don't mistake my threats for bluff ✘ Meeting [Jan '24]


"Let all cats old enough to swim, gather beneath the river rock for a clan meeting."
He is not even there when he calls out, briskly making his way over to it and lifting his head to shout as he clambers up upon the stone pile to perch above the camp, his tail curling tightly around his paws. The cold was getting worse, but thankfully he'd seen no sign of frost in the river more than in brief patches and along the edges of the water. Maybe they were blessed by the stars this leafbare and would not face the trials that they suffered the last.
"...our prior gathering had no sign of WindClan, but I still want out patrols on that border as heavy as they have been. The only thing more treacherous than a snake is one still hidden in the grass unseen." Sootstar had to be up to something at this point, surely. She must be planning some ridiculous display, maybe even an attack. RiverClan would not be caught unawares.
"...with the kittens that had been abandoned at the border, I want to remind everyone that RiverClan does not tolerate trespassers and to be mindful near the edges of our territory. I have no doubt in my mind that the wandering rogues will grow bolder if they are so willing to abandon kits for the sake of a free meal." His heart still burns with fury over Kindling's outrageous stunt, if he ever saw her again his claws would not miss their target.

"Hazecloud has had her litter of healthy kits, with the exception of one. Snowflakekit may have only been with us briefly but he will be remembered and missed...may he walk in StarClan and watch over the remaining three. This is a firm reminder now going forward that not a single warrior or apprentice is allowed to eat until that nursery has been cared for, I will not tolerate a single mouthful being taken before our queens, our kits and the elders are fed." His warning was more for the former colony cats gradually integrating still into their ranks but also toward the stubborn apprentices who liked to decide which rules to follow on a whim. He had a feeling his paw would be sore these several moons as he smacked them all upside the head constantly.
Smokestar did not linger on the topic of the lost kit, it made his chest ache with a dull and hollow reminder of Willowroot's litter from the previous leafbare, the name Snowflakekit had been heartbreakingly poignant - a shimmering gossamer of snow that melted quicker than it even formed. His dark head shakes, he pushes onward with more uplifting news.

"Eelkit, come forward." He allows the kitten a moment to obey before he continues, "You are ready to be apprenticed now and until you earn your warrior name you will be known as Eelpaw. Foxtail, you are a skilled hunter and tracker, one of our will be mentoring Eelpaw, it is my hope you will dutifully pass these skills down to her." Foxtail was not exactly a cat made for more combative abilities, but there was no denying his skill when it came to hunting down prey whether it be land or in the water. Smokestar nodded quietly to himself, after his brief talks with Snakeblink and Ferngill he was starting to see the appeal in more than merely focusing on battle. A good clan had structure in all kinds, cats who picked up the slack where others lacked, though of course....basic fighting skills would always be required less they end up in a life threatening situation. He'd keep an eye on this pair and step in to offer guidance in that field if needed. Or maybe he'd let Petalnose do it, she needed to work some things out; it might be a good outlet for her.

"Dipperpaw..." And not her brother who was currently being held back for leaving thorns in his nest a THIRD time, "...and Perchpaw, please step forward." Finally, he had watched both gradually grow in their skills over time to reach this point and nothing gave him more pride than naming newly made warriors.

  • Apprentice Ceremonies:
    @EELKIT apprenticed to @FOXTAIL

    Warrior Ceremonies:

    December Activity Shout-outs:
    You guys killed it on one of our more hectic holiday months and got us to 10k, thank you again for all the fun posts and roleplaying! A reminder that prompts will continue until January 12th!
    Keep an eye out for certain threads going up as we slowly roll out an upcoming plot! >:3c
    @lichentail & @Petalnose & @Snakeblink & @iciclefang & @Moonpaw
    @PIKESPLASH & @Aspenhaze & @FERNGILL & @Bounceheart & @Feathergaze & @FOXTAIL & @DAWNSTORM & @CEDARBLAZE & @hazecloud
    @otterpaw & @BEEPAW. & @Bumblepaw & @Nettlepaw- & @Asphodelpaw & @BITEPAW & @valepaw ➶ & @SHELLKIT

    For sake of the timeline since both threads are still in progress, this meeting takes place prior to THIS (the Ripple Colony Ultimatum) thread and THIS one (the Bobcat Attack)!

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.

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The past several days had dragged by; a result of the young kitten growing increasingly more ecstatic about her approaching apprentice ceremony. It was something all of the older apprentices had looked forward to, and now it was her turn to leave the nursery and begin her warrior training. The morning of the ceremony had her mother threatening to speak to Smokestar about withholding her warrior ceremony if she would not allow her to finish grooming her fur. After all, her mother had a point about how she needed to look presentable when standing before the entire clan.

After what felt like an eternity, Eelkit heard the call of her leader and nearly knocked several of her clanmates down in an attempt to pick the perfect spot to sit for this highly important meeting. Smokestar seemed to have a similar mindset to the molly and wasted no time in starting the meeting. Somehow, she was successful in holding back a groan at Smokestar's decision to cover the more important topics first before diving into the ceremonies. She didn't have any knowledge of what was going on or why, (perhaps her future mentor could help clue her in on the situation later) and found herself zoning out. Fortunately, she would regain her focus as her name was called, summoning her to stand beneath the river rock, gazing up at her leader with an anxious, yet eager expression.

"Thank you Smokestar!" She muses a little too energetically, earning herself the embarrassment of her older clanmates errupting into laughter at her attempted respectful outburst. Moving forward, Eelkit... no, Eelpaw would move forward, remembering what her father had instructed her to do before the meeting. Eelpaw would wait for Foxtail to turn towards her, before reaching out to touch noses with her new mentor. After the pair was acknowledged, she quickly followed behind her mentor, almost in an obligated fashion as she took a seat to wait for the conclusion of the meeting.

⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆
It was a little embarrassing how much she was struggling not to overwhelm Dipperpaw with her nagging that morning- she knew damn well what today was, had approached Smokestar with a heart-torn smile to tell him it was finally time. She was ready... even if Lichentail wasn't. It felt kind of like losing her.

"You look... strong..." she'd said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes. Bittersweet. Dipperpaw wasn't the type of girl to love to be called pretty, to say she looked as beautiful as the cloudy night sky, flecks of stars shining in dark swirls.

She couldn't afford to linger in the stripe-dressed girl for very long before her throat ached with restrained huffs of her conflicting joy and sorrow. She'd left after that... not keen on saying much more.

When Smokestar summons them to gather, she feels that tightness again and though she moves in automatic, certain motions to take her spot just beneath him, she feels hot and cold at the same time, to be sitting awkwardly aside from the clan, to look at them and know she is on full display too. The snow-crested tom breezes through the important updates, spreading words of wariness and uncertainty... of enemies lurking in every shadow. It is normal, regular stuff...

And for all the joy she should be drowning in to hear Hazecloud mentioned with praise for a healthy litter... it is dampened in soft acknowledgement for the departed. The deputy's gaze moves to the floor, stubbornly affixed to her paws as if they might hold something between frost-bitten toes that might make her feel better... might make it easier to hear again. He is kind... to mention that little boy... to honor him in front of his clan. And she is weak. Her vision quivers as watery emotion blurs its, contorts it...

It didn't need to be said. What lingered at every tongue-tip- that this was a failure they deserved. It felt the same as it had to be reprimanded that summer by Cicadastar. Humiliating.. but unavoidable. There is nothing to do but accept it. "Thank you," is muttered, knowing Smokestar might not be able to hear her from beneath his paws. She can't afford to ignore him.. just because he is gone.

It is a mercy it moves quickly... and Eelpaw is given the attention any aspiring new apprentice deserves. Foxtail would be a great mentor.

But the thing that had been nagging at her all day is finally upon them. A summoning of two who were ready for the biggest step of their young lives. Sucking in a breath to draw courage into the pit of her stomach, she holds it there and lifts her gaze to find the stalwart girl, offering the smallest twitch of a smile. Alright Dipperpaw... the rest is up to you.

Iciclefang flocks to the River Rock with the rest of her Clanmates, her breath pluming in front of her flaring nostrils. The cold has reached its claws into her chest and filled her bone with frozen marrow; what little fur she can muster is fluffed up against the winds and against Smokestar’s foreboding words. WindClan hadn’t been present at the last Gathering at all—even Sunstride hadn’t been there to represent his brooding leader, and though many cats had hardly remarked upon their lack of presence, she finds something unsettling about it all. Smokestar rightfully points out that Sootstar could be plotting something and orders the border to be strictly patrolled. She nods in understanding, though she cannot shake the nagging feeling that something is wrong with their moorland neighbor. She has not seen hide nor hair of any of the cats who’d gone on the journey nearly since their return. When WindClan had bothered to show up to the Gathering, it had been with cats she did not recognize, hardened beasts with scarred pelts and cruel, jabbing tongues.

Despite all of the other Clan’s transgressions, she finds herself frowning quietly, thinking of Mouseflight, of Milkthorn, of Scorchpaw. Silently, she resolves to pay attention to which cats are patrolling the border—could she remember their scents, after all this time spent away from one another?

Smokestar speaks of Hazecloud’s litter next, of the little tomkit who had not lived. Iciclefang’s jaw tightens against the wave of grief that splashes over her, and she cannot resist giving Lichentail a blue-eyed stare full of wavering sadness. It isn’t fair, she thinks, for their happiness over their healthy kits to be shadowed by such pain. Again, at her leader’s directive concerning the nursery’s residents, she gives a firm nod. She would now be instrumental in ensuring his orders were followed as a lead warrior.

Finally, Smokestar begins to call Eelkit forward. The eager young tabby is apprenticed to Foxtail, and Iciclefang lifts her voice coolly to the heavens with her Clanmates: “Eelpaw! Eelpaw!” Despite the hardships, the tragedies of leafbare, life in RiverClan continued, and they would continue to display their strength, as evidenced by Perchpaw and Dipperpaw’s pending warrior ceremonies. Iciclefang watches them with passive eyes, her tail curled neatly around her paws.

, ”

And here he was again to relive his nightmare for a second time. The day he had dreadfully feared to come was now here. There was nowhere to hide any longer. His warrior ceremony having been put on hold for to long. It was time for Perchpaw to become a warrior against his own will because no he was not ready for it no matter what his mentor tried to convince him. You're going to become a fine warrior don't even worry about it!. Wavepool being her typical optimistic self had tried to ensure him, to put his heart at ease. But no it had all been in waste. Even with his mentors best effort he really couldn't bring himself to look at this from the bright side. He had never been the optimistic type...always expecting the worst. Perchpaw just knew he was going to screw up somehow and now he wouldn't be able to hide behind his apprenticeship anymore. If he messed up big time after today he was a gonner. He was sure riverclan would kick him out sooner or later. No doubt about it. But what could he do?. Nothing really.

Anxiously he would wait for his name to be called up while secretly hoping Smokestar would somehow forget about his ceremony today or maybe starclan could do something nice for him for once and make sky turn into gray clouds with lightning and thunder so no one would even hear Smokestars hoarse and roaring voice, or for the meeting to be called of because of the storm. Could it be a slim chance for it?. Perchpaw looked up to the sky and his eyes narrowed at the clear blue sky. Of course not...why would even starclan help him for?. He sigh in defeat knowing there was no way out.

Perchpaw could barely even listen during this meeting, Smokestars voice being nothing more then a blurry mess in his ears. Rogues, and something about kits to feed. That was pretty much it. His heart racing too much, and his intense frightening eyes staring at the spot he was going to be called up on to stand in front of the whole clan. Only once he had done so before when he had first become an apprentice and he rememberd that day all to well. It had been awful. He had vomited before his ceremony and afterwards. His father had scolded him big time afterwards he rememberd, calling him for a disgraceful daughter. Today his father wouldn't even be here to see him becoming a warrior. If he where here today he would have been shocked he was sure of it because he had never thought pathetic lil Perchpaw would make it. But he was also sure that afterwards his father would remind him how unworthy he was for the rank. You're just as worthless as a fish on land! He had told him once, words that had left a deep remining mark on him even months later. Because it was true. A riverclan warrior who couldn't even step a paw into the water...

Even if he knew what was coming he still jumped when his name got called up alongside Dipperpaw, and Perchpaw's eyes went wide. He almost stumbled himself up on his paws, anxious as he was started to move. His tail was being dragged behind him, ears having fallen flat on top of his head, and with his head hanging low and gaze fixed on the ground in front. Each and every step he took felt heavy like his paws had turned to stone. With a heart racing a million per second Perchpaw finally find himself to stand in front of his leader but all he could do was to stare down at his own leaders paws. He couldn't look up because he didn't dare to. His stomach didn't feel very well. Was he...going to vomit?. Oh dear starclan no...please spare him from such humilation right now...

If only he could sink into the ground and disappear to become one with the dirt, or sink at the bottom of the lake. Anything would have been fine if it meant he didn't have to stand up here now, not again. The worst day of his life getting relived and even if his father was no longer here could swear he still felt his presence here today to breath down at his neck. Just keep it together, don't, whatever you do dont puke!.

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THE HERMIT ─── The call above the winter cold snapped the focus that he held onto the horizon in half. A meeting. An uncomfortable shiver danced its way down his spine at the news that may be arising from their recent events. Life was nonstop, like the powerful river that churned around their home, and as exhausting as it may be, all one could do was try to keep up. His lips parted briefly to release a breath as if it would release the tension gnawing at him during this cold season as the lumbering warrior groggily rose to his paws and followed towards the area where the rest of his clanmates gathered. His constant unfazed expression seemed to be carved deeper, eyelids heavier with disdain as he decided to settle down next to Iciclefang. His torn ear twitched briefly in silent greeting as he sat back onto his haunches, thick jagged tail curling slowly around him in a futile attempt to guard himself from the cold.

He listened tentatively to the announcements that Smokestar decided to focus on, piercing tired gaze darkening with shadows of disdain at the mention of Windclan. Those insolent fools were pushing their luck, more than they tended to and he wondered how much more they would take. Rookfang's claws felt the itch to fight, to strike back to remind them that they were not all leaders with multiple lives. But the warrior knew it was not safe to demand such an immense amount of energy during their harshest moments of the year. The unease remained rooted within his heart, gnawing at the thought of them raiding during the veil of a moonless night and attacking them. He knew he would be up at such a time but how many would he be able to take down himself? The very thought of his brother Valepaw being taken away caused the gnawing to ignite, causing the tom's shoulders to briefly shiver ever so slightly. There was only so much he could lose before...he lost himself. A foggy look glazed itself over as he listened to the mention of rogues abandoning kittens, his protruding fangs sinking shallowly into his salmon-pink tongue at remembering finding Valepaw all alone with his vibrant imagination.

If his mother even dared to show her face again--Rookfang knew he would have to do what was stated. It didn't matter how much desperation he clung onto to feel some sense of fulfillment for motherly love. She had abandoned his younger brother in the very cursed area where that damned fox thrived in. He would never forgive her for her irresponsible and sickly sweet feign of innocence to her acts. It was like a snake made of honey and sugar, writhing with joy at being seen as nothing more than an angel until its fangs were exposed to tar. He would give up every ounce of himself for his siblings but he feared his mother would attempt further abandonments in the future. Were there ones he had never known of? He was beginning to slip, sinking into a yawning darkness of fears. It wasn't until the mention of Lichentail's and Hazecloud's children were well as the one who did not make it.

His mixed bicolored gaze flickered briefly towards the figure of the deputy, not wanting to place any more of a burning sensation of having to hear the loss of one of her children be spoken into the cold air, slipping away to rise to the stars where the child would be. He felt the thick weight of sympathy and pain for the couple, even if his relationship with Hazecloud was a mixed bag, he had seen how excited the two females had been to have a family together. His eyes closed gently and he bowed his head in a solemn promise to focus on ensuring that no more lives would be taken and that the youth and elderly made it through this season. He kept a mental note to focus on bringing in more, as much as he could, even if Riverclanners weren't so fond of aviary prey or anything not from the water, meat was meat and it was the best they could do. Yet, his attention was lured in once again as it spoke of the youth in a more positive light, the next generation. His velvety ears pricked and he listened intently to Eelkit becoming Eelpaw, causing a ghostly trace of a smile to twitch as he shouted out the name alongside the others before settling down, eager for the two youths that were soon to join their ranks if granted by Smokestar. There will always be a silver lining that threaded itself into his darkened mind and it was seeing the others grow as time passed. ​

Windclan was a no show and still warned to be a threat. As if she had never saw the end of that threat. A leader anew in Riverclan and Sootstar and her loyalists ruined a relationship once more. It sunk more trust. It sunk trust in each clan. Blinded by ego and self-importance. They ruined everything time and time again. They had spoken truth to her suspicions, failing to show faces in the gathering. Cowardice. They were always cowards in her eyes.

Another leafbare litter was set at their paws. Ones who were not birthed into clan. Irresponsibility of decisions came to show during this season. It showed one's character, the impatience and carelessness that settled within each. Leafbare showed true colors. Even one of her own mother's.

The reminder of trespassers wasn't needed for the molly. Strangers were something she had never been soft towards; hostility was written in her history. Never had she shown a smile to a strange being, only fangs of warning. She was willing to fight over a tail that rested upon their territory, all for the security of her clanmates. A frown plastered across her face, when would they ever get a break?

The litter of the deputy was birthed. All healthy except one. Her eyes closed shut in a slow blink, ears flicking as she processed the name. Snowflakekit. Fragility and Impermanence. A short-lived happiness turned into mourn as fast as a single flake melted. Her tail drew over her paws tightly in a long breath. It was hard to know how to feel about the situation.

Smokestar's command following it- she nodded swiftly to. There wouldn't be a single belly she'd let starve. Not this season. No matter what they meant to her, she'd hunt forever if her body allowed it. She was trying now.

Finally good news was spoken, the nursery had more room. One would reach beyond dependence and assist in the need to feed the weak and needy. It was more exciting to her during this time, and her voice lifted with more cheer than she had before, "Eelpaw, Eelpaw!"

Attention was then turned to those whom earned individual independence, ears pulling forward to listen to their vows. Acceptance to loyalty. Acceptance to die for the clan. She was certain they would accept.

WindClan not showing up to the gathering filled the young tom with worry. WindClan was getting out of control, he can't think of a single RiverClanner who might think differently. It was strange that even WindClan's deputy, who stood in for Sootstar at the previous gathering, wasn't present. Not a whiff of WindClan reached his nostrils that night, but instead of feeling relief of not having to deal with WindClan at the gathering, anxiety crept onto him. He worries that WindClan will one day burst into camp and attack, with the intention to claim more territory for themselves. We won't let that happen, He tries to tell himself mentally as their leader continues addressing him and his clanmates. He quickly shakes his head— focus!

He continues to listen to Smokestar's announcements, feeling his heart pang at the mention of Snowflakekit. It's devastating that one of the kits ultimately did not make it, he can't imagine what Hazecloud is going through. He gives a nod at the warning, even though it isn't necessarily for him.

His ears prick at Smokestar addresses Eelkit, the only kit being made into an apprentice today. Eelkit eagerly stands before their leader, excitement practically radiating off of her. He lightly smiles at the enthusiasm, she's been waiting so long for this day to come! He watches as Eelkit becomes Eelpaw, and only for a moment does he get to wonder who'll become her mentor. "Foxtail, you are a skilled hunter and tracker, one of our will be mentoring Eelpaw, it is my hope you will dutifully pass these skills down to her." He's nearly caught by surprise as Smokestar's gaze lands onto him, and his own name reaches his ears. Him, a mentor? The young warrior who dreads battle, and has a fear of water? That Foxtail?

As no other Foxtail padded forward, the chimera begins to pad over to Eelpaw— all eyes on him in the moment. He tries not to show nervous he is as he approaches the newly made apprentice, and attempts to touch noses with her. After a moment goes by, the young warrior pulls back, hoping his voice doesn't sound as nervous as his heart is. "I'm looking forward to teaching you," He says, hoping he won't let Smokestar down with his choice. He takes a step back into the crowd, his newly made apprentice following suit.

"Eelpaw! Eelpaw!" He cheers out his apprentice's name, before falling quiet as Smokestar asks for Perchpaw and Dipperpaw to step forward.

  • 75033912_uBzTCX0XrUZcKqi.gif

    credit to tieirlys for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to nopeita for the pixel <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    14 moons

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Reactions: halimede
Unusually late to the meeting, the charcoal-colored she-cat madly dashed into the clearing. Spotting the familiar matching pelt of her mentor in no time, she weaved through bodies and offered hushed apologies until she reached Rookfang's side. Praying the older cat wouldn't scold her for a lack of couth, she quickly sat and looked ahead. Ignoring the sweat now freezing to her locks after having hauled tail from the riverbank, she had missed the first portion of the meeting, and their golden gaze expressed visible confusion.

Then it fell into place at the mention of the abandoned kits leading into Hazelwish's recent litter. Bumblepaw believed that kits were always a good thing, clanborn or not. In times of hardship, more mouths were hard, but at least it guaranteed future warriors. Mention of prey roused her distant thoughts, and despite Smokestar's explicit warning, their stomach growled in response. If only I had caught that stupid fish, I wouldn't be in this mess. Huffing, she did her best to refocus as Eelkit's ceremony began.

The earlier disdain easily wiped from their muzzle and blooming into pride. Not too long ago, she herself had been awarded a great mentor and granted the freedoms of being an apprentice. She didn't doubt that the newly named Eelpaw could share in her enthusiasm. Joining the roaring chants, Bumblepaw eagerly cried out. "Eelpaw! Eelpaw!" Hearing her clanmates shout their approval to the skies always brought on a sense of awe, even if the situations were often short-lived.

Settling back down, their curious expression landed on the next set of cats. She could barely contain the joy in her system as the molly knew what was to come next. Bumblepaw loved Warrior ceremonies even more than Apprentice ceremonies, but her smile waned at Perchpaw's downtrodden body language. Strange... Tilting her feathery head to the side, she couldn't quite understand how any cat could be upset during their ceremony. Leaving the long-furred cat to ponder what on earth could have lead to such a display.
✧ ✧ (=˃ᆺ˂=) Call for meeting brought Bounceheart from a quiet chatter with another. Something she struggled with before, but found a strange comfort in now. It became easy - most cats, they learned, liked to be asked about their life. A strange concept for them, as someone who would often outright announce their strange experiences unwarranted. And here, she thought everyone felt they could say whatever if they really wanted to. No.

Clan-life was a whirlwind of formalities. This meeting being one. Smokestar on his perch, a dancing flame of black fur mottled with white splotches. She followed his tail with her eyes as he seated to bestow the news. Information most of them knew by witnessing or peaking their heads into a den now and then. Bounceheart was privy to popping into the apprentice den to harass them about nests (theirs or others) but catching the tail-end of some rumor. Those pesky trainees; sometimes they knew too much.
More WindClan patrols, he says. Be wary. She wonders who was not looking over their shoulders these days. All of them had been through so much the past several moons, nerves were high to the point that they could be distracted. Whether by food or worries it did not matter. Don't be wary, be vigilant. The tabby sits up a bit straighter then as though she has become aware of her relaxed posture. Still she watches the leader; blue eyes trail a swiveled ear or flex of scarred body. Mention of the deputy and her mate's kits brings her gaze to the scraggly thing that is Lichentail. Standing proudly below their leader with that same calm aura. Sullen but collected. Terrorized but fulfilled. They will be good to those kits, she muses. Hazecloud had more love to give than words at times. Lichentail was unwavering. As a pair, they were wise beyond their moons. Upbringing was not all to speak for a good warrior, but it was a better start than some had. Most had.

A quick search of the crowd and she found Eelkit. Watches them step up, and accept their promotion. A sole apprentice ceremony. Eelkit, without siblings to share apprenticeship with. Yet she was practically bouncing around with excitement. This was the most exciting thing to happen to the kit and they were there to share the moment with her.
"Eelpaw! Eelpaw!" Bounceheart chanted with her clanmates. Their form of congratulations was this chant. Silence fell among them as they awaited the warrior ceremonies. Pitiful Perchpaw and diligent Dipperpaw.

The long awaited day is finally here. She and Jaypaw had both been held back and for that she thanks the stars. It is a small mercy, one granted to her by the misfortune of her kins failings but still a mercy all the same. She is saddened, however, that he would be held back further, that they would not be taking this step forward in life together like they always had. She flashes him a look, apologetic but loving. Could he forgive her for moving on without him? She would have to ask later but she hopes he is happy for her, hopes her parents are proud despite the fact that she had been delayed. It was not her fault her first mentor had gotten ill, but she had paid the price for the moon of missed training anyways. Still, she cannot find it in herself to resent Lichentail for the decision.

She waits through the meeting for Eelpaw to be apprenticed, calls his name out with the rest of the clan. "Eelpaw! Eelpaw!" she chants, her voice just one of the many, like a single fish in a vast river. As quickly as it happens though it is over and suddenly Smokestar is calling her name. Dipperpaw he says and she cannot help but wonder what her new name would be. She cannot even fathom a guess.

When she steps forward, her gaze shifts and catches the eyes of her mentor, Lichentail. The look of pride on her face almost makes her tear up. Almost. "You look strong" she had said before the ceremony and Dipperpaw had never felt that was as true as it was in this moment before in her life. "If I am indeed strong it is thanks to you" she had said quietly, a gentle smile tugging at the corners of her usually expressionless lips, the same smile she mirrors now as she meets her mentors eyes, as she squares her shoulders and returns her attention to the leader perched above her, an "I do" already ready to slip past her lips when the time was right. For RiverClan she would pledge herself, her heart and soul. Everything and anything for her clan.

  • Crying
Reactions: lichenstar
Foxtail seemed pleased to have an apprentice and he felt significantly better at the pairing seeing this, Eelpaw would be in good paws. His attention drifts back to the two apprentices before him, their assessments complete and their mentors passing on their blessings though they had not had the easiest journey to reach this point. Both had overcome and were ready to finally join the warrior ranks.
"I, Smokestar leader of RiverClan, call upon our warrior ancestors to look down upon these two apprentices. They have overcome more trials than most, from yellowcough to the rogues, to their mentors being particularly stubborn cats." His fur prickles in amusement, turning to the bicolor tom with a cool glance.
"Perchpaw, you have trained dutifully under Wavepool who has passed onto you his stealth, patience and endurance. From this moment on you will be named Perchberry."
A quiet apprentice, the skills in stalking were something he expected but the determination was something new and worth commending as well. His single orange eye flits to the last cat present awaiting a ceremony; his deputy would soon be back to one apprentice and hopefully they would not need to double up mentoring any further. It was an exhausting affair.
"Dipperpaw, Lichentail has trained you well and it is my honor to name you a full fledge warrior of RiverClan. For your strength and loyalty, as powerful as a river frozen over, your name will be Dipperfrost."
He waits, allowing the cats gathered to cheer the names before flicking his tail dismissively, "Lichentail will be calling for patrols shortly, be prepared for your assignments for the day. If you are not on a border patrol I do not want to see an idle paw in camp until our nursery is fed. This meeting is over."

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.

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