don't count on good fortune * mud puddles

bio ₊˚✧ ゚. When it rains Bitekit can't stretch his legs to the fullest extent, can't prowl the camp like a small and bulky looming cloud of black furred fury. As a result of this tampered energy he takes out his pent up energy on the nursery, he runs his mouth, having plenty of words to spare. Only when he tires of aggravating whoever he can, and the rain has let up does he venture outside, and is delighted to see the dirty puddles and muddy floor created all seemingly for his entertainment.

He's tentative at first, pressing a paw lightly into a nearby puddle outside the nursery, a shiver sent through him at the chilly contact. He decides the best action to take is plunging his paw in, fully expecting it to be deep. much to his disappointment, it's relatively shallow. Removing his paw, he ventures further into the camp, happy to discover a few, although not many, deeper puddles, they're rare and sparing in the well drained camp, Bitekit's expecting them to disappear soon enough.

When he jumps into one of these with no hesitation, submerging half of his legs, he kicks the water, marveling in the way the muddy water sloshes over the edges and out of the puddle. Similarly with no hesitation, he, with as much effort as he can muster kicks the muddy water at whoever is passing. He spares an: "Oops." despite the purposeful action.

Apprentice duties. She does not mind doing them but she longs for a day when it is no longer expected of her. Soon, she thinks. Soon she would be free of the shackles of apprenticeship, the burden of having to carry her mentor around with her everywhere she went. Her heart aches for the possibilities that come with such a freedom. Independence. Isolation. It is what she craves and fears more than nearly anything else. Moss clutched in her jaws, she is thinking of these things as she trots to the elders den in a quest to rake out their old bedding and replace it with something a little more... fresh. Their current bedding was starting to stink in a way only overuse could.

Suddenly, though, there is a wave of brown coming at her, she can only watch, horrified as mud comes flying right to her, can only squeeze her eyes tight as she feels it hit her and soak her fur and the moss she is holding. Instinctively, she drops it in order to keep her mouth closed so that no debris may get into it. When finally the onslaught is over she looks around for her assailant, eyes landing on a kit standing in a puddle not too far from her. "Are you kidding me?" she says, but her voice holds no anger, only sadness as she looks down at the moss she had worked so hard to gather. Now, not only would she have to go get more but she would be cleaning mud out of her fur for ages before she could. This was a nightmare.

She stands there for a long time, looking forlornly at the sullied moss at her feet without a word.


Fortunately, Bubblepaw is not on the receiving end of the muddy splash Bitekit inflicts upon Dipperpaw, but rather witnesses it from the other end of camp. It isn't uncommon for kits and apprentices to splash around in the mud when they're bored, and to her it looks like Bitekit is just trying to have fun. She would never do it- too concerned with keeping the whites of her fur crisply clean and the swirls of her silver fur laid perfectly in place- but she understands how they find it joyful to do.

"I'm sure Bitekit didn't mean it!" Bubblepaw tries to smooth over any tension in her usual air-headed manner, assuming the best of the kit despite the reality of the situation. She frowns at the muddy little kit, gently demanding: "Say you're sorry to Dipperpaw, Bitekit." Bitekit is a loud and active kit who seems to enjoy being contrary and often is seen bouncing around and causing mayhem, but such is to be expected of kits. Bubblepaw frowns sadly at Dipperpaw's sullied moss, understanding the melancholy of the other apprentice.

"Bitekit and I will help you gather up some fresh moss, won't we Bitekit?" Bubblepaw looks expectantly at the kit, still oblivious to the intentional splash he caused being the start of all these woes.
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bio ₊˚✧ ゚. Yes! A nasty satisfaction shoots through him at his target landing. The high doesn't last, watching the mud drip, drip, drip onto the ground, dirtied moss falling to the floor. Something like guilt crashes down on him like thrown mud. Ears pressing back against his head, he at first lowers himself deeper into the puddle, is if it's deep enough to hide in from the two apprentices. it doesn't take long before he's launched back up to full rightfulness, exiting the puddle, with something sour across his face, he's steeled himself to march over uniformly, despite his lowered head.

Even with Bubblepaw giving him the benefit of the doubt, this being very kind of her, and certainly not the first time she's attempted to deescalate a situation involving Bitekit. He's about to make his intent, and appreciation very clear. "I'm not sorry." He bites childishly, not looking at Dipperpaw purposely. Bitekit's bitter at being caught, guilt urging his jaw to keep on moving. "I don't want to. You can." When he finishes, his jaw is jutted out in protest, he's expecting to be in trouble, certainly not anything new for the kitten, but the more he thinks about being stuck in the nursery again, the more he crumbles. His green gaze is fixed elsewhere, paws and legs coated in mud, dripping to the ground.