don't know who's keeping check } coalkit


Apr 4, 2024
  • GENERALwell i've been playing by the rules and i just can't get out of bed
    ↪ named for the dark shades of his own pelt and after his father, seemingly a miniature mirror of the fallen batwing
    amab tom, he/him pronouns
    ↪ homosexual - though he will not realize this until at least a couple of moons into apprenticeship
    05 moons, ages realistically the 5th of each month
    thunderclan, kit
    stats in chapter 5 are current, and may change due to development

  • APPEARANCEi've been saying more than you, but i don't have any more left
    shorthaired black smoke with forest green eyes
    ↪ at birth, coalkit will look like a simplified reflection of his father, albeit one a few shades darker than batwing ever was. the blooming rosettes that cover his body will initially be virtually nonexistent, making it seem like he inherited little from his mother's side of things unless viewed in more intense and direct light. they will gradually become more clear as he ages, though the rosettes from leopardtongue will always seem like a more subtle afterthought, like her own light and loving touch during his development. his eyes will always similarly serve as a familial reminder of them both, with their vivid shades of forest green seeming to combine and brighten the mixed greens of his parents.

    during kithood, he will always have a slightly chubby appearance beneath his short coat, a trait that will develop eventually into a certain stockiness once he reaches adulthood. though he will always stand shorter than the rest of his siblings even as a warrior, he will be extremely difficult to knock off of his paws thanks to his mass and the muscles he will put on as he grows. coalkit will never grow to be as thick-furred or as elegant as his mother, though he will seemingly figure out ways to carry himself surprisingly lightly on sturdy paws. a trait that will often get him into accidents, as he unintentionally sneaks up on unsuspecting clanmates that are smaller than him. another feature that will turn him into inadvertent phantom in adulthood is his angular features that will last even until then, with sharp short cheek fur and ears often pointed straight upwards.
    smells like freshly crushed fallen leaves and yarrow plants
    sounds like austin lee matthews as hidetoshi odagiri
    no physical illnesses to speak of, though may seem slightly overweight for a couple of moons

  • PERSONALITYyeah, i'm a sucker and a fool and i'm in way over my head
    POSITIVE TRAITS: trustworthy, loyal, focused, serious, orderly
    NEUTRAL TRAITS: blunt, proud, obedient
    NEGATIVE TRAITS: arrogant, cold, reactive, uncharitable, opinionated

    ↪ firmly in the category of lawful neutral, coalkit will insist on a strict, rule-following attitude even during his childhood. from the moment he learns about the warrior code he will be adamant on following it essentially as a lifeline. he will see following what came before and taking authority into his own paws as a way to balance and support himself even in the absence of batwing, though this will likely lead to him clashing often with rulebreakers. this will not serve to deter him as he grows, instead choosing to see the negative opinions of others as a necessary evil. so much so that he's even willing to get hurt for his strict nature if necessary.

    coalpaw will grow even more stiff and conceited as he grows into an apprentice, seeing apprentices that goof off and don't take their roles seriously as beneath him and worthy of ignoring entirely. this will become even more prominent if he learns the full story of what happened with the wolves and their invasion of camp, with him believing that a careless attitude will get others killed in the end. he may even come off as aggressive and unreasonable in his pursuit of making others see his viewpoint, his own emotional regulation stunted due to extensive loss from such a young age. he will believe in pushing others to unlock their true potential, though likely not through scenarios like shouting matches or violence. instead he will often operate through cold words and subtle accusations that may spiral over time.

    in spite of all of this, coal will not relish being hateful, nor will his ultimate goal be motivated by selfishness. instead he will see himself as an arbiter of justice in an unjust world that takes away those that are beloved without a care. even though his strict attitude and sense of righteousness may push others away, he will not be opposed to forming bonds with those that can deal with him, especially if they believe in his causes. in fact, he will likely trust these friends more than anyone else, and work to hear their opinions even though he would normally shut them out. his care for these friends and his family will be the primary motivator when he does show concern for others, and he will often be softer on them and their rule-breaking than he will be with others. though often this just means reacting with horror, rather than immediate fury and distrust.
    does not seem to suffer from any specific mental disorders
    ↪ though it is unlikely that I will stray extremely far from this base personality, this is just a base and is subject to possibly changing as he develops within thunderclan plots
  • RELATIONSHIPSi'm on a different point of view
    ↪ younger sibling to cougarpaw, hazepaw, bravepaw, and foxpaw, littermate to hopekit
    no mate, will initially struggle with romance and his own sexuality
    ↪ will be hesitant about the prospect of having children after learning the full gravity of his own father's death
    notable influences will include old stories of batwing, roeflame, and burnstorm. will also likely look up to howlingstar
    ↪ may end up resenting his older siblings due to how much time they got to spend with batwing prior to his death
    ↪ will likely try to vouch for one of his heroes to mentor him, though very possibly without much success
  • INTERACTIONbut i'm just so out of my depth
    in his current state, coalkit is an extremely easy opponent to face in battle. though on the larger side, he is only able to tussle with other kits and is no threat to anyone older than that
    not one to intentionally start fights with others, though he will certainly finish them if challenged

    ↪ STRENGTH: ★★☆☆☆
    ↪ DEXTERITY: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ SPEED: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ STEALTH: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ SWIMMING: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ HUNTING: ★☆☆☆☆
    it will be difficult for others to mentally manipulate him even currently as a kit, though this is mainly due to a lot of his own battles being internalized. more likely to upset himself
    somewhat serious and cold, not an incredible conversationalist unless he puts active focus into it
    ↪ STRATEGY: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ PERCEPTION: ★★☆☆☆
    ↪ MEMORY: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ HEALING: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ WISDOM: ★★☆☆☆
    ↪ MOTIVATION: ★☆☆☆☆
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Fusce volutpat est arcu, non sodales tortor dignissim non. Integer quis leo eget ex scelerisque lobortis ut at nibh. Nulla suscipit vel risus quis mollis. Morbi mollis elementum vestibulum. "Suspendisse interdum eros tortor, ut varius massa iaculis quis. Cras maximus libero ac fringilla fringilla." Vestibulum vehicula sollicitudin ex a consequat. Suspendisse commodo condimentum tellus, nec suscipit velit vestibulum in. Donec eget rutrum quam. Integer nunc neque, finibus ac dolor sed, maximus gravida leo. Donec vitae eros sed enim rutrum mattis. Pellentesque lorem magna, suscipit eget diam ut, accumsan elementum ex. Fusce suscipit neque id enim ultricies, quis aliquam nibh pharetra. Proin maximus, velit eget vestibulum elementum, quam leo semper metus, sit amet finibus leo purus sit amet quam. "Text"

  • l7lxcqb2ex7.png
  • 81641257_cc6OVDHQigHNM4a.png
    a new apprentice of thunderclan, coalpaw is currently one of the youngest of his rank at six moons. he is being mentored by burnstorm, and is on track to graduate alongside his brother. an abrasive and intensive rule follower, he is fiercely loyal to thunderclan and working to honor his fallen parents.
[box=48%][justify][font=georgia]Text [b][color=#297b42][outline=#1c1b1e]"Text"[/outline][/color][/b]

[tabs][slide=𝐁𝐔𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐌𝐔𝐂𝐇 𝐋𝐄𝐅𝐓][/slide]
[slide=✹   .  +    ˚      ·  ][quote][img][/img][/quote][/slide]
[slide=𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐈 𝐃𝐎 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖][fleft][img width="150px"][/img][/fleft][quote]a new apprentice of thunderclan, [abbr=cisgender tom, uses he/him pronouns]coalpaw[/abbr] is currently one of the youngest of his rank at [abbr=ages every 5th]six moons.[/abbr] he is being mentored by [abbr=written by jay]burnstorm,[/abbr] and is on track to graduate alongside his [abbr=hopepaw, written by foxlore]brother.[/abbr] an abrasive and intensive rule follower, he is fiercely loyal to thunderclan and working to honor his [abbr=batwing, leopardtongue]fallen parents.[/abbr] [url=][color=#a8815e]✦[/color][/url][/quote][/slide][/tabs][/font][/justify][/box]
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