don't get too high and mighty [quill]


"I swear! I saw the biggest bird ever just outside of camp. Trust me, how could this go wrong?" Fireflypaw chirps from in front of the tall tom, the healers apprentice weaving through the trees with every touch of his tail. Though, as he quickly sped up, trying to show off his speed on foot.. CRASH! He went into a tree, grunting softly with a wrinkle of his nose. "I'm okay! All good. Face isn't smushed, nothin' bleeding- let's keep going!" He chimes out once he wipes his nose, squinted eyes checking to make sure there was no blood on his dark paws.

Turning, he sees Quillpaw staring at him. "What? Come on, we don't have all day. The birds will get away."


Quill didn't bother to hide his skepticism at the others words, fixing them with a look that could just as easily read as 'bullshit' as it could 'how could this not go wrong?'. Firefly could take their pick. Still, the tabby followed after the other, steps unrushed as long legs navigated the snow with more ease than the other.

Quite suddenly however, the sound of footsteps shuffling rythmically through the snow was interupted as Fireflypaw suddenly stumbled forward and faceplanted against a tree. Quill winced in sympathy, having had the misfortune of smashing his own face on more than one occasion since joining Skyclan and unable to help but feel the ghost of that pain now as his friend quickly got to their paws and began nervously chattering about how they were fine.

"Shit, dude. If you don't quit dragging your feet your gonna end up looking like Lionsnarl." the chimera snorted, mismatched eyes giving the shorter apprentice a quick once-over to confirm for themselves that they hadn't broken their nose or knocked out a tooth. While he wouldn't admit it to Fireflypaw, he'd actually spent the day prior doing something very similar while out on his walk with Twitchpaw, tripping three times over rocks and roots burried beneath the snow because he'd been dragging his feet instead of picking up his steps.

Surely that was the problem Firefly was having too, right?

"Sure, whatever. Let's find these record-breaking birds of yours." he said, following after the other.

skyclan - male - 10 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders