don't complicate it - thunderclan patrol

( ) Dawn patrols...her least favorite patrol to go on. Greenleaf dawns weren't as bad she supposed, so she couldn't complain too much. Leafbare dawns were downright matter how much of a wind block they had from the trees. It had been hard to wake up from her comfortable nest, the squirrel that she had been chasing all night had gotten away when she had to wake up. I'll get you next time she had thought as she blinked the sleepiness from her gaze.

As they neared the border, she cast her head over her shoulder to make sure her new apprentice was able to keep up with their pace. This would be her first border patrol, so she wanted to make sure Acornpaw didn't get lost. "This is the Skyclan border. Blazestar is their leader, and Orangeblossom is their deputy. Their forest is mainly made up of pine trees, and they are best known for their climbing skills. I want you to take in their scent, and remember it, you'll need to be able to tell it apart from the other clans." she would say softly, yet slightly firmly to her apprentice. She flicked her tail in dismissal for the rest of the patrol to begin marking the border.

She thought about doing her normal speech about 'behaving themselves' but she assumed they would use their common sense and at least be civil. This was a fairly uneventful border, unlike the Riverclan one.

@Badgerstrike @STORMYPAW
apprentice tag @Acornpaw.
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It seemed that, ever since his participation in rescuing the shelter cats, Momowhisker had noticed that he had almost always been placed on patrols near the Twolegplace. Getting to venture out near a clan's border proved to be an exciting experience after the monotony the kittypet land brought and, as such, he was rather quick to step ahead of his patrol to inspect the area before him. Eyes still slightly hazy from exhaustion, the male's striped tail swished in the air as he edged closer and closer to ThunderClan's border. It'd been the scene of a crime just a few days ago, if he recalled. Cheddar had crossed the boundary line and caused some problems - well, he wouldn't do the same! Confidently pressing his nose into each new scent he came across, Momo's deep blue eyes eventually locked onto the neighbours, his head lurching back in surprise and collar glinting against the gleam of the morning sun. "Ah, hello!" He offered a wide smile. They weren't a group that'd been fond of kittypets from what he remembered, but that was ok, not many places were. As long as SkyClan was happy with him, his golden badge would be worn with honour. He looked between the quartet, noting that there was only one apprentice between them. "How is ThunderClan doing?" He asked sincerely, swallowing a lump in his throat.


It was early, and Twitchbolt never slept well- therefore waking up at the first spill of sunlight did not often do him good. His fur stuck out so jaggedly he looked as if he were made of a ball of wire, and his eyes were so wide and yet so sunken, stinging with drowsiness and twitching with his usual ceaseless tremor. Still, this was his duty- and despite how wound-up he looked, any Skyclanner would know he was not often anything except wound up. And he was proud for his duty, happy to be a warrior, despite the uncertainty that made his steps hesitate every now and then.

Voices up ahead swivelled his ears to attention; despite the violent battering of the breeze that sent his wild fur whipping around as if it were being swung, and alongside Momowhisker he came up to meet them, catching the tail end of what- what that fire hued Thunderclanner was saying. He was sure he'd seen her before- somewhere, somewhere. Gathering, probably- probably! Certainly, rather. Where else would he have seen her?

Oh, and it was wonderful- wasn't it- that he couldn't remember her name. His neck twitched as he felt that flare of irritation, but- he managed to force a tired smile onto his face, one that grew more and more genuine as he spoke. "Uh- f-first patrol for your apprentice...?" Must be special, really. Could he even remember his? It was with- with a cat that wasn't with him anymore... part of him did not want to remember.
penned by pin ✧


With the wind still acting like a madman, Johnny had opted for patrolling from the ground that day, leaning his short, stocky frame into the gusts so that he wasn't taken right off his paws. Thankfuly he was still a fairly heavy cat thanks to the muscle carved along his frame, and he managed to keep his footing in the chaos fairly easily.

"It'll be tricky in this weather, but go ahead and see if you can't pull Thunderclans scent from it." Johnnyflame instructed as the patrol neared the border shared by their groups, amber eyes shifting to land on his apprentice.

The koi tabby was extremely proud to hae been given one of his own. Hell, he was proud to have been given a name, a rank among the lead warriors.

As Scorchedpaw worked on that, Johnny moved to brush against the base of a nearby pine to remark the scentlines, ears pricking forward in interest as a Thunderclan patrol came into view. A quick glance at the cats with him didn't have him feeling worried about an argument breaking out between their two groups, and he joined Momo and Twitch in greeting their neighbors by calling out a polite, "Morning."


Skyclan wasn't an eventful border. Usually. She enjoyed the shadow and river borders more. They were fun to pick the nerves of. But she was here today, bordering the pine forest with her patrol.

She strode with confidence as always, following Flamewhiskers order to get to work.

"Morning, Skyclan!" She greeted them. "Thunderclan is doing well."

She wasn't sure she wanted to mention the boars. They didn't deserve acknowledgement. Awful creatures. She hopes they fall off the waterfall.

"The wind is a problem, of course, but hopefully only branches fall." She says. She doesn't want trees to start falling too. That's just a recipe for disaster.

It felt strange to be so civil. She would have to adjust to this. Was she being too bland? Why did she care??? Life is just full of struggles, isn't it.​
— Ears were flattened against the skull of the flame-point, his posture leaning hard against the gusts of wind. He had no aid from genetics as he was lean, and lanky by nature but also a runt. Scorchedpaw always had to make up in some manner it seemed. His functional blue eye was squinting against the gale, he truly did not want to get dirt in it. His head would tilt towards Johnnyflame as the older tom inquired about the scent of Thunderclan. His tail would anxiously tick at the thought of seeing another clan but he'd turn his head back toward and attempt to gather anything from the air.

Earth. Didn't they all smell like that? A frown would pull at the corners of his maw as he'd try again. "Well, we smell like.. tree sap. Warm, earthy.." He'd mumble half to himself as he shuffled his paws quickly to keep up. His snout would wrinkle for a moment, "Dewy leaves? Undergrowth..?" There was a scent that only just slightly felt a bit different. Skyclan had mostly trees, whereas from what he's heard Thunderclan has a bit more brush amongst their forest.

So preoccupied with the gift of smell, he hadn't realized how close to the border they had been until his shoulder bumped into the flank of his mentor. His eye would widen in a moment of surprise before glancing at the chimera with an embarrassed expression and then at the cats on the other side of the border. There were other apprentices in other clans.. That made sense but it was just never anything he thought of. The flame-point would quickly cock his head to his right side in a moment of insecurity, it was a feeble attempt at keeping his burn from the eyes of the others. Doubt was easy and quick to swamp his mind, as he questioned if he should be on patrols representing his clan. Scorchedpaw would now remain silent and with his eye averted to the ground. — tags