Don't Know What You're Asking For | Duckpaw

𓆝 . ° ✦ The instructions Mosspool had given to Duckpaw yesterday had been clear and concise; they would meet at the entrance to camp at sunrise to begin their first day of training together. She herself had gotten up earlier, allowing herself time to sit and enjoy the sunrise as she waited on her apprentice's arrival.

Her gaze drifted toward the apprentice den, watching for Duckpaw to emerge. This was her first chance to train the next generation of Riverclan warriors and she would not allow for any margin of error. With the casualties from yellowcough and the rogues attack, Riverclan needed capable warriors now more than ever. Mosspool would not bear to see the clan lacking because of her own apprentice.

It was also her chance to show up Sharpshadow. Which was less important, of course. Her petty spats were not as important ensuring Duckpaw had the skills to be a proper warrior. Still, smug satisfaction filled her as she imagined the look on his face when she showed up to the next gathering with an apprentice as disciplined and reserved as she was. Her ear flicked as she recalled how unruly his apprentice had been. She would make sure Duckpaw was nothing like that.

Mosspool glanced to the horizon. The sun was, decidedly, up. If Duckpaw did not arrive within mere moments than their first day of training was going to begin with a stern lecture on the importance of punctuality.
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  • challenge-3-moss-png.1191
    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.

tags! ₊˚✧ ゚. strict, reserved, stern. duckpaw would repeat these three words inside the privacy of her mind, and each time these words sang out internally, a pang of anxiety would strike her heart. after finding out that smokestar had her apprenticeship consigned to mosspool, she thought it would be a good idea to ask around and gather an idea of the women before facing her at their first training session the next day. upon questioning, some grimaced, some had a tight-lipped smile, but three older apprentices each offered her an objective. "strict," "reserved," "stern." that was all duckpaw had needed to hear to assemble a frightful image of mosspool inside her head. imagine her surprise when she had ran into the aforementioned she-cat shortly after, who then briefly laid out the conditions and time of their meeting before walking away, leaving no room for arguement. up until that point, duckpaw had tried to justify the apprentice's words as rumours, but suddenly they became irrefutable truths.

duckpaw fiddles nervously with her paws now, waiting for the sun to rise. despite her anxiety and dread, a small part of her was excited to see the territory beyond small glances she had stolen as a kit, beyond stories of others which painted images in her mind, beyond personal dreams of the wilderness that lay outside. she could finally experience it for herself. suddenly, she feels a surge of courage. i'm sure this won't be bad. so what the womans a hardass? it will only make me a better warrior. a small grin splits a bi-coloured face at this thought. she hopes to be a great warrior. the sun starts to poke its orange rays through patchy clouds lined on the horizon, and she knows its time to leave. duckpaw emerges from the apprentices den, and sees that mosspool is waiting for her at the camp entrance, just as she had said she would. duckpaw approaches, a bit nervously, wondering if she should've gotten up a bit earlier to impress her. she wanted to make a good impression on the woman she would be shadowing for the next six moons. "ready to start?" duckpaw offers cheerily, trying to sneak a peak past mosspools shoulders to the undergrowth they were about to journey into. i can't wait!
𓆝 . ° ✦ Duckpaw was on time. That was good, Mosspool thought approvingly, but said nothing of it. It was hardly deserving of praise, following such basic instructions was the least that an apprentice could do. Sill, she knew all to well that some apprentices could not even do that. Even though it had been moons ago, she could still recall in vivid detail how often Cicadastar had needed to drag her sister out of bed so that they might train. She suppressed a shiver. What an indignity, that the leader himself had to resort to that. Sometimes, when she remembered their apprenticeship, she was surprised Hazewish had become a warrior at all.

"I am." Mosspool responded matter-of-factly, already turning away to lead her apprentice across the stepping stones that allowed access to Riverclan's camp and expecting her apprentice to follow. She was not going to waste any time. As far as she was concerned, every moment they spent together was valuable.

That said, she did not say anything as they crossed the stepping stones, instead silently glancing back occasionally to make sure that Duckpaw was not going to slip. She was uncertain as to her apprentice's skill in the water, or even if she knew how to swim at all, and so wanted to be ready should anything happen.

Only once they both made it across safely did she begin to speak. "Our training today is going to concern navigation." Mosspool declared, turning abruptly toward the south. She had a whole route planned out already, and all she needed Duckpaw to do was follow her. "We are going to spend the day walking the territory and I am going introduce you to its landmarks and borders. By the time you are a warrior you will be expected to know them all by heart." It was, she knew, a more physically strenuous schedule than it sounded like.

While she went on patrol often, her apprentice did not, which was exactly the point. As well as teaching her about the territory, today would serve to improve Duckpaw's stamina. If her apprentice had tired out during sparring or swimming, that was potentially dangerous, while tiring out while they walked around was far less so. That was part of why she had decided they would do this first. This was all part of the perfect training regime that Mosspool had planned out in her head, and she was quite pleased with herself about it. "After today, I will occasionally tell you where we are going to train, and then have you attempt to lead us there to test how much you have learned." She stated pointedly, wanting her apprentice to take note.
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  • ooc:
  • challenge-3-moss-png.1191
    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.

tags! ₊˚✧ ゚. if mosspool had been impressed by duckpaw's punctuality, it didn't penetrate through an unbudgable neutral expression. duckpaw tries to remember a time in her life where she had ever seen that expression become unstuck; evicted by shock, anger, sadness...anything at all, but she can't. all she could see when she thought of mosspool was a straight-lined maw, and sometimes the gentle furrowing of a brow in displeasure. duckpaw tries not to be disheartened, it was, after all, the bare minimum. at her mentors beckoning, duckpaw brings up the rear of their party of two. pink paw pads gently touching the icy ground beyond the camp entrance. she shivers. i'm outside!

two steps in, and the pair meet their first obstacle. well, it was more like her first obstacle she thinks, watching mosspool jump across the large stones abridging the land with much ease. duckpaw studies her intriguigingly. she isn't personally afraid of the water. glossy coat and long tail that faithfully steered her in the direction of her choosing made for a confident swimmer. it was more the embarrassment of potentially slipping in that made her hesitate before her first jump. she was shorter in stature than most her peers, but whatever hadn't gone into height had been exchanged for powerful legs. duckpaw dips down and uses her hindlegs to spring to the first stone. she anticipates a clumsy landing on the smooth stone (it was not a texture she was used to) so she extends her claws, scrabbling to find purchase when she first makes contact. that was more slippery than i thought! theres no time to think now though, mosspool is on the other side now, and looking back at her expectantly. duckpaw realises she is wasting time, and makes a few more clumsy jumps before reaching the safety of the bank of the other side. she is a little out of breath and takes a moment to gather her composure.

mosspool is prattling off instructions, but duckpaw is only half-listening as she is a little overwhelmed by the great forestry just before them. "navigation, got it." she echoes, trying to sound like an active listener while her wide eyes wondered around in awe. everything is so...big...wait...focus! wide eyes snap back to her mentor, nodding at the schedule that she had laid out for the day. duckpaw thinks there is no way she would be able to comfortably direct her through such a broad expanse of land, it seemed like an impossible task. she fidgets with the earth nervously, could she really memorise all that within one day? "are we going to see some of the neighbouring clans?" duckpaws asks, thinking this is an appropriate, on-topic question that actually did pique her interest. she wondered what they would do? exchange a few insults...maybe even a few claws?? duckpaw's heart quickens at the idea, but shes not entirely sure if its from excitement or fear.
𓆝 . ° ✦ Glancing back, Mosspool caught her apprentice's eyes wandering their surroundings as she spoke the moment before they snapped back to her. I took her a moment to decide whether she was annoyed at the inattention or approving of the curiosity. When Duckpaw chimed in to echo what she had said, the latter won out. Curiosity was a good trait in an apprentice, she decided, remembering how similar she had been. So she turned her gaze forward again, electing to pretend she had not noticed.

If Duckpaw failed to retain this information later, she would bring it up then.

Mosspool nodded, both in response to Duckpaw's question and approval of it. It was a good question. "We will see all of the neighboring clans today." At least, they would if the day went according to schedule. There was a decent chance that Duckpaw would tire out before then, which would be disappointing, but not unexpected. "Can you tell me which clans Riverclan borders?" Mosspool asked, looking back at her apprentice expectantly. "If so, can you tell me which direction each is in?" It was perfectly likely that Duckpaw did not know any of this at all, but - if that was indeed the case - she wanted to know it. At the moment she knew next to nothing of her apprentice, and she wanted to see what she was working with.

It was a question that would answer itself in due time. Each step they took south brought them closer to the border with Skyclan, which would be the first thing that Mosspool intended to show Duckpaw. Well, that and twolegplace, but she did not intend to bring a young apprentice all that close to such a place. She still remembered, with a chill, how Ashpaw had been stolen away by twolegs for moons before managing to return.
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  • ooc:
  • challenge-3-moss-png.1191
    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.

tags! ₊˚✧ ゚. mosspool confirms that they will be visiting the territory borders, and duckpaw basically fizzes with excitement. she knows, despite earlier thoughts, that mosspool wouldn't let her engage in any sort of scuffle, but she did secretly hope for a peaceful chance encounter with a patrol along their journey. maybe she'll let me mark the borders myself! duckpaw stops short of a great big 'whoop' of excitement, instead settling for a large grin that she hopes mosspool has not peeped from her front-facing position. she was trying to maintain a stoic outward bearing, a pathetic mimicry of her mentor.

when mosspool tests her level of knowledge, duckpaw furrows her brows, thinking hard. "thunderclan...just because of the dispute with sunnings rocks," riverclan currently did not have possession of the large plot of land across the river, but she had heard older warriors talk of the controversy surrounding its ownership, as well as something about 'dogs'. there was no way a dispute like that could exist without both clans being in close proximity to each other. mosspool also asks for the direction for these borders. duckpaw looks uncertainly into the foliage as if a giant red arrow would appear out of thin air to deliver the correct answer. "maybe in...this direction?" duckpaw guesses, a small white paw gesturing vaguely north. "windclan as well..i think, in this direction," this is another guess, also informed by overheard gossip as a kit. she makes another gesture to the west. in terms of skyclan and shadowclan, she hadn't heard much about them. either she was correct, or they were more placable neighbours than the other clans she had mentioned. duckpaw stays quiet as she follows, wondering if mosspool would be impressed by the level of knowledge she had, or impressed by her ability to deduce answers based on limited information. she doesn't really consider the third option; mosspool is not impressed.
𓆝 . ° ✦ "Dispute." To her ear, the word felt too kind for what had happened at Sunningrocks. It did not describe the fear she had felt searching for her family amongst the returning Riverclanners, and the strange mix of relief and worry that had flooded her when she found her mother beaten and water-logged, but alive. She could recall those feelings easily when she thought of Sunningrocks even now, after nearly a year.

Still, the word was technically correct. She could find no slight against Duckpaw for the description. Her distaste for it did not even show, as - if nothing else - Mosspool was composed.

If a Thunderclanner had said the same however, she would have carefully considered showing them the same kindness they had shown at Sunningrocks.

"Not quite." Mosspool replied simply to her apprentice's guesses. "Windclan is in that direction." Her tail flicked to the north, "Thunderclan is in that direction." and then to the east. Neither of the answers she needed to take so much as a moment to consider. She knew them as well as she knew the color of the sky. "There is also one more clan that we share borders with, though they have the shortest border with us. That is Skyclan. Their border is the one we are heading towards right now." She nodded toward the sight in the distance ahead of them, a large section of the river, wider than the part around camp. "That part of the river denotes the border."
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  • ooc:
  • challenge-3-moss-png.1191
    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.

tags! ₊˚✧ ゚. olive green eyes trail curiously in the direction that her mentor had gestured too. she had to restrain trembling paw from darting off in these directions. mosspool would definitely not like that, she might even cut their training session short, and drag her back to smokestar who would demote her back to a kit. just the thought of the humiliation is enough to bring a pink blushing undertone to her cheeks and ears. that won't happen though! duckpaw thinks firmly, staying sensibly in line behind her mentor. the world was big and there were a lot of people in it, but she was young and had barely burned through the first few moons of her life; everything would happen in due time, she just had to be patient.

mosspool also tells her that they also share a border with skyclan. she thinks she might've been right that the river-dwelling cats and skyclan had a more amicable relationship. starclan knows she had heard more than enough of the affairs that went on between windclan and thunderclan. "mosspool...there's a lot of war and trouble going on...isn't there?" she halts, not even looking to the girthy section of river that would've normally interested her. she is feeling pensive and a little bit forlorn. it seemed like the world was such a dangerous place, unbefitting for a young, fragile heart such as herself. she hadn't really appreciated the exact scope of the conflict, as far as she was concerned, these clans had been nothing but stories, but as she looked across the river now, she realizes they are real and they have lost and loved, just as they have lost and loved. the realization slams her like a truck. "how do bear all the loss?" just as she says the words, duckpaw wishes she could reach out and bring them back to her lungs, never to be heard. this was probably an extremely sensitive question. duckpaw fidgets nervously, not looking mosspool in the eye because she knows she has made a mistake. she has never made a slip up like that in her life. she usually lives inside her head, and says nothing to betray any passing thoughts. you stupid furball! she thinks. this one is kept private. "uh, you don't have to answer that, it just came out.. she is digging a deeper hole. "sorry,"