don't let your head hang low [sangria]



OOC- retro to stepping down

Johnny couldn’t remember a time when he’d ever felt so much at once. On a daily basis he was subject to the war his own thoughts waged on him, leaving him anxious to act and frustrated that he was so limited in what he could do. His guilt wore away at him like water against stone, leaving him feeling like a traitor on so many fronts that his head spun. Every day he came in later and later, and then left earlier and earlier. The limited time he was around was spent training with Sangriapaw and hunting for the clan, practically abandoning any other responsibilities or social time he might have had. He felt like he was failing Orangestar and his clan, but even more so he felt like he was betraying himself.

His paws begged to carry him away from the pines, to search for the answers, and every moment he didn’t tore away at him. Because Johnny was a cat with multiple loyalties. He always had been, and it had never been a secret. Those two strings were twined around him on proud display for all to see, one tethering him to twolegplce and the other to Skyclan.

But there was another thread that had formed in the passing moons that anchored him to Silversmoke as well, and it had been drawn painfully tight around him in the days since their disappearance, pleading for him to follow it.

So he’d made a decision.

”Sangriapaw, slow down lass! I want to talk to you about something before we get back to camp...” he said as the pair made their way back from tree-climbing practice. His steps slowed so that they were walking at a more relaxed pace, and took a moment to decide how he wanted to say what he was going to say. In the end, he settled for the truth- as hard to understand as it may be. ”Do you know why I haven’t been bringing you to twolegplace with me? he asked evenly, glancing down at the smaller cat.


She isn’t stupid, no matter how some other cats talk about daylight warriors and apprentices. Sangriapaw is pretty smart, she thinks. Which is why her mentor’s persistent lateness in the mornings and eagerness to leave early in the evenings has caught her attention. It’s like a burr that’s been caught in her pelt, tugging away at her fur, but it’s in a spot where she can’t reach it. She can’t just… talk to Johnnyflame about it. He’s probably just going off to the twolegplace on more special missions without her, and she doesn’t want to ruin her relationship with her mentor, even if she’s already frustrated at him. So she doesn’t confront him about it—not yet. And it seems that she doesn’t need to, in the end, because at last the warrior seems to think it’s time to come clean. He calls out to her as she marches back in the direction of camp, her pawsteps heavy and tingling from a long tree-climbing session. At least she’s been getting more and more successful in her climbing efforts.

Reluctantly, the cinnamon torbie slows her pawsteps, waiting for the older SkyClanner to catch up. When he slows at her side, she turns to look at him with an expectant gaze. "I know why." It’s hard not to take it personally—her muzzle turns to a frown, and she looks away from Johnnyflame as she continues, "It’s ’cause ya think I’m not ready."

  • ooc:
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    SANGRIAPAW ❯❯ she/her, daylight apprentice of skyclan
    wild-furred cinnamon torbie with white spotting and vibrant leaf-green eyes. bold, bright, and curious.
    daughter of fantastream & figfeather ; sister to coffeepaw
    mentored by johnnyflame
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore