DON'T CARE DIDN'T ASK ♡ medicine cat ceremony

( ) It's so close.

The pulsing light of the moon; bright stone that's cool to the touch─ and yet, a strange warmth pulses from it all the same. This one finds himself overwhelmed with joy. His eyes are alight in childlike wonder. His friend is practically forgotten in such a great presence, one that demands his attention like this. It coaxes him closer with soft whispers and singing voices. He refuses to be torn from it again. Valentine reaches out─

There's a moment of darkness. His heart leaps within his chest.

The void twists and unfurls, revealing to him starry pines and shimmering grass. A glorified version of the place Skyclan called home, perhaps. Richly exaggerated. He snorts, they wished they could live in a place like this. Most disappointing of all was the stark emptiness between his paws. There was no cool touch of stone, nor the heavenly warmth pouring into this vessel, only starlit fronds crunching between his pads as they always did. His lips curl downward in a frown. He would rather be back in the cave. A paw brushes experimentally against clumps of star-flecked mint─

And it makes the most delightful little noise. Any complaints are washed away in an instant. A thousand little bells ring pleasant in tufted ears. How come such joy was nonexistent in his own realm? Surely no one could ever get under his skin now, now when he's heard the stars and they haven't. Creatures of such little light, they would never find the chance. He grins his satisfaction with a pointed grin. His smile reaches his eyes, for once, content.

It doesn't last for long, of course, not when a starry figure draws close in his peripheral. He does his best to ignore them, but alas...

His gaze snaps upward to the figure, the sparks in their pelt only passively acknowledged by him. "Did you take the liquid light away? I found it first, you can't have it," the tom mutters, glowering at the molly with distrust in his eyes.

[ @GORSE :^) ]
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She doesn't see the potential in this dimwit of a tom, standing before her and pouting over liquid light. He who thinks she stole the starlight that glitters upon her fur, that he found it first. She's kept an eye on him for a while now, finding exasperation in every stupid antic of his. Accusing fireflies of stealing the light from the stars. Finding heavenly divination in a discarded collar. Gorse scoffs, rolling her shoulders alongside her eyes. No, she definitely couldn't see what the rest of StarClan sees in him. When the starry council had made their decision, they must've been sniffing catnip. "Last I checked, I died first, so shut your trap and listen to me." She isn't here to play his maggot-minded games. "You've been called here for a reason." Gorse does not care to bother with cryptic questions, asking him if he knows why he's here. She's already had enough of his bullshit for one eternity and she'd only just met the guy. "You have a destiny greater than your bite-sized brain could comprehend, chosen by StarClan for whatever ridiculous reason," she snorts, shaking her head as if she couldn't believe what she'd just said.
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( ) A puff of breath flares from his nostrils in his amusement. Well of course he wasn't dead, how absurd would that be? Him, a lifeless corpse unable to do so much as speak? Perish the thought, he would not do something so foolish as die. He narrows his eyes at the silver-red molly, interested in what she has to say even if he loathes to admit it. Her words are foul, but carry with them a holy message.

He nearly scoffs at her next words, talk of a destiny that he's long since come to terms with. He lifts his tail high above the ground, poise in a way this starry soul could never hope of achieving "Of course, I've known since I was a kitten," he states, matter-of-fact. The tom leans in closer then, eyes sparkling with unhidden interest. "The muses are finally done being vague with their intentions? Do enlighten me," he insists, plume-like tail curling behind him in anticipation. Clearly, this one was a lesser servant of the higher beings. Her knowledge was simply too little to comprehend what was in front of her.
She returns his scoff when that annoying voice pipes up once more, her lip curling. Stars, give me strength. "I'm not talking about your inevitable fate to piss off everyone around you," she retorts quickly, her tail lashing. "Blaise cannot lead alone if SkyClan is expected to thrive; you will be their healer, their prophet. Unfortunately for us, you have a connection with the stars. Use this connection wisely to help guide Blaise and SkyClan, and not for your foolish endeavors." She doubts that wise is even in his vocabulary...

Gorse takes a step forwards, her eyes blazing as she stares at the tom before her. "From this moment on, you will be known as Dawnglare, medicine cat of SkyClan. Try not to set the forest on fire." She thinks the suffix in particular is fitting; symbolic of the numerous glares he will receive throughout his lifetime.
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( ) Oh, was that all?

He lifts his chin, wry smile plastered on his maw. "And I thought this would be something new." Who musses the grass with a plume-like tail, stars catching on red and white fur, they ring distantly, sonorous and full. "I've been on the right trail, then."

A healer, a prophet. Isn't this what he's been doing already? Gracing the helpless folk of the wild with his very presence, guiding them through the darkness with light they themselves could not provide, too staid within their foolish ways. Valentine would change them. Or... Dawnglare would change them. The tom sniffs, face crinkling at the sound of the new title. "Though, it's not quite up to par with—"

And the world falls dark once again.