pafp dont tell me cuz it hurts l :eyes:


Sep 11, 2022

Jaypaw has been hanging around his mentor long enough now to start getting a sort of vibe from Flamewhisker whenever she's around a certain tom. It's what his mom used to call "the eyes." She'd always say, "Oh yes, I knew your father was falling for me. He gave me the eyes!" Except when Jay would ask what exactly "the eyes" are, his mother would only throw back her head and laugh from deep in her chest. "You'll find out some day." Jaypaw always figured that the day would be when he'd find his own soulmate to eye but it's becoming clearer to him as the season fades that the eyes are a little more recognizable than he thought. Er, well, he thinks so... He doesn't want to make any assumptions, so he decides that the best way to understand if that's the case or not is just to ask. It seems logical to him. After all, Flamewhisker has always been patient with any question so far so he's not as nervous about it as he'd be to someone else Besides, what's the big deal if she does have feelings for him? Love is a good thing! He can't wait until he gets older and romantic thoughts are a sweet thing and not something weird and gross.

Jay's thoughts finally culminate into action when he spots his mentor walking off from the food pile and he's certain she was probably talking to the man in question. Yeah, no surprise there! Jay takes in a deep breath before letting an easy smile spread across his maw. In his mind, it's just a casual question after all. "Hey Flame! Uhm-" Well he should just come right out and say it he thinks, "Is Flycatcher your boyfriend?" He keeps that bright, clueless smile aimed up at her, clearly expecting a yes. He did see the eyes after all. It's no big deal.

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Flamewhisker I'll sleep when I'm dead

"I'm taking Jaypaw out later for some hunting lessons. After we get back, maybe we could go for a walk?" Just like Jaypaw had assumed, the red tabby was sitting near the blue tom. A half eaten pigeon lay at their paws, and a feather clung to her muzzle. She gazed at him, waiting to see if he wished to accompany her, but shortly after her words they were met by another face. The newly appointed lead warrior turned her attention to her apprentice, and offered him a smile as he joined them. Jaypaw's eyes were practically glowing, and he wore a friendly smile. She would tilt her head slightly, wondering what had the young tom in such a delightful mood. She was very unprepared for the happy question that left his maw.

Is Flycatcher your boyfriend?

Her eyes quickly widened, and she instinctively shot a glance towards Flycatcher, before quickly lowering it to her paws. Her and Flycatcher weren't in a relationship...were they? They had both admitted they had feelings for each other...but nothing had happened since. The red tabby shuffled her paws for a moment, before shaking out her pelt embarrassedly. Why was answering this so difficult? They weren't together...but she couldn't say she didn't wish to be. "Uh-" Her mouth felt dry, and her throat was tight. Where were her words? Oh stars...she looked like a feather brain right now!
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It was not uncommon to find Flamewhisker and Flycatcher together. Although talk of their own relationship had hit a bit of stalemate since they admitted feelings for each other, it seemed that it was a ripe topic of conversation for their clanmates. "Mhm, a walk sounds lovely," Flycatcher mewed in response to Flamewhisker's offer of a walk. "Hopefully Roepaw and I should be back by then so we can head out before it gets too dark." As they are talking, they are joined by Flamewhisker's bright-eyed apprentice. Flycatcher gives him a small smile of acknowledgement, pausing the conversation so that the mentor and apprentice could speak, and so that he could enjoy another bite of the pigeon they were sharing.

He's about to swallow a bite when Jaypaw blurts out a question asking if Flycatcher was Flamewhisker's boyfriend. "Wha-ACK!" Flycatcher couldn't even finish his shocked exclamation before he nearly choked on his food. It took a few coughs to right himself after which he looked nervously between Flamewhisker and Jaypaw. "Where did that come from, Jaypaw?" He asked, a nervous chuckle parting his lips.
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Flamewhisker was a great choice for their new lead warrior for many reasons: she was dependable, trustworthy, kind, considerate, energetic about her work and very skilled in what she did. It also made the absolute best case scenario to shove her and Flycatcher closer because StarClan knows those two needed a nudge more than a few times to get over themselves. He had not been that flaky with Rabbitnose, they had met, grown close and inevitably decided to stay together forever as mates without all of this back and forth and nonsensical shyness. Surely they had felt some kind of spark, some kind of indicator of 'ah yes, this is correct' that should be solving the problem? The spark was what he called it personally, the feeling of knowing you were with the right cat and the source of Sparkpaw's name as well.
"My, are you two still doing this?" The tabby dipped his head in a polite nod as he strolled forward, teeth visible in a grin and his focus more on the freshkill pile than any of them up until Jaypaw spoke, the kid had a good set of eyes and senses to him-he was going to be a wonderful warrior granted Flamewhisker didn't bury him for embarrassing her. Sunfreckle, however, had no such apprehension about teasing. He was bigger than her, he'd like to see her try and stuff him in a hole for his crimes.
"Nursery is almost empty you know~" He sang, voice rising up into a high falsetto as he ambled along past the lead warrior pair to the pile to grab himself something to share with Flickerkit.


Flamewhisker I'll sleep when I'm dead

Slight panic flashed in her eyes as she watched Flycatcher hack and cough. For a moment, she thought he was actually choking, and the thought made her if she wasn't light-headed enough already! It took a few coughs, but he finally settled down, and they were left again in the awkwardness that the simple question had left. She kneaded the ground anxiously, trying to avoid his gaze now. Flycatcher had asked Jaypaw where the question had come from...but what he hadn't said was no...or at least not yet. She rasped her tongue over his chest fur a few times, wishing she had wings to fly away.

As if the conversation couldn't get worse, a certain red tom happened to pass by. My, are you two still doing this? Flamewhisker puffed up her pelt, quite certain she was going to die of embarrassment. "I-I don't know what you're talking about!" she retorted, lifting her chin defiantly. Oh how she wanted to cuff him over the ears right now! However, Sunfreckle wasn't done with his teasing. He shot her a joke about the nursery, and the tabby let out a huff. Her tongue was tied. Had he saw her watching Flycatcher a few days ago playing with the kits? The same thought had crossed her mind already, but she was too stubborn to admit it. Instead of responding, she would turn her head and lash her tail.

If the situation was already awkward then it was made even worse by the arrival of Sunfreckle. Flycatcher liked the red tom well enough but goodness he knew how to playfully wind him and Flamewhisker up about their relationship. "Given how many kits just became apprentices I daresay the queens and other members of our clan would be glad to not have any little ones running around for a while," Flycatcher responded deftly. He tried to keep his tone level and calm but there was still a panicked expression in his eyes. Kits...where would he get an idea like that from? Flycatcher shook his head, attempting to shake the thoughts and the embarrassment away.