Don't gotta pretend ✧ Blue

Feb 20, 2024

It was nerve wracking bearing witness to Blue being under Skyclans scrutiny. Flora hadn't really paid attention when it was herself but being on the outside of that interaction. Overall she considered that it went pretty well, everyone seemed formal but friendly enough to him. There was something that itched at her brain though, Sorrelsong had asked if the flowers were for anyone in particular.

At the time the maine coon didn't bother asking what purpose the flowers were for because she didn't want to make him think about it. There was always the possibility that he would turn around and abandon the gusto that he had mustered. The little gossip in her head was taking the idea that the flowers were for a specific someone instead of assuming it was a general clan gift and running with it. She decides that hopefully now her baby brother's nerves were settling and that it would be an opportune time to enact her teasing. Her large, feathery tail curls around him protectively, like a mother shielding their young. Though, thoughts like that are kept far away from Flora. She looks away from the forest and down at the tabby “so how do you feel?” she thought it would be better to start off slow.

Her gaze fell on those flowers that he brought as she listened to him. Where did he even get those lately? She hadn't seen him rifle through any Twolegplace gardens recently, at least to her memory. “Those flowers” she pointed a paw to the collection of flowers that he had brought with him. “Were they for any cat in particular here? Maybe someone that knew you already?” She didn't pay attention enough to the names, having faith that Blue in his defence would give it away by assigning names. If the flowers were intended for anyone in particular anyways, they may not be. Flora wasn't going to let this possibility ruin her fun though, she looked down at Blue. Her smile twisted into a smirk as a small purr rumbled from her, a playful look in her eyes, she wasn't trying to hide the fact that she was teasing him.

@Blue Freeze Pop

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- It had been so overwhelming. All those cats just around him and questioning everything he ever knew at one time. He felt so tired and like he could melt into the grass and merely disappear. Though that was ridiculous and he was more so stranded to stay on the grassy ground but at least he wasnt alone. Flora was beside him and she curled her tail around him, which he happily leaned into like he has done a thousand times before. They had been sitting for a while after everyone left and he was more so just taking everything in. The fact that sometime tomorrow or in the near future- he was going to be a daylight apprentice of Skyclan.

This cold thrill ran up his spine and he shook out his coat slightly before moving to tuck his paws under him comfortably. Blue though was pulled from his racing thoughts and excitement boiling in his chest by Floras’ voice. She asked him how he was doing and he gave a small, shaky breath that he felt like he had been holding all day now, “I feel- excited? Tired? Thrilled? Like this is a dream and ima wake up and it’ll all be over?” He answered back with a light chuckle and a small shrug of his shoulders. What was he suppose to feel? Blue felt like he had finally found a purpose for himself- protecting his clan.

The white and blue tabby cat turned back to the forest when the chocolate warrior then asked about the flowers. At first he was going to casually answer that Edenberry, he learned their name had changed, suggested to him to bring them to help him join- but Flora then insinuated that it was for someone specific. The young tomcat flushed a bright pink color and his ears flicked back, “No! if i was going to get Jaypaw something it’d be better than flowers from the neighboring gardens!

Then he realized his mistake- he gave a name. Blue quickly clamped his mouth shut and glared down at the ground, his fur bristling on his shoulders and neck, “‘Not that it’d be just for her! Of course- that’d be silly!


Flora chuckled at his answer; she figured that might be along the lines of what he would say. If anything it would have been a bit surprising if he had said that he felt no different afterwards. “If your experience is going to be anything like mine then you'll stay tired and excited for a while” She wasn't sure how things would be differ for him as a daylight apprentice, if anything she figured it may be more intense then her own experience depending on who he's assigned to.

She made a mental note to chase that up, could she talk to Orangestar about it? She doesn't want to come across as anything she's not. It's not like she's his mother or anything like that, she considered him to be a younger brother though so maybe she could use that as a reason for concern. At the very least she'd talk to whoever his mentor ends up being, just to make sure they were going to do right by him. She hums to herself, setting aside her plans “I'm proud of you! There were a lot of them and you didn't lose your nerve.”

Her tail that wrapped around him swatted against his side as the trap she had laid out for him worked. “Jaypaw huh?” she asked, batting her eyes at him innocently like she hadn't just set him up to admit her name. The maine coon didn't really speak with many apprentices but she had seen Jaypaw around. She laughed as she watched the young tom's flustered state. Resting her chin atop his head, she hummed again, clearly pleased.

“So then what would you get this Jaypaw if not the neighbours flowers-” There was a pause, her twolegs had flowers . “Those don’t belong to my garden right?” She didn't really think that Blue would do that but it didn't hurt to practise a little bit of healthy scepticism. A dramatic sigh spilling from her maw
“of course they wouldn't belong to my garden, those flowers are only reserved for serious crushes. Is this a serious crush? Have you even wanted to impress someone before?”


-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Blue hoped that he could be excited and also exhausted for the rest of his time in the clan. The dream was so real and he was ready for anything it could throw his way. Or so he hoped.

Youre literally the worst person i have ever met” Blue all but whined in response to Flora as the older cat went on with her teasing. Though he was glad to have heard her say she was proud of him for not loosing his nerve cause he had really felt like he was about to loose it. The clan had to be massive if what he ran into was large in comparison. The young blue tabby sighed softly though as his giddy feeling was squashed by the ever so faux innocent and him falling into her trap. Every time.

The cat rubbed at his face with a paw as she questioned about the flowers further, and he wanted to crawl under a rock and hide forever. Maybe then she would leave him before for once! Blue huffed, “No they belong to a few houses back from yours- they had these pretty purple ones i thought she’d-” He started then immediately cut it off as he was revealing too much.

Flora had always been someone he was comfortable around. She had been his very best friend since he had first been taken home by his parents and he was so loose-tongued over her she probably knew secrets that could end his entire life if she chose to do so. “I-” He stammered and glanced down at the grass, “I dont know? I’ve never like- like another cat before? At least not like this cause i like you but I wouldn’t bring you flowers, you know?

Then he blinked a few times, “Not that I wouldn’t bring you flowers! Cause like you matter too but-uhm-uh” Blue stammered helplessly and then sighed heavily to himself, putting his paws over his head, “Feelings are dumb


“Mm I know! But you love me anyways” she practically sang as she purred. Flora was confident that if she actually was bothering Blue beyond surface level teasing then he would tell her. She had gotten her fun and was pretty happy with the reactions that the tabby had given her. While she was happy to leave the issue lying where it is, he had pushed the issue further by talking about pretty purple flowers that she presumed he was going to say that Jaypaw may have liked.

Flora couldn’t help but chuckle again, this time it wasn’t a carefully laid out trap. Blue had simply walked himself into a corner that he couldn’t back out of. “Pretty purple ones, huh? Maybe bring those next time” she offered, he could probably hear the grin in her voice. It was hard to try and hide the joy so she didn’t bother trying anymore. She used to back when he was younger but he was going to be a Skyclan apprentice very soon, so she was sure he could handle it.

It was exciting to know that she was going to start seeing him around camp more. Flora herself became giddy at the idea of getting to walk to and from camp with him. “You wouldn’t bring me flowers?” she asked as a knee jerk reaction, pouting at Blue. She couldn’t pretend to be hurt by his words for long, bursting into a fit of giggles. “It’s okay kiddo, I know what you mean” there was a soft affection in her tone, she lowered her head to gently nudge the side of his head in reassurance.

“Feelings are dumb, I’ve been there before” She was there currently but she didn’t really want to divulge that with Blue right now. To her he was still that small kit that was introduced into her neighbourhood. While she teased him for this it was difficult to imagine him having a crush, much less trying to pursue anyone. The maine coon straightened her posture a little bit, as if preparing herself to have a serious talk. “Take your time with this okay? Get to know her first, you’ll know if you like-like her in time. I know I tease you but if you ever want to talk about it I’m here”


-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Did he love her? That was debatable with how easily she could just pry truth and confessions out of him. Flora had always had that knack about her- cats always seemed to be able to just open up to her without issue. That and Blue was terrible at keeping things inwards anyway. He wore his emotions on his face always and it was rather annoying from time to time. Regardless, he wouldn’t want anyone else to know but Flora thought he’d never tell her that.

The young cat flushed at her words of bringing them next time and he gave a small glare at her, though it wasnt serious and more so of a bratty child glare than anything else. Blue though pushed it aside and sighed softly to himself. He made a mental note to pick up flowers for Flora when he got the chance too. She deserved them too even if she was a pain in his butt more often than not.

Flora then voiced that feelings where dumb and he looked up at her with a small head tilt, “Do you have someone you like-like, Flora? You’ve never told me about your younger years of dating” He asked her with genuine young curiosity, and he shifted in his spot to better face her. He was hoping to get to know Jaypaw more. She was a genuinely sweet person and he felt lucky to have her as a friend even if things couldnt work out- but he was being pessimistic about it.


There was a moment of contemplative silence, she didn't want to particularly regale him of tales of failed romance. She wasn't going to admit that she never really searched for anything beyond surface level flings for the majority of her romantic endeavors, what impression would that leave? “Ah- hm… I used to like-like someone. Long before you were around” oh stars she sounded like a grandma talking like this.

She glanced behind her, over at the Twolegplace. “Her name was Venus, she was very nice. She left a few moons before you arrived. I think you would have liked her! She wouldn't tease you as much.” she chuckled at the thought, her house folk had left the Twolegplace, taking her with them. That happened soon after Flora found herself out to be pregnant. She decided it was better to leave that part of the story out, bitter memories were better left unsaid.

The maine coon was passionate about being emotionally attuned with oneself. Knowing one's self and following your heart was a priority to her. She would hate to discourage Blue from finding out who he was and who he liked. Though, at what point do you talk to someone you still refer to as a child about things like this? She shifted her weight on her paws, awkward silence falling over her as she debated to bring up her current situation. “You get to tease me only this once but I like-like someone right now actually” she confessed with a dramatic sigh, looking back from the speck behind them that was the Twolegplace in the distance over towards Blue. “I don't think I'm at finding flower stages for her though, which neighbour did you steal from so I know recommendations?” she asked with an airy laugh, hoping to lighten her own mood from thinking about her feelings.


-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- To his surprise, Flora openly admitted to having liked-liked someone before. He didnt think she’d ever open up about something like that but he was glad she did. It was nice to hear about the time before him coming around. Flora had been the first cat to welcome him when they moved and had been by his side since then. He didnt know what he’d do without her that was for certain. Blue looked at her as she explained who Venus was and that she wouldn’t have teased him as much as she did.

This had the young cat rolling his eyes slightly, “Oh wonderful, someone who wouldn’t tease me and theyre gone” Blue mused light heartedly and shook his head before sighing softly. Feelings were weird. Though he had a lot of time on his paws before anything major could happen to him. Blue had just joined the clan and who knows- maybe he’d find something more than just Jaypaw in the clans.

Flora then went on with that she did like-like someone right now. Blue bristled and his eyes went wide, “Holy cheese balls!” He gasped with surprise and then turned to nudge the chocolate warrior, “Oh cmon you know who i like and you cant tell me who it is! That so lame!” He complained childishly and pouted, giving Flora round, puppy-dog eyes.

And i may have gotten them from Sandras’ garden- but you didnt hear that from me” Sandra was a neighbor kittypet who was very protective over her garden for some reason.


She couldn't bite back the laugh at Blue's remark, loud and boisterous she had to press her paw against her maw to try and muffle it. The laughter died down into a look that was just as unexplainable as how she felt. Forlorn perhaps, wistful as she reminisces on simpler times, when she was younger. “They might come back, who knows. Besides I'm sure I would have been able to convince her to tease you eventually!” She nudges him with a grin, the playful wall back up.

Flora rolled her eyes, nothing malicious behind the action but a light annoyance one would have with a younger sibling. “Maybe I'll just live with being lame! I don't know if I'll do anything about that just yet.” Feelings beyond something surface level was something that the maine coon feared, no matter how much she would preach about not fearing them to Blue. “Tell you what, you'll be the first to know if anything comes from it okay?” she offered gently, lightly squeezing his side with her tail in an attempt of a hug.

Despite how much she teased him, she did hate to say no. Sometimes Flora was certain that the tabby knew that she was equally a victim to his whims as he was to hers. Apart from his parents at home she had practically raised him, as far as neighbourhood cats went. It was only natural to assume that he had managed to pick up on some of her traits. “Sandra's garden? my-my, I didn’t realise I was raising a rebel. Theft isn't allowed in SkyClan you know” she joked with a light chuckle, her remark left her thinking again. It was strange, the fact that Blue was going to be seen around camp. Part of the group that she would walk to and from the Twolegplace with.

“If I tease you too much you'd tell me right?” She asked, concern lacing her features. She was already going to have to tamper that teasing nature while at camp. She'd hate to give the meaner cats of the clan an opportunity to tease him just because she did. “While in SkyClan I'll try to do it less, can't embarrass you in front of your g- in front of Jaypaw.” She almost said ‘in front of your girlfriend’ but realised how tone-deaf that may be given the fact that she had just decided that she was going to attempt to tease him less.

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-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Another eye roll came from the young tabby tomcat and he huffed slightly, suppose she was right. At some point she would’ve convinced this Venus to tease him again and he didnt want to press her further on the topic of her crush. Suppose it was none of his business and she did promise to tell him something if anything did happen. Blue puffed out his chest a little and leaned into her squeeze of her tail around him. The little tabby purred happily and smiled broadly, “I am holding you to that promise, hope you know that” He stated with a small frown and a flick of his blue ear.

Blue then yawned softly and looked to Flora once more, “Yes Sandra! But you can’t tell her otherwise she’s gonna flay me alive and use me for her nest!” He said with a small whine and frowned slightly. Though he didnt truly feel upset about it and he doubted he would be seeing that she-cat anyway with how often he was leaving home now.

I know, I’ll definitely let you know if you go too far! I promise,” Blue assured her with a small nod of his head, “‘Besides I know you dont mean it most of the time, and its quite funny too- but i would appreciate not looking like more of an idiot in front of Jaypaw. I can do that just fine on my own” He gave a little snicker and a shrug of his shoulders, “Youll let me know too if i go too far? I dont wanna actually make you cry or nothing- cause you’re like my cool big sister, Flor


“I know, you won't let me forget it” she sighed, like she wasn't purring happily over the interaction. “Maybe I taught you to be attentive a little too well” with a flick of her ear she absentmindedly glanced down at the flowers again. Sandra really won't be pleased over these flowers going missing, she was more pedantic about it than Flora was. What she didn't know wouldn't hurt her though, plus Blue had a point it wasn't like he was going to be seen around as often anymore.

The maine coon looked from the flowers to warily gaze at the young tom, frowning at the implication that he would think himself acting like an idiot. Though, who knows, maybe he would act like one in front of his crush. “I never mean it to be mean, if I mean it at all its in good faith” she clarified with a chuckle. A stray hair is noticed on top of Blues head, it had been bothering her for a while. While listening to him talk she licks the out of place strand of fur to smooth it back with the rest of his head. She used to do that a lot when he was younger, as he got older she didn't want to embarrass him so she had been doing it less.

Flora was feeling sentimental though so who could blame her? “You'd never go too far, kiddo but I'll let you know.” She would never cry in front of him unless under extreme duress anyways, not wanting him to worry over her. That being said, if she sounded a little hoarse after he mentioned that he viewed her like a cool big sister then that would just be the pollen in the air. “Only like a big sister? You've been my kid brother for a while now” she teased, giving a dramatic pause “...Who can also be cool sometimes.”

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