development don't know how much I've tried // first catch

Mar 26, 2023
sleekpaw | 05 months | genderfluid | he/she/they | physically easy | mentally hard | attack in bold mistyrose
Sleekpaw has always been a hard worker, despite all appearances otherwise. Though he might be fussy and spoiled and oddly obsessed with cleanliness, he's never once missed training - never once faltered on doing a chore, even if he complains sometimes about the more messy tasks. And today see's her hard work finally paying off. They'd gone out on what was supposed to be a normal hunting patrol, and really they hadn't expected much, not this soon and not with this starclan-awful weather. But even crouched low as he is, so close that his belly is pressed against the soft ground and claws digging into the earth, when he sees his chance he takes it. A twitching nose, a shuffling noise - a young mouse that looks as windswept and bedraggled as herself emerging from the roots of a nearby tree. Light paws carrying them hurriedly forwards in a leap, and they only just manage to land the killing blow with powerful jaws before getting tumbled over by yet another gust of wind. By the time it's over he's flopped over on his back, panting, but utterly proud - prey clamped tightly in his jaws. She'd finally done it - made her first catch.


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”Well look at that!” Blizzard Fang’s voice booms to get his voice over the wind. He pads closer to the feline and looks down at their prey, it’s not a bad catch at all… Especially considering Sleekpaw hadn’t been made an apprentice all that long ago, ”I think we may just have a prodigy in our midsts.” Purred praise.
WE'RE GETTING LOST! Killdeercry knew she held a lot of responsibility, training the future of ThunderClan's warriors. When she was assigned Barleypaw, she had felt so elated. Beyond the clouds, beyond the stars happy to have the chance to pass on her skills and knowledge to the little tabby scrap. Though when she had also gained Sleekpaw just a short bit later, she vowed to dedicate nearly all her time to her little trainees. Watching them grow and learn, it was like having little ones of her own! Only a little bigger.

Their hunting patrol was exepctedly rough given the weather conditions, but Killdeercry is confident in their abilities. Even if they hadn't caught anything, if they learned something from the experience she would be just as satisfied. The ruddy she-cat had been focused on helping hide Barleypaw's tail when she heard Blizzard Fang speak. She turned her head to look at the tom, then down at Sleekpaw.

At once her features lit up like the summer sun. "That's my girl!" The warrior mewed as she bounded over to look at his catch. Blizzard Fang's words sent a surge of pride through her chest. "Oh, we'll have to show your denmates when we get back home. I'm so proud of you!" She offered a paw to hoist him back up to his paws. — tags

app tag -- @barleypaw.
make peace with your broken pieces .
Whitelion perked at the loud boom of Blizzard Fang’s voice, slithering out from beneath the undergrowth, off-white fur crinkling with twigs and leaves, not yet bothered with plucking them out.

A thunderous laugh escaped his maw, staring at Sleekpaw’s first catch, humming in approval. There were always things to improve, but hunting was no feat, especially in this weather. As seen by Sleek’s sprawled form, leaving the large brute to snort in sympathy, shaking his helm.

“You did well.” He dipped his head, singular hue crinkling in merit. The older warrior turned, head swerving to catch Killdeercry’s comment, humming in agreement. “They would be pleased to know they have a capable denmate.” He murmured.
thought speech
————— ❁ —————
Tagging along with his mentor, Lichenpaw unfortunately hasn't been catching much. He hasn't seemed able to put his heart into hunting — or any of his apprentice duties, really — for a while now. He doesn't let it bother him much. Still, there's a bit of a twist to his mouth hearing his mentor's booming praise... for another apprentice.

Sleekpaw, a fussy little kid who Lichenpaw can't say he prefers to spend their time with, carries a mouse in his jaws. The warriors are quick to praise: a prodigy, Blizzard Fang says. Lichenpaw spares glance before adding his own unintentionally half-hearted encouragement. "Yeah, that's uh. Pretty impressive, Sleekpaw. Great job," he tries to sound enthusiastic, but it falls a little flat. Oh well. He gives her a smile anyway; it's the thought that counts, maybe.
————— ❁ —————

  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 10 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by blizzard fang.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid. IC opinions :']​
  • "SPEECH"
  • 64271928_XoeYkJjFj5096aN.png
sleekpaw | 05 months | genderfluid | he/she/they | physically easy | mentally hard | attack in bold mistyrose
The boy beams in pride, ruffled and rumpled though he is even the dirt he'd otherwise hate cannot bring down his good mood. Killdeercry praises her, and she only stands taller, chest puffing up excitably. They're finally living up to their parents expectations - perhaps, they'll even have earned their approval. He nods at the words, giving a quietly muffled thanks around his catch, focus turning back to the patrol. Her mentor's right - she'll have time for bragging later, when they're back at camp once more, and out of this starclan-awful wind.