DON'T FALL IN NOW - going out

Little Wolf feels guilty, but the excitement she feels at finally being able to go out is too much to contain. The shadow-colored she-cat is practically bouncing on her toes in excitement at the prospect of leaving the camp. For so long she had felt confined, trapped almost. Granted, she had gotten time to go out when the kits were with their dad, when she brought them to the border. But they had never stayed the night with them, and her mother had always shot down any hopes she had on going on patrol when they weren't around. Always other cats were insisting she needed her rest, but what Little Wolf really needed was some time to do what she truly enjoyed, to just be. Simply just to walk through the forest was one of the things she enjoyed the most, especially in leaf fall. "I'm going out if anyone wants to join me!" She declares to nobody at all, whoever in the camp was listening, before turning on her heels and striding out of the camp, not bothering to see if anyone had heard her or if anyone was even following.

The forest was gorgeous right now. At the tail end of leaf fall when all the leaves were on the ground, the trees nearly bare, it was the best, in her opinion. The forest floor looked like it was bathed in red and orange. Though she does still see signs of the fire she also sees signs that the forest is healing. Come this time next year she's almost certain that her home will be back to its old self. She takes a deep breath, inhaling the cold air and she smiles. The only thing that would make this day even better is if her mate were here, but she tries not to dwell on the sadness his absence brings to her heart, instead, she takes a moment to be grateful for what she does have. Her family is here, her mother, her kits, her brothers and sisters. She loves Thunder Clan with her whole heart. "It's gorgeous today isn't it?" she says to whoever had followed her, head tilted to look at the blue sky that was clearly visible through the bare trees,

"I'll join you Little Wolf," Flycatcher answered in a cordial tone to the black she-cat's question. He hadn't even made it to her side before she was already heading out of camp, eager to be out again. Well, Flycatcher couldn't fault her for that really. After being mostly confined to the nursery for near enough four moons, she was probably itching to get out again.

It doesn't take long for him to catch up with her, finding the older she-cat looking skywards and taking in their surroundings. "It really is," Flycatcher agreed. "I imagine such days will become rarer when leafbare hits us soon."

Little Wolf's freedom was to be enviable but he didn't let that make him not be happy for her. After all, she had a very scary birth and a lot more hectic of a litter to take care of, what with the visits back and forth to SkyClan. One day he'd be able to go outside the camp again, but as he lay there with his head laying atop his single paw it felt so very far away. Would he even get to go out before leaf-bare hit, before the cold drove off most the prey and made his attempts to get back into shape hunting all the more difficult. The day was nice, however, as the two warriors had pointed out, so perhaps his dwelling on the matter was just

"Do be careful!" He called from the edge of the nursery, Flickerkit sulking still back in the nest from being left behind her littermates and no amount of coddling and consolation seemed to be making her feel any better so he left her to her kitten dread. She would understand one day and move past it but for now he was just going to have to deal with her being very miserable company for the remaining moon he was stuck here.

It feels like it's been forever since Little Wolf could really... do anything. It's a momentous occasion, and of course Wolfwind needs to be there for it! Any grand moments could only be made grander with her presence! "Me me me!" straight away she answers, appearing beside the two warriors in a matter of moments. Really she wasn't one for the elderly-folk activity of """"going out"""" without hunting, or training, or whatever... just like, looking at nature and shit. Pretty lame, but with her aunt, she'd go for it!

"Careful's for chumps!" truthfully, she calls out behind her with a flash of teeth in Sunfreckles direction. With all this time he's spent in the nursery, his mind's prolly just... hard wired to say that after all the babies he deals with. Can't blame the guy! 'Course... soon as she says this, the old people do the most OLD and CAREFUL thing ever, talking about how NICE THE DAY IS? BLEGH. She visibly grimaces. "HA! Imagine if you had gone out when it WASN'T! 'Gee, Flycatcher, isn't this day just shit? Why'd you come out here anyways?'" she says, putting on her best Little Wolf Impression. At LEAST a 7/10, she thinks.
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She wonders if Little Wolf had wanted time away from her children, but she can leave camp now, too, right? And if Wolfwind is going out, she thinks it's only fair she should get to follow along. But she knows it'd be impolite to make assumptions, so she looks between her mother and her mentor and mews, voice soft, "Is it okay if I come out, too?"

Her heart still hurts, sleeping away from Little Wolf in the apprentice's den now. Her nest is new and soft, the moss fresh, but it smells utterly unfamiliar, and the pelts of her littermates are so far away from her now. Morningpaw misses her mother so much already that she yearns to just sink her nose into Little Wolf's black fur and rest there, but she isn't a baby anymore, and she thinks Wolfwind would prefer she act her age.

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