sensitive topics don't look at the moon ✤ death

Nov 22, 2022

Their patrol was scattered, an attempt to get closer to the bear to study it for any weaknesses or figure out how they could combat its presence was ended with a startling snap of a twig and a scurry of movement as cats went racing away to avoid those treacherous claws that could kill a cat in one blow; just as it had done Chilledstar. Anyone struck by it was dead, without question, and the normal cats of ShadowClan had only the one life to their name unlike their leader. It was a little scary, but at the same time exciting and Poppypaw had been thrilled to be able to come along, shushed by Frostbite at every interval as she murmured promises to strike the beast down herself the entire trek there. Her bravado faded, however, when faced with the reality of it and she had frozen up in horror at the bellow of the roar the signified it had noticed them all. Several clanmates had simply bolted from the area, she saw no one and she wondered where her mentor had gone only to see his white tail vanish through the bushes alongside another; of course he was helping a clanmate, stupid and noble Frostbite. He must have thought she was also running and she had, for a moment, before her fear overcame her and the morbid curiousity of being this close to the monster had he slowing her pace until it was all but snapping at her retreating form.
Poppypaw sprang onto the first tree she saw, a flicker of movement above indicating that one clanmate had chosen this method of escape as well, despite everyone else seeming to scatter and the gray and white form of the grouchy older tom came into view, olive eyes narrowing down at her.
"Granitepelt! HELP!" Her claws dug into the tree but the bark was chipping, flaking away from the old oak from the gray tom's previous dash upward and she could find no purchase. She was never really a good climber, copper eyes wide as she struggled to keep herself pulled up but just a touch too far from the branch he perched to be able to haul herself up the rest of the way.
There was no way she was going to be able to get herself up without help, the shuffle of heavy paws plodding beneath her indicating the bear was now at the tree and roaring upward at them; beneath her paws a set of sharp white teeth gnashed and ursine claws gripped the trunk to tear and scratch.

-Anyone else can have been on this patrol but no one will have been in this area during these events.
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Their well-meaning patrol to study the creature’s habits devolves into chaos at a moment’s notice. The bear, apparently territorial over the land they’d stolen from ShadowClan, begins to crash through the marsh grass, swiping massive blunt claws and roaring its displeasure. All the cats scatter—Granitepelt does not bother to watch where each goes. He sinks his claws into the slippery bark of the first cedar tree he comes across, hauling himself high enough to evade injury. There are distant, panicky meows. He pants from the effort of escape, but the danger is away from them—for now.

Granitepelt’s ears tilt, eyes narrowing as a burst of ginger and snow streaks through the bogwater. Poppypaw’s eyes are wide with fear, but she makes a brave and determined leap up the same trunk Granitepelt had just scaled. He slips closer, ensuring she can see him through the stiff green branches.

At her heels, the bear snarls, and a looming set of slavering jaws gapes below Poppypaw. She’s got her claws secured in the trunk—but cedar is hardly for beginner climbers, and she’s slipping. “Granitepelt! HELP!” The gray warrior says nothing, watching her dip lower, closer to the monster’s snapping teeth.

With a small, cold smile, Granitepelt presses his belly to the branch, lazing about in full view. Though the stench of the bear’s breath have his own heart hammering in fear, there’s a shine of satisfaction to his evergreen gaze. “I am helping,” he says in a low dulcet voice. “Myself.

He purposefully backs away from her then, so that even if he were to change his mind last second, Poppypaw could not be reached in time. His retreat is purposeful. Deliberate.

He wants to watch her go before he leaves, though. Let the bear be occupied with her flesh. It will be the last and only good deed Poppypaw has ever done.

  • Wow
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She shouldn't be surprised but she is, for all his unruly behavior and bad temper she had not once suspected Granitepelt of this level of maliciousness. Being a jerk didn't immediately mean you were a killer, after all. Her mentor was a jerk at times but he was genuinely goodnatured despite that. Her mind dances back to the altercation before, where she had lied about knowing his secret and he'd coldly walked off; how Siltcloud had tried to soften the animosity in the air with a joke and step forward to block her from his view. She knew. She knew him capable of this. What secret was it that her loud mouth had stumbled upon without knowing, what was it that had her life now considered a threat to him. Poppypaw's mouth opens to say something, anything, she almost considers pleading in her panic; hot breath brushing her tail as the bear continues to reach up after her but he pulls away and any hope she has is gone. Even if he did reconsider there was no saving her now, so she lashes out, "STARCLAN WILL KNOW EVERYTHING YOU'VE DONE!" The apprentice shrieks, eyes tearing up, the horrible reality that she was about to die crashing over her, "YOU STUPID-" Her claws slide, her grip loosens suddenly and she falls into snapping jaws with a shrill cry of alarm. It is mercifully quick, a shake and fling to the side sending red and white and mostly red fur rolling across the ground to a stop in the open where the bear had stood moments before. It slowly began to lumber away.
Her finally thoughts drift listlessly, there is no pain and her copper gaze flits upward to the tree the gray tom had been in moments before to find it empty. No one would know, her mind fades, she wonders if her mother will even care she's gone and wishes she had the energy to cry one last time.
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The situation turned into chaos in a matter of seconds and Frostbite felt fear mix with anger. Fortunately he was smart enough to not fight the bear for now and instead focused on helping his clanmates get away. Everything was a blur in this instant. He shouted for the others to run, to get to safety.

He would hold this abomination off if he had to.

But he saw someone trip, and his heart skipped a beat. He rushed to their side and forcefully lifted them up onto their feet by the scruff. "GO!!" He shouted, shoving the other cat lightly.

As if things could not get worse.... A shrill cry pierced his ears and his blood ran colder than the mountains he hailed from. Dread dug it's claws deep into his heart as he rushed back through the bushes.

"POPPYPAW!!!" He called, voice shrill with terror and worry. He trembled, eyes wide and looking around frantically for his apprentice.

And then he saw. He saw her body on the ground, white fur now stained red with blood. He no longer cared for his own safety. He had to get to her. Bear or not. If the beast wanted to fight, then by the stars he would. He would test his plan to gouge an eye out.

He let out a shrill cry as he rushed to her. He failed her. He failed. This is his fault. She was his responsibility and he failed. Tears fell from his eyes as he stood over her, gripping her scruff.

"I'm here-! I'm here- just hold on, okay? You'll be okay. I've got you." He said through clenched teeth, voice quivering and frantic with terror. His vision was clouded with tears that spilled over as soon as they formed.

She didn't deserve this. It should have been him instead.

The thought stuck him like a hot poker, and it would leave a permanent mark like one too.

He pulled her away from the bear as quick as he could, into the bushes, safely away from the brute. It was there, that he would set her down and hold her in his paws. "Poppypaw- I'm so sorry." He said, rasping a tongue over her head. Was she still with him, he wondered? He looked down at her, looking for any signs of life.
  • Crying
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siltcloud | 13 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold #905d5d
The last thing siltcloud expects is for the patrol to devolve into utter chaos as the hulking monsters make an appearance. There is nothing but fear within the girls mind as she flees - she's never been good at climbing, cannot climb, so all she can do is run. And run, and run, until she finds herself hiding within murk and mud and all manner of disgusting marshland ick as she crouches, hoping that her scent will not be caught. Flanks heave and she can hardly breath - and then she hears it, a scream. Poppypaw. But she cannot move - she is frozen in terror, green eyes wide and blank.

By the time sense are regained, its far to late, shivering trembling frame can only watch as frostbite pulls her friends body with him, ginger and white fur stained crimson. "No... no, no, no," words slip past her lips, pleas choked by sobs she doesn't even realize she' s making, tears dripping steadily down dust-hued cheeks. This cannot be happening - no, not again, not again. Why is starclan punishing them this way? Just what has shadowclan done to deserve their wrath - why must everyone she cares about die? Claws dig deep into the earth, gouging it, and she frantically looks for her brother - is he okay, is he alive? Is loampaw still safe? Will she be losing any more loved ones today?

poppypaw was a very annoying cat, sure, but no one deserved such a death. chilledstar did not hate the young Molly, and in fact saw the potential that she had. she... should have made it to her warriorship. she should have been a strong, solid, and loyal member of the ranks, and yet she can't be. she's joined starclan way too soon, and there is a deep within them. all of them will feel this death. the dens will be quieter without the loud boisterous voice of poppypaw.

they stand not far from frostbite, and they can't help but feel totally and utterly nauseous. this is a lie, right? starclan is playing tricks on me. poppypaw isn't dead. she can't be. she just can't... had they been able to draw from their own thoughts about what happened, why it happened, they might have cried right then and there. they would— just not in front of so many. they can't right now. leader first. leader first.

"frostbite i am so sorry..."

they know the tom will be extremely affected by this. they looked over at siltcloud who is having a hard time too, and offer a sympathetic dip of their head to her. she didn't deserve the pain of losing a friend, either. they'd all lost so much already... why did starclan hate them so?

"i... should have protected you better, poppypaw. i hope your hunts within starclan are plentiful as ever. please, say hi to pitchstar for me, okay? i think you will like him while he's up there."

their voice breaks before they can stop it. they squeezed their eyes shut, trying to stop the tears they know are coming. they can't.
❪ TAGS ❫ — What Roosterstrut had reluctantly agreed to, a patrol just to spy on the bears who had taken over ShadowClan's camp, had quickly spiraled into a flurry of chaos and panic. He had dove behind the trunk of a nearby tree, chills wracking his spine and his heart pounding so hard that the thing could probably hear it. "Your blood itself draws the allure of wild animals..." Smogmaw's words taunt him, and Roosterstrut knows them to be untrue, but they fester in his mind against his will.

The air grew silent, indicating that the bear may have moved on, though the quiet did not last for long as an agonizing cry ripped from Frostbite's throat. Dread falls over the red-striped warrior, pupils narrowing out with the realization that something bad must have happened. Jaw drawing agape in utter horror as he emerged from his hiding place, Roosterstrut folded his ears back and managed, "Poppypaw..." He steps forth, fresh ichor flooding his nostrils and his sight.

He opens his maw to offer Frostbite his condolences, though he ultimately decides against it. He wouldn't want to worsen the situation somehow and overwhelm a cat who has just lost their apprentice, after all. Roosterstrut couldn't even imagine finding the body of his own trainee, bloodied and mauled by the very creature who had driven ShadowClan out of their camp.

His heart aches for Frosbite, for Poppypaw's family, for all of ShadowClan who had just lost an apprentice so close to warriorhood. Roosterstrut cannot help, for a fleeting moment, what Poppypaw's warrior name would have been. A lump forms in his throat, his eyes tingling as tears struggle to well, but the warrior has been so exhausted and mentally drained lately that they don't come easily. Roosterstrut lowers his head solemnly, a sorrowful frown tugging down on his maw.

We have to do something soon. This has to stop. All of a sudden, Roosterstrut is no longer so hesitant to take any measures possible to lure the bears away. To scare the bears away, even. Anything but let them pick his clanmates off one by one. He'd even let the beasts chase after him, just as Smogmaw had suggested. What if Crowpaw was next? Rainecho? ShadowClan had faced so much death and sorrow over the past season and he wasn't sure how much more of it he could take.