with already and didn't need the extra stress of Runes' how idiocy.
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Dusk didn't bother to hide the skepticism toward the others words. Was he trying to prove something by walking on a bad leg? Then again, Dusk would be a hypocrite if he said he wouldn't have done the same thing. "What? No way. You can't even put your weight down on it. At least give it a couple minutes to make sure its nothing serious." the Deputy said, and then as if to make his point he pointedly plopped his ass down before giving Rune and expectant look, obviously intending for him to do the same. Dusk was fine with his warriors getting scratched and bruised, but he wasn't about to make them walk around on potentially dislocated shoulders. "What- are you in a rush to get back or something? Can't spend a few minutes sitting around with the Deputy?" he added, a tone of faux hurt slipping into his words to help lighten the mood.

windclan deputy - male - 21 months - single - tall, strong bengal tomcat

"Turn A Deeper Blue"
Gaze of hot embers and a cool winter morning stared at the deputy as he promptly plopped himself down amongst the greying heather. A sigh escaped the lanky tomcats' chest and he rolled those dual colored hues for a moment. He was fine! It would be alright, it wouldn't be the first nor last time he hurt his shoulder from his own stupid behavior. Or lack there of really. Rune though moved over to Duskfire and laid down beside him with a dramatic sigh, rolling onto his side with his fur brushing the spotted tomcats' as he lifted a white paw to his forehead, "I concede to your bidding, great tiger," Rune laid on his accent thick and gave a playful laugh afterwards, sitting up a bit as that stoic, unreadable look crossed over his face again.

Rune didn't know what was getting into him. Something about Duskfire made him feel at ease, allowed him to lower his rather guarded apperance for a little bit of laughs. Maybe it was that the bengal seemed to understand him a bit more than the average Windclanner/ He came from outside the clan, seemed more level headed compared to Weaseclaw or Hya, and plus he knew his mother. Maybe not overtly well, but it was more than what Rune shared with his own mother.

"You win this time, next time you get hurt I get to order you around," Rune gave the other a look before his gaze shifted over to the sky for a brief moment. Debating on what to continue with, what could he ask Duskfire? Maybe about Dustpaw? They were brothers right? There was just this little curiousity about the bengal, something that intriguied him in a way. "Do you wanna play the 'what if' game?" He asked after a moment of silence.

The 'What If' game was something Rune use to do with other knights and soliders to get to know them. It was a good way to pass the time while bonding with ones fellow knight as the close the relationship the more likely they were to defend each other, "Here I shall give an example," he clarified with a small adjustment to his laying poistion, "What if you became leader? What would you change? Would you do anything different?" He gave a gesture with a black paw but winced a bit at his shoulder vibrating with pain. Right, he shouldn't do that.
✦ ★ ✦



He chuckled as the other tom collapsed beside him in a show of dramatics, finding that he didn't mind this side of Rune. It felt a bit more genuine than the formal air he'd had before, as if he were beginning to actually relax around Duskfire. And that was good. It put the bengal more at ease as well, and hopefully he'd get better idea of just what kind of cat he was dealing with.

"Sure. As long as by 'ordering around' you mean 'letting me relax and hang out with awesome people', in which case I'd say we have a deal." he replied with smirk, since that was essentially what was happening now.

As the conversation tipped toward playing a game, Duskfire found himselfg intuiged. He'd never really gotten to play any games growing up and the ones he'd partaken in with Windclan were few and far between. So he nodded, listening as the other gave an example.

"Okay, I get it." the copper tomcat would say with a smile, taking a moment to think about his answer. "I think that I'd probably keep a lot of what Sootstar has going now to be honest. The graveyards a great idea, I'd obviously honor Starclans wishes when they sent prophecies and rules and stuff, and I'd keep the naming things the same with the paws and kits and stuff. I wouldn't let the other clans disrespect us, and I'd probably try to keep an alliance or two healthy if I could."

He paused for a moment, trying to really think about it. Which to be honest, wasn't something the tom had done a lot of. When he'd first been promoted there'd been that one overwhelming moment, but since then he'd only ever let himself think of his rank as a Second to Soot- never a replacement for her.

"I think i'd try to care more about what the clan wants. Not be so quick to escalate things." he finished, though chuckling, added, "But then again I do have a temper, so who knows." What he did know is that he'd try not to be cruel if he could help it. He wanted the Windclan cats to be happy and would probably do whatever he could to keep them that way. Though, their happiness would always come second to their safety, and if Dusk had to make some shitty calls to make that happen then he would.

"Okay, let's see. What if you and your family could go anywhere in the world? What kind of place would you wanna be- like, what would be your ideal home."

windclan deputy - male - 21 months - single - tall, strong bengal tomcat

"Turn A Deeper Blue"
Part of Rune wasn't surprised with Duskfires' answer; of course he'd keep the same things Sootstar had implimented. The names made sense, but also part of Rune hoped he would change things. Make Windclan less- militant than it was currently. He wouldn't be a cruel as Sootstar right? The young tom wasn't sure but it was defintiely a hope that was for certain. Then again, Rune didn't know what he'd do if he became leader. Hes never lead anything, been in a position of power even, but he felt the clans could use something more gentle. It all seemed rather crazy here with all five clans living in the same shared space, and always on edge as well whether it be with Riverclan or the rest of them- Windclan hadn't many allies.

The benagl tomcat then went on to question the black and white tomcat, and he gave a little chuckle, "I have thought of that before. What if I could take my family away and just leave in a peaceful place- I'd probably live in the mountains again. Not in my old home, but some where in the range itself. It was my birth place, where I learned to hunt and fight, plus it is secluded too," Rune answered very thoroughly, he did say he thought of it often, "Just some place peaceful- a place without too many threats. I know who I'd take too with me,"

Rune shifted a bit on the ground and gestured with a paw as he listed a few cats, "Obviously my mother, Periwinkle, Aspen and Wisteria- those are all a duh moment if you ask me. Then ask Hyacinthbreath if she'd wanna come, she makes my mother happy, then I'd ask you too cause you're pretty cool," He gave a smile at the deputy and put his paw away.

Now it was his turn, what would be a good question for the deputy? "What if your upbringing had been different? Do you think you'd turn out the same?," A deeper question, but one that peaked his interest. From what he understood, Duskfire hadn't grown up in the best of places and had escaped prior to coming to Windclan. Would he still be the same cat or would things be different?
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Hyacinth and him? It was a nice gesture from the tom, but it was hard to tell weather they truly meant it or if they were just trying to win points with the clans Deputy. Duskfire still hadn't passed judgement on the other yet, but this game would certainly help him out so long as the other tom was answering truthfully. "I've never been to the mountains. Could be fun." he replied, flashing the other a smirk before their next question made it faulter.

"Well, yeah, probably." he admitted with a bitter chuckle. "When i first showed up here I had like, no social skills whatsoever. I pretty much just stood around all quiet, waiting for someone to tell me what to do. I had no idea how to be a cat in the real world." It had been a frustrating time for Duskfire, who hadn't been able to do the simplest of things- things that even an apprentice could do. It had been a miricle that Sootstar hadn't just thrown him out on his ass. How he became Deputy he still had no idea.

"Can't say I've gotten much better on the social front, but at least the apprentices cant outhunt me now." he chuckled.

"What if your mom had never left The Kingdom. What do you think would have happened? What would you guys be doing right now?"

windclan deputy - male - 21 months - single - tall, strong bengal tomcat

"Turn A Deeper Blue"
No social skills huh? He became second in command to a powerful group of cats, and he had no social skills to start off with? "Well if you ask me, your skills with socializing are fairly good," He commented back to the benagl tomcat with a flick of his feathery white tail and a play smile in return to the smirk thrown his way, "While your clan has different terms of what is socially acceptable, I have come to find it more- relaxed than back home. Dealing with royalty is never easy," Rune could recall the formal greetings, wording things to not sound threatening but gets the point across and so many other soical hoops he could barely count them all.

Rune then blinked a bit at his next question- it was honestly something he had never thought about. For his whole life Moonshadow was said to be dead or gone, off in the mountains some where, so he never thought of the what if she lived. "Well- Moonshadow was the next heir to the throne. I would've been her heir so we'd be living in the castle with the maids and other royal family memebers. I think my mother would've ruled with a grace and kindness the kingdom needed," Rune thought it out as he spoke, words trailing off every now and then as he considered the options of what would happen.

He couldn't see himself as a prince. There was just no way for that; he was raised as a commoner and trained to be a knight. To be something of a diplomat was unheard of for Rune, "I do not know if I'd like to be a prince. I was raised a knight, a fighter, and the life of a prince would be- too cushy for my liking," He mused onward as he thought more on the subject and gave a small shrug of his shoulders, "But I am glad she found Windclan. This place is strong, has a lot of potential for growth while the kingdom remains stagnent in its dismise,"

The dual colored tomcat then looked to the deputy, "We'd probably be deligating some sort of meeting with the royal court and doing boring things like policies and war," There was an eyeroll from the white-faced cat and he shook his head, "Not a life I would've liked to live,"

"Do you have any family, Duskfire? Would you ever want a family of your own?" Rune questioned after a moment of silence passed by the tomcat as he seemed pleased with his answer. Duskfire seemed like the type of cat to keep family close, whether found family or otherwise.
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Dusk couldnt say he fully undertood the terminology of things like kingdoms and knights, but even without those details he found that Rune painted a pretty good picture of the life he would have been forced to lead. His own role as Deputy was nowhere near as formal was what Rune had come from- even as the second highest authority in the clan, Duskfire still hunted and trained with everyone else and was given no special treatment when it came to prey, chores, or even where he slept. The most formal thing he had to deal with were the monthly meetings and the occasional interaction that might arise with the other groups duing border patrols.

"Fair enough. I'd probably go crazy being cooped up like that, too." he admitted, not able to fault the tom for not wanting that kind of future for themself.

"And, I do!" he replied, tone holding a pleased lilt to it as his nephew came to mind. "A little while after I joined Windclan one of my nephews ended up joining also. He's one of the apprentices now- Dustpaw." he explained, the charcoal mink tom his own living relative that he knew of. "As for a family of my own? I mean... sure. Who doesn't want a family?"

Someone to smile and laugh with, who understood him and loved him despite his many flaws and cracks. Kits to protect and care for. Of course Duskfire wanted those things. That wasnt really the problem. "Starting one's not as easy as it looks, though. I don't have my shit together half as well as it may seem, and I'm not really close enough with anyone in the clan to have that sort of thing." he explained, and despite the senstive topic, he didn't seem all that bitter.

Dusk had accepted that he wasn't read for that kind of family yet. He'd never even gotten to the point where he was ready to admit feelings toward another cat, let alone pursue a relationship as mates or bring a litter into the world. They were things he definitely wanted one day, but he knew that that it was the kind of thing a cat had to earn and be worthy of.

"What about you? Have any of the Windclanners caught your eye yet?"he asked, the words playful and halfway to joking, but still lingering on the edge of being a genuine question.

windclan deputy - male - 22 months - single - tall, strong bengal tomcat
( ⓛ ﻌ ⓛ *)∫ Oh that is right, young Dustpaw was his nephew! He had truly forgotten about that one, and their resemblence was uncanny. Dustpaw was just a bit lighter in color compared to Duskfires golden and black charcoal coat. "Dustpaw is a lively one for sure, I watched his sparring with the other apprentices' the other day," He commented about the young tomcat and flicked his tail back and forth, "He will make a fine warrior one day," The deputy then went on to speak about how he'd like a family, and that he didn't have his shit together like one might think.

This made Rune laugh a little bit and he gave the broad-shouldered tomcat a little nudge with his dual colored muzzle, "I'm sure you'll find someone, who doesn't like a big, strong tomcat at their side?," he purred playfully then gave a small shrug of his lithe shoulders, "No one truly catches my eye, it is like everyone has a crush or partner already here," There was also a strong stigma on that of cats outside of Windclan, and his apperance in the wild was abrupt. Though he hoped to prove he was apart of the clan dynamic at some point.

There was a slight pause in his words, "Tell me about Inkylotus," Rune questioned with a look towards the bengal deputy, "Cats gossip like no tomorrow and I heard that- he was very special to you," That feathery white tail flicked at the tip rthymically- like he was nervous almost. Rune had heard rumors and such from around the camp about the blind warrior and his closeness to Duskfire. — tags