dont keep me waitin' [open/joining]

Poggers | Pogchamp

the little guardian
Jul 25, 2022


OOC- had to re-write this because I'm a dumb-ass -_-

Pogchamp was no stranger to the forest. While he'd been born and raised as a kittypet within twoleg place, his folks garden sat facing the treeline that marked the start of the woods, and the youth had spent much of his life playing along its border. The smell of damp earth and leaves, the feeling of tree bark beneath his claws as he scaled the wide tree trunks- he had always felt apart of more than just twoleg place. Out there was an entire world that seemed to call for him, and he'd been growing more and more restless, wanting to answer its call without having to abandon the people he loved.

But now, a path lay before him.

Twoleg place had been buzzing over the news of cats on the moors and in the forests, and Poggers had been quick to absorb every details. He couldn't explain the fire it lit in his heart, but he knew he had to go. Something out there was calling to him and he just couldn't ignore it anymore.

And so he'd set out for the only clan that would allow him to live the life he so desperately sought; Skyclan. The were said to be kind and welcoming to all while still living the lives of wild cats, and the young tom was eager to see about joining them. Maybe then he could finally start filling in the missing pieces of himself.

Out in the woods, farther from home than he'd ever been, Pogchamp couldn't say he was scared. Nervous, sure, but there was an excitement blended into that energy that kept his steps light and his eyes bright. Because finally, finally, he was following his heart.

male - 10 months - skyclan - homosexual - single - a small tortie with a wirey build and hazel eyes
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Since the official formation of SkyClan--since Rain's death and Blaise's self-proclaimed rise to power--the forest has been flush with newcomers. Curious kittypets and loners from the Twolegplace who've heard of slightly more organized groups within the wilderness, eager to see if the tales they've heard are true.

Blaise doesn't mind--provided they don't cause trouble, that is. And he'd rather none of them developed a taste for their prey, because he knows resources won't be so plentiful come the cooler moons. He sighs to himself as he pads along the sun-dappled forest floor. He isn't looking forward to having to enforce that, but he's leader now--he can't let SkyClan go hungry, can he?

Blue eyes find a fluffy striped pelt and eyes full of wonder, traipsing through the forest with determination. Blaise looks down on him and offers him a small, reserved smile. "Welcome. You've found SkyClan's territory. I'm Blaise, the leader. What's your name, and what can I help you with?" His fluffy cream tail flicks patiently as he sits before the newcomer.



The sound of pawsteps would draw the boys curiosity easily enough, ears pricking forward as hazel eyes caught the creamy fur of another cat heading toward him. There was a moment of hesitation as he found himself faced with a stranger, but it was short-lived and quickly replace with a small grin when the other spoke.

"It's nice to meet you, Blaise!" the tortie replied as he settled his haunches to the ground to sit as well. He hadn't expected to be met by the clan leader themselves, and it was just as unnerving a moment as it was exciting.

"My real names Pogchamp, but a lot of cats like to call me Poggers too, like a nickname." he explained. "Word around twoleg place is that your group is willing to let us kittypets join your ranks, so that's why I'm here: I'd like to join, and become a Skyclan cat!"

His enthusiasm wasn't masked in the slightest, but neither was the determined glint in his eyes. Pogchamp had spent his young life yearning for things like friendship, adventure, and meaning, and while there were a lot of cats in twoleg place who'd called him crazy for wanting to join up with the wildcats because he was 'too young to know what he wanted', Poggers hadn't been discouraged. Only he knew what lay in his heart, and while he loved his humans and would never be so disloyal as to adbandon them, he didn't feel there was anything wrong with acknowledging this other part of him either. He could be both, couldn't he?

male - 10 months - skyclan - homosexual - single - a small tortie with a wirey build and hazel eyes
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Blaise holds a small smile as the young cat introduces himself. A kittypet, but he could tell that by the smell on his speckled fur. He was getting better at identifying between a loner and a kittypet, with the joinings they've had recently. He supposes their proximity to the Twolegplace would naturally produce more pets like he'd been.

"You're wanting to join SkyClan?" He gives the smaller cat a measured look, neutrality drawing his features slack. "You're sure? Life out here is not as glamorous as it might sound, I'm afraid." Flashes of war and cats rising from the dead lofty with stardust. "Won't you miss your housefolk? The comfort of their nest? Prey isn't guaranteed out here. Our goal is survival, and that goes for the Clan as a whole, not just ourselves."

He isn't opposed to 'Poggers' joining the Clan, but he needs the young cat to understand exactly what he's getting into. He knows some cats, like Harpy, go back and forth from his housefolk to the Clan, but it isn't sustainable for every cat. Not everyone can manage a paw in two worlds, he thinks. He waits for Poggers' response.

Above the pair would be Harpy, looking down on them from the branches as he usually does. There's a glint in dull blue eyes, snorting. Another one leaving behind their housefolk? What's happened to the loyalty between cats and their twolegs? Does the love of their people mean nothing to him? Harpy scrutinizes Pogchamp, his tail lashing.

Blaise proposes a good question; won't Pogchamp miss his housefolk? Harpy tilts his head, curious as to how Pogchamp will answer this question. "If you're willin' to ditch 'em so quickly, what'll happen when you bore of us, mate?" His voice is cutting, his pupils slitted as he regards Pogchamp with something between disgust and annoyance.