backwritten DON'T GO SHARING YOUR DEVOTION - hollowcreek

Oct 15, 2023
Languid and relaxed, Harbingermoon, a rounded cat only in pelt, strolled through the lengthy corridors beneath WindClan. Body casting a faded shadow across the dully lit walls, rounded by their shapes, dug-out openings.

Hooded citrus eyes gleamed in the belly of darkness. In the past, his gaze often startled the fur off of apprentices, much to Harbingermoon's amusement. Leaning against a corner wall, he pushed himself off, gripping the softened dirt with his front legs. Leveraging himself upward and back into the chilly night air. Shaking out his snow-speckled ebony coat, the warrior began to tend to his paw pads, meticulously nibbling away any troublesome chunks of rock or debris. With timely care, he maneuvered each paw, lifting both back legs one at a time to groom them and ensure no stray fluff remained out of place. Satisfied with his efforts, he smirked and gave his form a final once-over.

Luckily, Harbingermoon's pelt was naturally fluffy, much like his tail and legs. Making him the ideal powerhouse of a tunneler suited for any season, no matter how challenging. That's how he preferred to portray himself, as opposed to the embittered scapegoat he truly was. On his way back to camp, he nearly tripped over a couple of cuddling apprentices, rolling his eyes at their display. He deliberately ignored their affectionate gestures and nudges, continuing on to enter the familiar camp clearing.

The moon had risen higher in the sky since his return, and it held his fascination. Observing its various shapes, phases, and colors always brought him delight. Tonight, it was an eerie pale crescent, casting a silvery glow across the foggy black skies, illuminating his typically dark pelt as he settled outside the warrior's den.

Restlessness overcame him, and he decided to savor the tranquility of the starless night above. He wondered what caused the sky to be so diluted and distant and why it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

☾ ooc; ☽
His first post will be with @hollowcreek ! I felt it would be a nice chance for them to have a natural Backwritten interaction maybe a few days prior to the Rogue invasion. Leading up to Harbingermoon's idea to play along with any feelings the other might have.
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With their ranks beaten down from their cursed journey or simply from the brutality of the rogues, sickness and starvation that wrapped in a neat bow for their Clan, Hollowcreek had found himself grateful for any moment to rest his paws. He had tracked the moors far more frequently than ever before, his own scent in badger sett he slept in had begun to fade. The early sunrise and late moonlight had become more familiar in the past moons that he could might be able to tell the time of day from within the tunnels.

His brown tabby pelt had become a rare sight to see when he returned to camp, late enough when most were already resting and quick to jump into an awaiting nest calling for him to sleep. Tonight had been a merciful one to his surprise. The patrols had come close to their quota and he was able to allow himself the few final hours of the night to relax before heading straight into a slumber. He decided to use his time in company rather than being alone.

All of the best choices had gone between the sick or nursing, leaving him with thinner, stringier bits to choose from. Normally Hollowcreek would have been more picky but the growling in his stomach had become so incessant he would take anything edible. The familiar white-speckled form of a tunneler caught his attention while he stood over the pile of prey, and he quickly decided on a frail looking thrush before joining the other tom outside the warriors den.

"Ever feel like you might just fall into it, the sky?" He dropped the bird between them in a silent offer. "No stars out, no shine, just the moon and her never ending black pelt swallowing up the sun." His musings seemed to humor himself as he gave a low chuckle, idly pulling feathers from his meal. He made sure to keep the softest ones from the growing pile, saving them to coat his nest later.
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Harbingermoon's heavy lashes flickered as his pumpkin irises turned into sideways slits. Hm.. Idly the Tunneler raked his gaze across the burly cat's frame. Hollowcreek towered over him dramatically, and his earthy pelt cast a light shadow over the fluffy tomcat's side. This was something he hadn't taken much notice of before but was now very aware of. A small grin curled pleasantly on the sides of Harbingermoon's maw as he listened to the other's rather poetic question.

Taking him away from the impressively burly tabby's stature and back into the moment. Briefly, the ebony feline closed his eyes and pushed the words into images. Soft swirls of ink and starlight possess his very form. Twisting and endless, like a river of night and plush clouds. His eyes reopened with a glimmer of intrigue and eagerly he decided to entertain the fellow Windclanner.

Any notion of the night sky being a canvas for such vivid images struck a chord with him. Humming melodically as he spoke. "No... I've never thought of it like that before." Inhaling and exhaling with an added sigh of admiration. "What a lovely but haunting scene to conjure up." Taking notice of the pitiful bird, he lightly brushed past the other. Intending to assist the other and use his claws to help pull apart feathers and gain easy access from beneath the wing. Leaning down and nearly bumping into the side of Hollowcreek. He took a hearty bite of the morsel and purred audibly. Roaring stomach singing its praises as he sat upright again and licked his jowls.

Tufted cheeks bunched in the breeze while he lazily swayed his tail, and amusement littered his tone. "I appreciate the peace offering, and so I shall allow you to continue spending this night with me." Hoping his humor would be well-received he pressed on with the act. "Oh, and don't stop telling me what you think about the skies." Harbingermoon's playful look was soon cast away as his mind was once more enraptured by the intense gloom of the sky.

Usually, he preferred the solitude of the night, but oddly enough, the company was nice for a change. Maybe I'll amuse you for a while longer. He pondered loudly in his own mind space intensifying his earlier smirk.

☾ ooc; ☽
Kinda went bananas and conjured up a small playlist of their interaction and vibes.
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( ) Words sweetened by the strum of Harbingermoon voice had Hollowcreek pause to look at the expression drawn over a white masked face. A calm demeanor at what the tabby assumed was an envision of his prose, a smile of his own mirrored the tunnelers. He leaned back to allow room for the help, but found the bold closeness a point of interest. It wasn't often he was direct in brushing pelts with his Clanmates (he didn't know many who were), but he allowed the connection to linger for a few moments.

"I didn't mean for the scare." He began with a musing chuckle. "I'm glad my meager offering is enough for your company. Next time I will be sure to bring you something better." And just as boldly he openly assumed this would not be their last quiet evening together. He took his turn in their small meal, leaving enough for a bite or two left after their mouthfuls.

"Up on the moors during the day, when leaf-fall crawls into leafbare, the first thing I notice are the clouds. They turn from wide, fluffy tufts of wool to sullen, grey smoke across the sky. Heavy enough that you forget there's blue underneath the overcast." Hollowcreek's eyes turned up as if the night were about to flip over into the daytime to paint his poesy.

"Sunlight shines through after a fight against the fog, but it is tired. Not a shine that holds heat like greenleaf, but a refreshing beam that wakes you up after a long morning in the cold." He seemed satisfied with his descriptions as he turned back to Harbingermoon. "What about you, in the tunnels? I've never been in one before."