camp Don't Look Down on Me! ~{o. intro }~




So I walk alone down the darkest roads

Rain droplets rolled off the young tom's whiskers as his blue gaze looked downwards coolly at the ground below him, shoulders rolled backward in a relaxed state. At the same time, the tip of his tail twitched calmly, a tired look glittering in his eyes as they looked slightly up watching those who walk past him minding their business. Another day, all that it was, nothing special of course why else would one else find themselves just watching others? Yet, while he watched the others, he had a sense of wanting to look down on them, and perhaps it was how he was raised by his own mother, while his only father loved another that was not him nor his own mother but his younger sibling, half-siblings all they were, and yet the only reason he didn't gain the same traction from his father was his mother's blood being tainted with kitty-pets blood.

Shameful, one supposed but, Wisteriaflame still kept his head held up, and not allowed the inferiority of his own mother's lifestyle to bring him down. He had been raised as a shadowclan kit and worked hard to become a warrior of this clan, so he dared not allowed the taint of his mother's own past to get the best of him. With a sigh the tom would get onto his paws as ears ticked forward finding a couple of others relaxing and taking up some chatter, deciding to join them. A warm smile splaying onto his maw filled with greetings of false bliss webbed its way onto his face like a mask, a part to play. "How are you two this fine morning?" his voice warm and songful with his dark sonorous voice.

"Shame that the downpour had yet to lift, perhaps when the sun comes out we could go hunting? Prey will be more sprightly once it passes" he said calmly while curling his tail around his dark paws, waiting to hear the response of the two that he approached in conversation with, pushing aside his own thoughts from earlier. Another day of filling one's own paws with duties and work, might as well offer others to join in.

Starlingheart is laying in front of her den with a clanmate, taking a bite of the prey that rests between her paws and then scooting it over to them so that they could eat while they make idle small talk. Usually, it is Starlingheart who does most of the listening though. She believed herself to be a good listener, anyways. Her green eyes look up from their place on the other cat when a shadow falls on them. She looks up to see who cast it and offers a small smile in greeting, warm and polite. "Wi-Wisteriaflame" she says with a small dip of her head in greeting. "I-I'm doing all-alright this weather is- it's nice" and it was true, the rain came and went and in between downpours Starlingheart mostly found herself picking through mud to try and find the herbs her clan so desperately needed. Leaf-bare had been unkind, and it definitely didn't help that her predecessor had shredded their herbs before taking her on. New-leaf was proving to be kinder though and the black and white molly cannot help but hope that kindness continues.

When Wisteriaflame starts speaking of hunting, her eyes slide over to the cat next to her. Hunting wasn't really her thing unless the prey was a leaf so they must be talking to them and not her.

Needledrift lifts her head as Starlingheart turns the conversation towards her, a simple volley of a topic the other isn't as knowledgeable about. Wisteriaflame is only being friendly, but Needledrift can't help but feel at little nervous about the proposition. She hated hunting with her clanmates... not that she didn't like the company of the cats she grew up with and fought alongside, but she just felt like she was a consistent drag only being able to hunt with her claws.

She lowers her head to worry away a small bit of the shared food, the softer and fleshier bits conveniently exposed by Starlingheart's bite, before returning her gaze to Wisteriaflame's casual form. She hums her approval of his plans and elicits a small sound from the back of her throat - that sounds really good! - before blinking, hoping that their new companion would be able to fill the gaps she would leave in the small-talk.
she smells like lemongrass and sleep
જ➶ If the long legged tom has to be truthful he despieses newleaf. Well, not the whole season but parts of it. Namely the storms it brings, especially the thunderstorms. They are something that makes him cower into his den with the loud noises that they make. The jagged flashes of lightning. His fear is real because of what happened at the Sycamore tree. It was ravaged by lightning that sparked a fire which pulled them from their home. Still he suppose it could be a lot worse. Them not making it. His jaw wobbles for a moment as his thoughts are chaotic before he shakes his head and finds a group having a small chat. With a casual step over he plops himself down beside Wisteriaflame and smiles. Oh does he smile as he wraps his tail around him. "Personally, I could do without all the rain. It's gonna rot everything." His voice is playful though and soon his mismatched eyes focus on Needle who makes an agreeble noise at the idea of hunting.

"Perhaps I'll come with ya, hunting is always fun." Will his sister want to come along and stretch her claws? His eyes shift to her then, curious of the whole endeavor.