Blazestar and Fireflypaw walk very different paths now. Though they both share a link to StarClan, both share the blood that once tied them close, the SkyClan leader's son has drifted into a strange and colorful world no other cat could comprehend. The Ragdoll had been proud and, admittedly, relieved when Dawnglare had chosen Fireflypaw to train to become a medicine cat. It would keep him out of the throes of battle. It would keep him, hopefully, from sharing his sister's fate.

But he's noticed Fireflypaw has lost so much of his sparkle. From birth, his eldest has been vivacious, outgoing, kind to outsiders and Clanmates alike. Blazestar hadn't missed the way his kit had reacted to Dandelionwish entering the Clan -- but at first, he had brushed it off. Fireflypaw spends more time now with Dawnglare than he does anyone, and Dawnglare has always been abrasive and noninclusive with whom he shows affection.

Blazestar, though, has not seen the brightness in his son's eyes in too long. Despite the disconnect between them now, he knows when one of his children is upset or divided, and he wants nothing more than to help them carry their burdens -- even if all he can do is listen.

I was not there for you when your sister died. I was not there for you when you lost your mother and your littermates. But I am here now. His eyes are soft, shaken pools of water as he seeks Fireflypaw out. Their pelts are the same shades of cream, with the same bulk, the same silkiness. Even if it does not make up for it, I'm here.

"Hey, Fireflypaw." An awkward beginning. Has he forgotten how to talk to his kits? They're so big now -- Fireflypaw and Howlpaw both, nearly eight moons, nearly fully grown. Has so much time passed him by? "You're not too busy, I hope? Want to join your old man for a walk? I could use a break from camp." He smiles, searching the seal point's prickle-scarred face for something he can't describe. Some darkness he hadn't known Fireflypaw had been carrying until recently.


A detachment to the world around him, so unlike his usual desperation to belong to the world he lives in. It haunts him, the words his brother spoke to him all those moons ago, traitor. He was no traitor. He was loyal to SkyClan and only SkyClan; his family meant everything to him, including Burnpaw and Moonpaw. He'd fully moved on from Morningpaw's death, but his younger siblings still blamed SkyClan for her death it seemed. Oh well, he'd sigh to himself, busying himself with organizing herbs into clumsy piles.

Hey, Fireflypaw. A voice calls, so familiar and comforting- like a soft cloud that beckoned him to rest. "Dad?" He calls out in return, turning to face the source of the sound- halting suddenly to tap his paw in tandem. One, two, three, four. Good. A step, then two- until he stands in front of his father with closed eyes and a light smile. The pep in his step is nearly gone, but he musters up his optimism just for his dad. Was it that noticeable? He thinks to himself, hesitant as he opens his eyes to meet his father's own. It was polite to look at someone when you spoke to them, wasn't it? His tail twitches, thoughtful.

"Too busy? Never, when it comes to yo~u." Fireflypaw chimes softly, sing-song tune falling short as he looks down at his paws. They were blurry, fading blacks and greys; hardly easy to see them. If he were around anyone else, he'd have let a frown make its way onto his face at that realization. His vision was nearly gone, and here he was pretending to be alright in front of his dad. He'd know, of course he would. He offers a walk, and a sigh of relief causes the seal point to sag onto his behind. Thankful. "Yeah, a walk sounds perfect. Can I... Um, hold your tail, or somethin'? Hard to see." He stutters his way through the question, already shaming himself for having to ask that. What was he, useless? He could journey through the trees if needed, couldn't he? But he's already ran into so many trees as is.....