DON'T FEAR THE REAPER ⋆ cure announcement

a cure had been found and thunderclan bore the duty of spreading the information to each clan. nightbird's patrol had been made with haste, quickly she rounded up killdeercry and whitelion. found duskpaw somewhere amongst the crowd to bring him along as well. it would do the apprentice's in the patrol some good to witness a lick of diplomacy amongst the recent tension with windclan.

the lead warrior held her patrol at a quick pace, prompted them to keep up. it wasn't a regular border patrol after all, cats could be dying as they strolled leisurely. although nightbird wasn't too upset about the ranks of enemy clans being thinned, if thunderclan had not found the cure she would wish others would share it as well. besides, if withheld from windclan there was no doubt in her mind that once they found out the forest would be stormed by the moorland cats.

over a hill, she could squint to make out the form of a windclan patrol. her head turned swiftly to address her own. "i don't care what your opinions are on them, do not cause problems." she wasn't too worried about whitelion, but killdeercry had an unfortunate streak of rebellion. it could not be allowed to happen today, especially when their standing with windclan was as shaky as it was now.

mismatched paws stopped just a hair away from the border, tail curled over her back. "windclan!" she called across to the patrol who still remained rather far, hopefully the urgence of her tone was enough to get them trotting. nightbird would wait until they got close enough to hear, stepping back from the border as they drew closer before sitting down, tail wrapped to cover her paws. "berryheart has found a cure, i need to speak to your medicine cat."

  • thunderclan tags for @WHITELION @KILLDEERCRY ; & apprentices @DUSKPAW @barleypaw. @Chickadeepaw!
    windclan tags for @SOOTSTAR & @WOLFSONG

  • IMG_0032.png
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-four moons
    nightbird is a small black smoke molly with pale silver eyes. a loner turned thunderclanner, her loyalty and drive to provide for her clan is unwavering. however, she is not known for harboring a bleeding heart, instead equipped with sarcastically fueled wit, brutal honesty, and a sharply edged tongue.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

  • Wow
Reactions: WOLFSONG
make peace with your broken pieces .
Whitelion hummed, following the warrior with heavy paw steps, tail flickering as he tossed an idle glance toward his apprentice until a golden optic settled ahead. Things had been hectic, watching his fellow clanmates collapse from an untold sickness bringing danger not from the outside, but from within. A sight truly more terrifying than anything he’s seen, but with a cure within grasp brought a newfound hope and one that would shine through their bleakest of days.

It brought a wilted smile to dark lips, golden optic crinkling because things perhaps were finally turning around for the five clans. Of course, Whitelion wished no harm upon the clans, but perhaps this was a reminder that this ceaseless fighting and careless fire of harsh words was Starclan’s doing. The white-furred tom bit back a sigh because it truly was a mystery, but one could not help but speculate.

Whitelion peered at Nightbird, ear flickering in acknowledgment. “Of course.” He dipped his head with a crinkle of a golden hue. “Do try to be on your best behavior.” He turned, staring at Chickadeepaw as they ran, coming to a halt along the border, helm poised high to stare at the nearing patrol with a flick of a fluffy tail.

“Greetings, WindClan.” He’d offer with a tilt of his helm, watching the scene with a curious twitch of his whiskers. Let this news bring us hope, or we will fall into ruin.
thought speech
ThunderClan was no enemy of his, however strained things had become. The moor clan grew ever quieter, their borders a suffocating wall that grew taller of their own making. An insurmountable barrier, a looming protection. It is almost bizarre to see the ThunderClan patrol across their border. Since the gathering, Sunstride had forgotten all that became of the other clans. He did not care. SkyClan had doomed them– all that mattered was WindClan's survival. Selfish and terrible of him, some deep part of him whispers. It is swiftly buried. It is not just this clan that he cares for. That is not the center of his fears. Instead, he thinks of his mate, rounded and slow to move, nesting among the ill. He cannot put anything before Wolfsong in these coming moons. Certainly not diplomacy.

His tail lashes gently at the patrol, uncertainty clear across his features. "I cannot risk his health, even for such joyous news. Should you carry this sickness, he will not meet you here." Should Sootstar come, perhaps she will overrule him. As it stands, Sunstride does not dare call for his mate. Still he turns to another warrior on the patrol and nods them back to camp, seeking out the leader and healer both should they remain there. "Tell us of this cure, and we will ensure it brought to his attention."

  • ooc: apprentice tag @Adderpaw
  • SUNSTRIDE. named for his coloration and his bold chasing of fate.
    —— cis male, he - him. approx. 40 moons old. lead warrior of windclan + former rogue.
    —— gay, monogamous. mate to wolfsong from 07.05.2023.  npc x npc, no larger family.
    —— has recently regained some of his earlier lightness, but maintains his steady facade.

    sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond its borders, with fur that flames red and deepens to a burnt amber with every whorl and stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of him.
  • "speech"


The viper slithers out from the shadows of a nearby tunnel, her fur streaked with clay. Her shadow, @BLUEPAW , follows close behind as she trots closer to the ThunderClan border. Sensitive eyes narrow against the sunlight, she looks at Nightbird. The ThunderClan lead warrior requests Wolfsong, for their crooked-jaw medicine cat has found a cure. Sunstride who had arrived prior to her, declines his mate's presence, she does not object but instead silently agrees. When Wolfsong was not busy with Cottonpaw he was focusing on the future of kits, no need to pry him from camp.

"Relieving news." She murmurs, in ThunderClan's situation she wouldn't have shared it at all... What type of payment did ThunderClan expect? Her tail lifts after Sunstride's words as if stopping Nightbird from sharing the cure with them just yet. "Does ThunderClan come to share for free? Or are there burdens attached to this gift of knowledge?" She eyes the forest-dwelling patrol suspiciously, if they weren't hare-brained there'd be a hefty price.
Life doesn't discriminate
It was an infuriating mystery to him as to why starclan did not smite skyclan for the plague they have brought upon the entire forest. Their negligence brought doom upon them all. Despite what Orangeblossom said at the gathering, he fully believed there were sick cats amongst their ranks. Why else would there be sick warriors requiring treatment back at camp now? Adderpaw's thick tail lashes once as if to dispel some of his kindling frustration while trailing behind Sunstride. Burning amber eyes score over the thunderclan patrol, ears perking mildly at news of a cure. They held no qualms with thunderclan. But Sootstar's inquiry over whether this gift of knowledge came with a price caused the boy to glance in his mother's direction. The action is fleeting however as it trails back to Nightbird, quietly awaiting her answer and for her clan's sake she'd better answer well. "Surely such information would come freely." Though gruffly cordial, it is not spoken as a question. But a comment that would insinuate the thunderclan lead better not have the latter in mind. Coming forward he stands alongside Sunstride, pausing just a pawhold behind the moorland queen herself.
Between the sinners and the saints

she gives an understanding nod to the first windclanner who approaches, silently wishing half of her clanmates had taken the same precautions when it came to their own preservation. surely they saw themselves as heroic when diving in to offer stability and comfort to a sick cat, nightbird could see it as nothing else than foolishness.

beginning to open her jaws to speak, the warrior is held up by a flash of sootstar's tail. expectantly she turns her glance over to the leader who insinuates that information of this value should be held at a price, nightbird's ears twitch in subtle amusement. the molly cannot fully disagree, if this were played out more tactfully it would no doubt do thunderclan well.

she showed a hint of a humored grin to the young tabby with an utterly demanding attitude, would he have the same thoughts if windclan were to have found the cure? "howlingstar and berryheart insisted that it must be shared the moment it was discovered," nightbird notes, silver gaze rested on sootstar. they hadn't demanded something in return, but perhaps their moment of altruism would not go unnoticed.

"the cure is lungwort," she speaks clearly, muscles moving under her dark pelt as she shifted to stand up so that her patrol could return home. nightbird signaled to them with a flick of her tail to do the same. "hopefully it serves you as well as it has us." how benevolent she sounded, if her clanmates were not here to witness this moment for themselves she would understand if they had a difficult time believing it happened at all. a torn ear twitches with her farewell, and the warrior turned to head back to camp.

  • out unless stopped!

  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-four moons
    nightbird is a small black smoke molly with pale silver eyes. a loner turned thunderclanner, her loyalty and drive to provide for her clan is unwavering. however, she is not known for harboring a bleeding heart, instead equipped with sarcastically fueled wit, brutal honesty, and a sharply edged tongue.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

The tunnelers’ ascent into daylight was immediately assaulted with the thick, foresty-stench of an enemy Clan’s patrol. Bluepaw’s hackles raised when she scented ThunderClan at their border, but Sootstar remained calm. The tiny gray apprentice’s fur remained fluffed-up, but she sat stiffly at her mother’s side, the breeze tickling the tendrils of cheek fur collected at each shoulder. “Lungwort,” she echoed. Part of her is chagrined StarClan would show ThunderClan the cure for the illness, rather than WindClan—were they not StarClan’s favored Clan, blessed and holy? Still, she felt some of the tension leave her shoulders.

Her mother shrewdly asked if this gift of knowledge came with a price, and Bluepaw’s green eyes glittered with interest. Had their fortunes been reversed, she suspected WindClan would not have given the information so freely, but the black warrior across from her only confirmed it was without strings. She watched her turn to go, leaning close to her brother beside Sunstride. “…Fools.” Whispered, but just loud enough for her littermate to hear it.

  • bluekit . bluepaw
    — she/her, apprentice of windclan
    — bisexual ; single
    — long-haired blue she-cat with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — art by Meg
  • Haha
Reactions: Addervenom
She was glad to be on a patrol to be spreading the good news, but to have to share it with windclan was a feat. She could do it, she trusted her silence. Silence to her met learning, listening. Observing. Diplomacy was not necessarily a good thing she could do, especially not with Windclan. "They wouldn't share it with us," she grumbled early into the journey across the territory. "But I am glad we have the heart to share it with them, I suppose." She was trying hard to remain positive in this situation. Sleekpaw was sick. And she did believe in karma. You do good things, it will pass on positively... right?

"I do just fine with keeping my mouth shut, fortunately," The apprentice murmured uncomfortably. The smell of the moors made her heart race.

the interaction was quick. They heard the news, but they're slinking forms were like snakes. Something about them made the females stomach churn. her chocolate tabby pelt, painted with white, would sit stiffly, a gulp escaping her as Sootstar arrived on scene. Recognizable. Feared.

Barleypaw flicked an ear, trying to soothe her emotions. "Farewell." Was the only word she could manage before quickly turning after Nightbird. No good luck, no hope you all are fairing well. Nothing to accommodate their ego. Her head turned to glance sideways behind her, as if they would attack them from behind.

all she really knew was that she could not trust them.