DON'T KILL MY VIBE. rainecho

this almost felt pointless. they had a small hunting patrol, and chilledgaze made a decision to let them split off, leaving themself and rainecho by themselves. they didn't know all too much about the molly. that was partially because they simply didn't care about her that much. she was simply a clanmate, someone to contribute to the legacy of shadowclan, and another fucking mouth to feed. they were starving as it was, and if rainecho couldn't pull her weight, than she was useless to the deputy. so far, there seemed to be no issues. she was doing fine, it seemed, and chilledgaze did note what the dual eyed molly was doing. they did not need any useless cats. they couldn't afford it.

as chilledgaze turned on their paws, their nose twitched at the faintest scent of something nearby. they crouched down, tail twitching ever so slightly before they rushed forward, pouncing on the scrawny mouse that would barely feed anyone. the kill was quicker than the catch as they simply dropped the thing from their mouth, nose scrunching with agitation. it was enough for a kit. that's it.

"fucking ridiculous."

they hissed.

"you find anything over there, rainecho?"


Rainecho has been here since the beginning, back when Shadow Clan was just the Marsh Group and she had just been Echo. Chilledgaze was a cat who she was familiar with, of course. How could she not know Shadow Clan's own deputy. It would be impossible considering they were the one barking orders at everyone every day but past that, she found that the black pelted cat was a mystery, and Rainecho quite liked mysteries. They intrigued the marbled she cat so when the patrol they were on was ordered to split up, when Chilledgaze had told her to come with them. it was safe to say she would take this as an opportunity to get to know them a little better.

Curiosities aside, she knew that she needed to be on high alert. With prey so thin right now (literally) the clan was hard pressed for food. Rainecho deemed herself more of a brawler than a hunter, a warrior in every sense of the word. But she found the idea of battling the odds fun, a challenge. She was always up for a challenge which is perhaps why she wants to get closer to their shadowy deputy.

She quickly pounces on her prey, delivering a swift killing bite to it's neck before drawing back to inspect it. The squirrel was plump, almost too plump. Would you believe it the poor creature had been pregnant. Poor luck for it good luck for her and her clan mates. She picks the thing up and swings her head around to look at what their fearless leader had caught and to show them her own. When she sees the thin creature she lets out a snort of laughter before placing her own catch down between her paws. "If you're nice, maybe I'll let you in on a few tricks" she teases with a subtle and quick wink. It had been purely luck that the creature she had managed to hook was this one.