DONT FORGET ME - p; Lilacfur


i wish i could stand without stumbling
Aug 31, 2023

tags. ↟↟↟ Ever since Chilledstar announced the journey proposed by StarClan that would save the clans from the bad illness going around, Pinekit was rife with anticipation. He understood well a young one like him couldn’t join the brave cats traveling to the mountains and he was starting to think that there was nothing a kitten like him could do to help.

A racking sigh left the brown tomkit. He sat, tall shoulders haunched low and long tail tucked around his forepaws, before his gathered pile of… useless items. A couple of lame pinecones laid before him next to a bone from a frog. He was trying to find a gift for good luck to give his clanmates leaving soon. So far nothing he could think to gather from camp seemed suitable - not in the slightest.

He lifted his face from the ground and scanned the camp with a hopeful and inquisitive prrum. A warrior or apprentice could leave camp and maybe beyond the bramble walls of the hollow there were better gifts to be found. He wondered if his old denmates like Nettlepaw or Screechpaw might agree to find him something if he asked nicely enough. No, they’re probably too busy with training now, he thought. He didn’t want to be a bother to them and their new mentors.

While he looked around, he caught a glimpse of light spotted fur. It was Ghostpaw’s new mentor, Lilacfur. She was minding her own business nearby but it didn’t look like Ghostpaw was around at the moment. Perhaps, she wasn’t too busy? He hoped so.

”Um, Lilacfur, over here,” he called as he padded to the warrior. ”If you aren’t too busy, could I ask you something? I want to get a go-away gift for those leaving on the big journey. So they won’t forget us while they are away..” Pinekit would want to bring a big tuft of his mother’s brown fur if he had to choose a parting gift. He would feel embarrassed to admit it though. That didn’t sound like something a warrior would bring with him or her, especially not the ones brave enough to partake in this journey to the mountains.

”I can’t find anything any good in camp,” he pouted. ”Do you think, when you’re aren’t busy, you could look outside camp for me?” The kit’s pleading green eyes gazed up at Lilacfur.


//eeep sorry for such long starter- ! Other posts will be shorter~ maybe


The announcement had left Lilacfur in a mix of feelings. Churning fear, desperation and oddly enough... hope? It rolled like thick clouds in her chest, but she fought hard to keep her thoughts optimistic. Not just for herself, but for her new apprentice as well, her niece. Thankfully all of her family would remain here, strong and capable. Though part of her had hoped for the chance to join them on StarClan's blessing.

Her thoughts were drawn away when she heard her name. Light amber eyes skimmed over the direction of the voice ans her expression lifted into a kind smile.

"Good morning." Head tilted in curiosity, Lilacfur listened to the little tom's concern. His motivations were kind and sincere, of course she couldn't help but feel inclined to help his endeavor.

"That is incredibly sweet of you, Pinekit. I think I can figure something out, did you already have some ideas?" She glanced out toward the camp entrance, thinking of what could be gifted that wouldn't be too impractical or inconvenient to travel with.
[ sad hello's and mad high low's ]

tags. ↟↟↟ He felt relief she agreed to help. The task seemed easier with help. When Lilacfur asked for ideas, he fell silent in thought. He knew his clamates couldn’t travel with pinecones in their jaws and no one would want to bring smelly bones along with them either. Even tufts of mother cat’s fur would be hard to keep safe on a long journey. Fur tufts were best kept tucked in nests. The gift had to be something small and something that was not cumbersome.

”I am…not sure,” the kitten murmured after he assumed he’d been silent too long. His mind still focused on a gift idea more than his words. Something small that a cat could travel with… and something a cat wouldn’t have to carry in their mouth. The soggy pine needles that fell onto the ground or the moss he kept in his nest made him think of home. Sometimes the pine needles or the moss got stuck in his fluffy pelt and he had to pick them out else he’d look funny. Slowly he felt he was coming closer to an idea.

”Pine needles or bird feathers! They could wear them,” he squeaked. He had heard of cats wearing feathers and leaves as some sort of fashion statement or ornament. Though, it didn’t seem like the practice was too common in ShadowClan amongst his clanmates. Maybe they would be okay in this instance. He tipped his head to Lilacfur. ”Do you think?”


Something that could easily be made an accessory, tucked within their fur was certainly a good place to start. ShadowClan was rather known for the their dark, misty marshes and the twisted trees that supplied their forest. Pine needles would be well enough of a gentle reminder of their home. Easy to pluck into one's coat without issue, but Lilacfur thought of the other Clans accompanying them along the way. SkyClan would surely be attending, and their territory of towering pines were more of a landmark than ShadowClans.

"You're on the right track, but... Nettles might be a bit easier for them to lose. Especially if they come across a forest like ours or SkyClans, it can get messy when there's so many that drop. Feather's though..."

Lilacfur thought back to some of the avians that populated the marsh. Plain black feathers weren't all too flashy. Not when they were common nest ornaments. Pheasant's would be a harder catch, too large of a prey for her to go in search for on such short notice.

"Have you ever seen an egret, Pinekit? They're very soft, with pretty blue ends. They'd be hard to miss if it ever falls off, and it won't be too pokey or prickly to have in their fur. What do you think?"
[ sad hello's and mad high low's ]

tags. ↟↟↟ Pinekit nodded as Lilacfur offered more guidance. Finally it seemed like the two of them were arriving on the most ideal gift for their travelers. Egret feathers?

The tomkit shook his head side to side in response to Lilacfur’s question. He had not gazed upon the swamp within ShadowClan where the egrets and herons perched. The deepest water he knew was the puddles around the dim hollow. ”If you are sure, Lilacfur, then yeah. Let’s find some feathers with pretty blue ends. Egret feathers.”

”Can we catch an egret?” He asked. He guesses it was some type of bird. Lilacfur would know.